
Comfy bed and wolf pup???

After telling Zurie about the cult, she asked me how I'm going to take the 'blood reforming rose'. To be honest I don't really have a plan to get it and was hoping to come up with something tomorrow morning. But I can't seem stupid in front of this girl now can I?

"Simple create a distraction and get the Rose in the commotion."

"What distraction would you cause that would fool the vampires? She asks looking unconvinced.

"I need time to prepare it. I will do that tomorrow morning since the Rose will be brought out at night."

She nods.

"So where will you sleep?" She asks me after some silence.

Crap! I completely forgot that I don't have a place to live....

"Outside somewhere" I reluctantly reply. I did live in the forest for awhile and I used to have to sleep outside frequently in my early hero days. sigh... I still haven't managed to sleep on a bed in this new age.

"Are you that poor mister?"

This girl....

"Yes, earlier my money was taken from me"

Zurie stares at me as if contemplating something.

"ok. Here." She walks over to a draw and pulls out a key.

"This key is for room 5."

I was surprised that she would be this kind to a stranger. I happily take the key and thank her and walk out the door to find my room.

The room was the second floor which is above the reception area. I found the room and opened the door. The room was smaller then at the top floor and had a single bed at the corner. A small desk was next to the bed and a window showing the street. There was also a small round table and a single chair.

I lie on the bed. The bed embraces me in softness, surprising me greatly. This bed was comfortable and amazing! I didn't even want to get up from it! This bed was as good as what nobles would experience! No.. this might be what royalty would experience! Oh my god the development of this world went in the right direction.

God..I need money. After I finish this favor, I will most likely have to leave this room. The day that I have to part from this bed will be quite sad. If normal beds are this good then I wander what the higher class beds feel like.

I don't know if it was from exhaustion or the nice feeling of this bed but I blacked out.

Rays of light disturbed me; I open my eyes and cover them with my arm.

"aurghh" I slowly get up and rub my eyes. It seems to be morning, meaning I only have a few hours.

"Your awake mister" A soft voice rang out. I instinctively look in the direction of the voice and see Zurie!


"I also have a key to this room" She replies.

"How long were you staring at me?"

"That doesn't matter" She replies while giving a cheeky smile.

Not caring to learn I proceeded to say "Alright. I am going to go and take care of something, I will see you later."

She nods and I walk out the door; heading outside and into the forest I was at before since there isn't any point of me looking at shops, with no money.

This 'mission' is quite dangerous and I need a weapon or Armour or just something that can increase my chances of survival.

Though I have this ice power, I mainly use it to ice my hands to make it tough or freeze the floor to make others slip but I doubt either of those will help me out in the long run if I can only do these two things. I'm practically wasting my potential with the ice element.

I sat down thinking on what to do with my element as I don't have any spells nor martial arts that use the ice element.

While traveling in the forest I learnt that its hard to shape my ice into weapons without a foundation or model. From what I know ice and water work hand in hand together and most of the time people who have the attribute of ice would still be able to learn water at a good pace. This resulted in those who had affinity for ice or water to be valued since technically they can naturally use two elements. But that came with backlash to those few who were only able to use just ice or just water since individually they are weak compared to the other elements.

What am I gonna do..On my status screen it says I only have the ice element!

'Show me ice techniques or spell' I thought.

[Searching ring for ice techniques...]

[You do not meet the requirements. Lowest level requirement is level 40]

Damn..so only at level 40 I can finally learn some proper ice magic?

'Show me a magic that I can learn!' I thought.

[searching ring for request..]

I just did that without expecting anything since non elemental magic weren't great.

[Error,Error,Error. You meet requirement but do not. Error Error]

This message popped up and then a bunch of 'error' messages began flooding my eyes!


The error messages stopped to this message.

Did I brake it?

[Solution to reason of anomaly detected.]

[User's true energy is sealed.]

[User using outside powers]

[Attempting to find solution to break seal]

Popped up in front of my eyes. True energy? Outside powers? I knew my powers were sealed but I thought it weakened from age and thus allowing me to still do stuff. Seems like that's not the case.

[Some solutions have been found.]

