
First Quest (Part-2)

As Zeus separated from Jon he looked at the map on his hand.

Zeus: 'Observe'

Name: Renaissance City Map

Tier: Common

Durability: 5/5

Description: A crudely drawn 'Ordinary map' of Renaissance City which has been modified by City Guard Jon and upgraded to 'Common Tier' for better help. At least now you will not get lost.

As soon as he finished using observe on the item an option appeared on his 'HUD',

[Integrate city map to Map system]

[YES / No]

He quickly selected the option as the map in his hand turned into light and entered him, as another massage appeared in front of him.

[You have successfully integrated the Map into the Map System.

Local Regional Map unlocked un-locked.

Consult Menu for further Map related objects.]

Zeus: 'Menu'

As he opened the menu he saw a couple of help options turned off which included his Health bar, Mana bar and Stamina bar as well as the mini map, which he quickly turned on.

AS he closed the menu he smiled as he saw the 3 essential bars proudly on display on the upper left corner with his level 1 in a square box, and on the lower right was the mini-map displayed.

Zeus: 'Map'

As a holographic map of the entire city was displayed in front of him he quickly placed a way point on the Public Library before closing it.

'There seems to be 3 different libraries but currently I will be allowed to enter library in the slums, others will not allow me enter because of my low social status.'

"Excuse me brother.", a voice from his side interrupted him as he turned to see a golden haired, mocha colored skin, and red eyed man interrupted him.

Zeus: "Yes how may I help you?", while discreetly using 'observe' on him .

Name: TopNIggah

HP: 250/250

MP: 250/250

STA: 250/250

The man spoke with a smile, "Brother may I ask what you were doing in that public office."

Seeing no harm in telling him as he spoke, "That office there can be used to remove your 'Vagrant' status for a fee of 1 Bronze coin, the 'Vagrant' status negatively affects not only your charisma but also causes the City people to dislike you, I would advise you to get rid of it as soon as possible or else it might interfere with your quest."

The man frowned at that as he spoke, "That is troubling but this bronze coin is it the 'B' one showing in the money column?"

Zeus: "Yep 'B' for bronze, 'C' for copper and 'T' for tin, with tin being the lowest, then copper, then bronze, oh before I forget they will give you a form the letters of which are completely gibberish as such get some NPC to help you out to fill it."

The man looked alarmed at that as he spoke in disbelief, "Really!?"

Zeus smirked as he spoke, "Yup after all we are 'Illiterate', when it comes to the languages of Isera.", while drawing quotation marks with his fingers in the air trying to emphasis on it.

The man smirked at that as he spoke, "Well I will be off then, and spend one of the Bronze coin from my pile of 2."

As the man was about to leave Zeus suddenly spoke, "Oh and the receptionist is kind of bitch so have fun."

The man without turning back just kept on moving as he raised his hand to wave back to him.

As Zeus was about to leave he was stopped by a woman with blue hair and purple skin, "Excuse me, how do you get read of the 'Illiterate' status.", Zeus once again used observe on another person.

Name: CoolBeauty

HP: 250/250

MP: 250/250

STA: 250/250

Zeus shrugged as he spoke, "I was told to find the library which I will try to do now."

The woman nodded as she left, along with a bunch of people, he was sure by the end of the day a huge queue of people trying to upgrade their social status will be formed in front of the City Hall.

Following the way point marked on the mini map he decided to run towards the Library, 'hmm maybe I should parkour my way to the library, and there is a chance I might be able to gain the skill.'

As such he ran using parkour the entire way towards the Library and after 30 minutes a worn out building was in sight near the slum area of the city.

Zeus stopped with a grown as he thought, 'oy oy what is this ma I panting as from running the entire way, I a real life person panting inside a game, a GAME!!!!!!!!!!, wow just wow I am speechless I just hope I do not develop schizophrenia from all this.'

He approached a dusty badly maintained library and a greasy old man with nasally voice spoke, "What do you want kid, if you want to learn something you may enter otherwise scram."

Zeus: "Sir, I am illiterate as such I wish to learn to read and write, with the help of library."

The man snorted as he spoke, "An illiterate serf I see, 1 Bronze coin for membership for 6 months."

Zeus sighed as he forked out the necessary amount as he thought, 'Bandits, all of them are plain and simple bandits nothing more nothing less.'

The Librarian, "I would suggest you try to learn Inglish before you try to learn the others. It is the most common language known by almost everyone, but still each race has their own like us humans have Icun, and if you wish to learn the language of other races, well you are out of luck only the library for the Nobles has those. Oh before I forget serfs are allowed only on the first floor and if you wish to access the higher floors get a higher social status."

Zeus: "Sir, Can you recommend any books to me and where can I get some utensils for writing."

