
Visiting Yafa Esari (Part-2)

Zeus along with his teammates made his way to the Cathedral upon their arrival they were escorted to a room, where Cardinal Boudier was already waiting for them.

Boudier: "Welcome children I think it is time for your adventure, here take this.", he threw a pouch towards them as he spoke, "Give this to a nun who will be waiting for you on the other side.", Tarasque caught the pouch as she promptly put it inside her inventory.

Boudier: "Good Luck and God Speed Children."

With that they stepped on top of a circle, which suddenly glowed and before long they found themselves standing inside a room with a couple of guards and a nun standing near them.

The nun spoke in anger filled voice, "Who are you all? And how did use the special 'Teleporter' of the church?"

Zeus: "Sister, we are from Renaissance city and Cardinal Boudier gave us permission to use the 'Teleporter'."

The nun huffed as she spoke, "A likely story."

Tarasque: "Cardinal Boudier told me to give this pouch to a person affiliated with the church when we arrive here.", with that she took out the pouch which she handed it to the nun, who opened it promptly as she took out a letter from it after opening it she read it and then once again put it back inside the pouch as she spoke with a smile, "Well you are free to leave when have accomplished your task make sure to return here and ask for 'Sister Viviane', in order to use the portal, now leave."

The trio was soon escorted out of the place well in others words they were kicked out of the place, Zeus sighed as he spoke, "Wow just wow the church really is filled with very sociable and charming people."

Azi sighed as she spoke, "Well let them be like that we have a quest to complete."

Zeus sighed at that as he spoke, "Yes yes let us get over it."

Tarasque giggled at them drawing attention towards her as Azi spoke, "Why are you laughing Tarasque?"

Tarasque: "My apologies ma'am, but you two are sighing too much that the team should be renamed as 'Sighing Trio'."

Zeus groaned at that as Azi simply shook her head before she spoke, "So cousin what is the plan cousin?"

Zeus hummed in thought as he spoke, "Well firstly we will be joining the travelling caravan it will be safer than travelling alone, with all those bandits and creatures it would be difficult."

Azi: "I second that, well then let us try to find any caravan that is willing to hire us."

Tarasque: "Well then the one who finds anything related to it try to message us."

Zeus nodded at that as the trio left to find any information regarding any caravan leaving the place.

Zeus looked at the 'City of Khojila', also known as the 'Jewel of the Desert', created around the largest Oasis of the desert, it was a spectacular city in front of him, the people here wore a different types of cloth to protect them from the heat and all, Zeus looked up as squinted his eyes as he let out a huff, 'tch the heat and the sun is killing me, it was good of Azi to create this clothes I am wearing or else it would have been disastrous, but more importantly where is any caravan to the other Oasis.'

It had been hours since they began searching until Tarasque stumbled upon someone, "Excuse me Sir, can you tell me any caravan to the next Oasis?"

The man looked at her as Tarasque sighed, 'Well another who would simply shoo me away without replying to me, just great.' as she was about to leave the man spoke, "You are not from here are?"

Tarasque: "Well no sir I am not."

The man simply shook his head as he spoke, "Well then sorry to say this but any Caravan you could have used is gone already in fact the last one left day before yesterday, the next caravan will be leaving sometime next month."

Tarasque was thunderstruck at that as she spoke, "But then is there any way to reach the next Oasis?"

The man shrugged as he spoke, "Well you can try crossing it on your own."

Tarasque frowned as she spoke, "Thank you kind sir."

The person nodded as he spoke, "Well although it is no problem of mine but I suggest you postpone your idea of catching up to that caravan, the owner is not only greedy but this time he might die as well."

Tarasque looked confused at that as she spoke, "Why is he going to die Sir?"

The man simply pointed towards the horizon through the window of his shop as he spoke, "Look over there, what do you see?"

Tarasque squinted her eyes as she spoke, "It looks like a wall", she spoke in an unsure tone as the man nodded as he replied, "Well you can call it a wall, wall of sand formed by a rapidly approaching sandstorm that will hit the city by midnight and anyone who ventures into it would die without exception."

Tarasque eyes widen at that as she spoke, "Is it common over here?"

The man nodded as he spoke, "Yes every year during this time the sandstorm comes, and to make it worse no one knows how long it would last as such I advise you to find shelter before the storm hits or else you would perish."

Tarasque bowed as she spoke, "Thank You with that she left the shop running as fast as she could."

Zeus gritted his teeth as he send message to his teammates who reached him soon after.

Zeus: "Have you heard about the thrice damned sandstorm?"

Azi grunted as she spoke, "Yes yes I have now I believe our priority should be finding shelter."

Zeus: "Yup, let us find a place, with the storm fast approaching I do not think we would be able to get any quest done to get a free place to stay like in Renaissance City, we have to search for hotel."

Tarasque sighed hard as she looked at her teammates they had the cat got canary grin on their face, she did not have to wait as she put two and two and got four causing her to grown hard as she send the giggling duo a halfhearted glare.

A few hours later Zeus stood in front of a hotel as he spoke, "Well it is fine, I will pay you a bit more for letting 3 people stay inside a single person room, is it fine if I pay 10Bronze coins instead of 5"

The person stood still as he contemplated the entire situation as he spoke, "Ok deal."

A few more minutes later both Tarasque and Azi joined him at the hotel, as they entered the room the duo glared at Zeus who shrunk from the glare, "Hey it was the best option I could get at such a cheap price and it is not like we are going to stay here for too long."

The room which they stood inside ended just as it began, with the windows not only small but was currently bolted in order to prevent the sand from entering and the bed for a single person was fit for a child, Zeus shrugged as he spoke, "Well this is the cheapest room available after all, most places were either sold out or are simply demanding sky high prices."

Azi huffed at that as she spoke, "The light in the room should be brighter, meh oh well beggars can't be choosers."

With that the group simply huddled inside the room as they waited for the storm to hit the city of Khojila.

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