[First user could acquire 6 other elements of the best quality affinity before rest of instructions are shown]

[Another different method is user could find the origin of seal and ask to release seal]

[User could find someone as strong to break seal]

[User could manually open points of seal to weaken it however difficulty is extremely hard]

How the hell am I gonna gain other elements? I don't even know how I got this ice element, furthermore of the best quality? You must be joking, that type is only available for heroes! ! The first solution is impossible for me and the second and third wouldn't work since how can I find that god that caused this? And I don't know if finding someone as strong as a god who would break the seal for me is possible!

My only way is the last method but how do I do find the seal?

[ You go deep in your inner self to find it]

Wow..a little vague?

I will have to try that later on.

"Grrrr" Lost in my own thought, a small wolf pup starts growling at me.

This pup fur was pure white like snow with sapphire eyes looking at me with caution. However its nice white fur is ruined by the dirt on it.

Lets see how strong you are.

[level 5]

Wow he isn't even counted as a magical beast and it dares to growl at me? Though this wolf looks way grander then the previous wolves I found.

"You really want to attack me?" I ask this wolf.

"Grrrr" It starts to growl louder.

Though it growls it won't move from his spot.

i began to wander what I should do with this pup but then 3 muscular built man came behind it which lead the wolf to run past me. However it couldn't get away as another 3 man were in front of it and the sides also had man. A total of 12 people surrounded the wolf which also meant surrounding me, who was just sitting down. The pup,with no escape route, ran towards me and looked at me with some pleading eyes. The men were around level 25 to 28 and tried to approach closer but stopped when I released my frosty aura. They now know who is stronger.

"Friend, we don't mean to disturb you. Our little pup got lost and we came to get him back" One of the man said.

"Really? Then why did it run away when it saw you and went to me?"

"Its a young pup and doesn't know better. It doesn't fully understand that we take care of it" The man replies with a chuckle.

Yea right...

"Mind grabbing that pup and handing him to us?"

I look back at that pup who is surprisingly not shivering considering he is right next to me while I am showing my aura. The pup continued to look at me, pleading for my help.

"First you growl at me and now you expect my help?" I say to the pup.

I glance at man and they seem to be getting restless.

"Please friend, I am sure the pup would love to see his family" The man once again talked.

I spread my aura, leading to the ground around me to be frosty but the men's feet began to freeze in ice. They know can't move there legs.

"F-F-Friend what are you doing!" The man asks in panic.

"Shut up. You piss me off. Who allowed you to call me friend? I would have let you take him but you annoyed me with your constant yapping and how fake you are to me. Should have just told me the truth"

The men desperately try to move with no avail. I walk up to the talkative guy and freeze my right hand; I punched his face which exploded within impact. The other 11 started to panic and got out there machete's to try and defend.

I walked up to the next who swung his machete at me but it shattered, in contact with my frozen hand and then I punched his face which exploded. Now they began to really panic and began to pull themselves out with greater force.

I kept walking to the next one and like the previous one there machete shattered and head exploded. I kept repeating the process until I got to the 12th and final man, who practically was pissing his pants and shaking in pure fear of me. The little pup seemed to have been watching in amazement.

"p-p-p-please spare me!" The guy pleads with his life and in tears.

"ok." I reply.

His face brightened up.

"T-T-Thank y-"

Before he finished his sentence his head exploded. As if I am kind enough to spare him. Maybe if it was 1500 years ago then he would have had a chance.

I search the men but they had nothing valuable. Not even daggers or money! Why are they not carrying money!

Does the world not want me to have a piece of gold?

The pup walked up to me and nuzzled his cheek on my leg as a gratitude of thanks. Least this pup has manners.

I look at the pup and instinctively stroke its head. It reminded me of a dog I used to know when it did that.

"Alright pup, unlike them, I will let you off from death. Go away now."

After I said that, I proceeded to shew off the wolf. It looked at me with some puppy eyes but they had no affect on me.

"Go before I change my mind." I say to the wolf.

Eventually the little pup walks away with its tail down. Seeing that ached my heart a little.

Been at Spain for my holiday so I couldn't upload a chapter and will be going to a activity event thing that will last 3 weeks so I don't how much I will be able to upload.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter :)

Ultracreators' thoughts
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