The librarian: "The books on the 10th aisle to your left start from the one at the bottom of the shelf at the very end, and you may not take any books with you and I could sell you some for 50 copper coins you get 8 quires of paper and a pencil.", with that he went on with his work.

Zeus simply went and took out a old worn out book as he cracked it opened as he deadpanned at what he saw, a children's picture book and is that English. He sighed as he gathered the necessary things and went on a hunt for table and chair most of them were so dirty he would not want to put his shoes on let alone sit on it.

4 hours later he had already mastered the Inglish language and was already finished learning to read and write, but he was only 25% done with the Icun which seemed like strange mixture of Latin, German, Greek and English.

He was done for the day as such he bade the librarian goodbye who simply ignored him as he stepped outside at first thought of checking out his stats only to change his mind, 'Maybe later on I have spend so much time inside the library reading and writing I am bound to get some cool boost if those chiming of notifications were any indications now I have to find a place to train, now where was the dojo again.'

As he neared the dojo he grimaced as he heard a few people cursing and shouting only to be thrown out as he neared the dojo he was greeted by a gruff looking many seating on a stool with a table and a small box on it and a banner behind him which proudly displayed 1Bronze and 50 Copper for 6 months.

Zeus grimaced, 'Nope comparing them to bandits is like comparing a poodle to a T-Rex, even bandits are more honorable than them.'

Zeus sighed as he stepped forward as he spoke, "Is there any social hierarchy to use the Dojo?"

The man nodded as he spoke, "Serf."

Zeus sighed as he produced 2 bronze coins in his hand as he spoke, "I have 2 bronze coins I hope you have change."

The man nodded as he extended his left hand on which Zeus placed the 2 coins as he gave him the 50 copper coins as change.

As soon as Zeus entered he was hit by full force by heavy sweating smell causing him to gag, it smelled like a gym changing room which has never been cleaned since the day it was opened. 'ugh who is the cleaner he/she should be literally kicked out of the establishment.'

"Ah welcome to the 'Fitness Express Dojo', and congratulations for being a member.", a fat person spoke in monotone and from the looks of it he would like to be anywhere but here, "So do you need any help with workout or you can take care of yourself?"

Zeus: "No I do not need any help but you can have this place cleaned up a bit it smells like a pigsty."

The man simply snorted as he wobbled towards the office room as he spoke, "If you want more than go to the other gyms dirty serf."

Zeus's eyes twitched at that he sighed there is nothing else he could do except use menu and to switch off his sense of smell oh well whatever.

Zeus got to one side and began his warm up stretches before he hit the bench press, followed by squats, pushups, normally he spends at least a couple of hours inside the gym at his house but even a couple of hours was being difficult to deal with here, which he chalked out to because of stats.

He finished his workout with great difficulty, at the end of it is getting difficult for him to even breathe properly, 'I hate how much weak I have become I should try meditating a bit.'

He grimaced as he saw his stamina bar was low at 2/250.

As such he meditated for almost an hour before he stood up and stretched, as him resting and meditating had made sure his stamina had recovered fully before he hit the practice arena, 'This will not do, the regeneration rate is too poor I had to wait for it to refill everytime, and guzzling down on potion is not worth it, I have to learn to make the potions if I have to survive not to mention I have to learn to cook or at least find a method to earn money for it, a single coarse bread costs around 1copper20tin.'

Zeus in real life had received in various martial arts, he may not be the absolute best but he was no slouch either, and after couple of hours punching the wooden training dummy he was completely spend and his stamina was low again.

When he left the Dojo according to his in game watch it was already 5p.m., 'ah what to do now.'

Without anything left to do he began loitering around the slum, while waiting for his stamina to regenerate. '

It was already at around 6 p.m. and his stamina had recovered fully by then when he came across an old woman, near a bit of outskirts of the slum area, the woman was sitting while looking helplessly towards the gate.

Zeus: "Is something wrong lady?"

The old woman just looked at him as she spoke mournfully, "Nothing lad my old age catching up that is all."

Zeus: "Is there any way I could help you lady?"

The lady: "Oh and what would you want from providing me with your help."

Zeus shrugged as he spoke, "Well I am new to this city, and would wish to sleep with something above my head as such a long as you could point me towards something like that I would consider it even."

The woman sighed as she spoke, "I can help you with that but provided you bring me some 100 Red blister mushrooms and 100 Sunshine flowers can you do that."

Zeus: "Can you show me what they look like."

The woman nodded as she produced a red blister mushroom and sunshine flower, Zeus took it as he examined it while using 'observe' on them.

Name: Red Blister Mushroom

Tier: Common

Description: One of the ingredients to make basic healing potion, can be used directly to gain +30 heath but leaves bad breath status for 30 minutes causing CHA -5% for 30 minutes.

Name: Sunshine Flower

Tier: Common

Description: One of the ingredients for many potions is used mostly as stabilizing agent, purifying agent in potions.

Zeus nodded as he spoke, "No problem it will be done."

The woman smiled as she spoke, the gate over there is the east gate of the city leave through it, then travel a little about 900 meters straight and you will fight yourself in front of a forest, where you will find the mushrooms and in between them is a grass field, where you can find the 'Sunshine flower', well its petals will be closed since it is already in the evening and soon it will be night fall, oh remember to search for mushrooms first the wolves will be present there, and in the grass land there is only single horned rabbits present which are relatively harmless than the wolves. Oh and call me Granny Zoe."


[Quest Alert]

Main Quest: Gather 100 Red Blistering mushrooms and 100 Sunshine Flowers for Granny Zoe

Main Quest Reward: 200EXP, A place to Sleep, ?????

Failure: 0EXP, Sleep outside items may get stolen.

Zeus nodded as he made his way towards the gate before he stopped, 'I should probably check my Stats before stepping outside who knows what I might encounter if I know my stats I might help me a lot.'


Name: Zeus

Level: 1 Next level: 0/100


Job: None

Race: Deva (Un-awakened)

Status: Serf

Alignment: Neutral

Health (HP):1875 (Regen: 41.25/min)

Mana (MP):1750 (Regen: 33/min)

Stamina (STA):1875

Strength (STR): 75

Vitality (VIT): 75(Regen: 37.5/min)

Endurance (END): 75

Dexterity (DEX):72.5

Intelligence (INT):70

Wisdom (WIS):70

Luck (LUK): 42.9

Charisma (CHA): 26.4

Physical Attack: 75

Magical Attack: 70

Physical Defense: 75

Magical Defense: 70

Money: 2B 65C 600T

Perks: N/A

Buffs: N/A

Flaws/De-buffs: N/A

Stat Points: 10


Then he quickly checked his skills.

Active: N/A


[Martial Arts] [Level 5, 20/1500 EXP]

Hand to hand combat is your forte, the feel of crushing your enemy by your bare hands.

Provides +25% Dex, STR, VIT and END

[Meditation] [Level 2, 200/300 EXP]

An ancient method of relaxation, which enables one to clear his/her mind from various shenanigans of daily life enabling one to achieving peace and calm. Provides +10 WIS & +10 INT and it also provides about +10% increase in regeneration of a person in Health, Mana and Stamina Stats, irrelevant whether the person is inside or outside of battle.

[Parkour] [Level 4, 20/1000 EXP]

Move like an animal with incredible feats of agility

Provides +20% DEX

[Silver Tongue] [Level 1, 00.00/100 EXP]

This skill allows success in haggling, negotiations and diplomacy by +1%, chances of successfully lying to another within 1 level above you increases by 5% additionally it provided +4 in LUK and CHA.


[Observe] [Level 4, 20.00/1000 EXP]

This skill provides the basic information on people, animal and objects that is this skill is directed upon. The higher the skill is the more information is gathered. Currently this can be used successfully on person/objects/animals 9 levels above.

Cost: 10 MP/Use.


He then jogged out of the gate then he was greeted with sights of men and women butchering rabbits like mad men and women, all those poor rabbits. A couple of fights had broken amongst players.

'Damn, it seems people are trying to earn as much as possible so as to increase their class so that they might be able to get some quest.'

"You over there halt.", a gruff voice Zeus stopped causing him to turn around as he was approached by a Guard.

City Guard: "Where are you going?"

Zeus: "Granny Zoe asked me to gather 100 Red Blistering Mushrooms and 100 Sunshine Flower."

City Guard: "It is almost 6:30 at the evening, the gate will close from around that time, and no vagrant will be allowed to enter but are you a serf."

Zeus: "Yes Sir I am, Why?"

City Guard: "Well you may enter whenever you wish but be careful the wolves are a bit restless as of late."

Zeus nodded he avoided the crowd of mad men and woman as he made his way to the forest.

As he stepped into the forest he changed his gears into Armor Shits, Trousers, Gloves and Boots as well as equipped his Sword Staff.

An hour later it was dark and Zeus had just finished picking the last mushroom, 'Lucky such high luck stat of mine is really helping me out a lot in these situations."

He was almost at the edge of the forest when felt a small crunch he gripped his weapon hard, he knew that his sword staff along with his attack provides almost 95damage to the opponent.

His body tensed as he turned around his eyes widen as he was greeted with a sight of a big wolf almost twice as big as normal wolves lunging towards him.

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