
Chapter 12

I grabbed the wolf's jaws to keep them from clamping onto me. He thrashed in my grip. I would not hurt him, I'd never hurt him, he reminded me too much of Eclipse. I used one hand to hold his jaws shut and I used the other to run up his head to find the headset in the now pitch black room. It had to be the reason he was attacking me. He continued to thrash. In one quick motion Eclipse got out of my grip and latched onto my collarbone. I screamed out in immense pain. I switched from looking for the headset to using both of my hands to try to push him off of me. He started thrashing, throwing me around like a ragdoll.

"Stop, I don't want to hurt you," I cried. I cried because of the pain. I cried because I knew I only had one way out of this situation.

My cries were deafened by the loud growls coming from the wolf.

"Please stop," I cried louder.

He used his snout and shoved me into the concrete floor. He started to do it repeatedly, causing the wind to repeatedly get knocked out of me. It didn't take long for him to change his focus, grab ahold of my calf and started thrashing again.

A growl came from behind me, I turned my head to see a muscular black wolf behind me. He wore the same white cross around his neck and had the same golden dusted eyes that the other one had. That one was Eclipse, my Eclipse from my timeline.

Eclipse wasted no time launching himself at the other wolf, knocking him off of me and onto it's back.

"If only the lights turn on," I sighed as I inched my way back to the doorway. The lights turned on.

"They're voice activated?" I yelled in anger and surprise. Of course they're voice activated, I'm in the future.

At the moment that the lights turned on the wolf stopped fighting.

"Eclipse foos," I ordered and Eclipse came running to my side.

I limped over to the wolf and tried to take the headset off. It wouldn't budge whatsoever.

"Carla!" Nathan yelled from behind me. Eclipse went full protection mode and let out a loud snarl at Nathan. He didnt recognize the older versions of my friends.

I turned to Eclipse and patted him on the head to calm him down.

"What are you doing Carla?" Nathan asked dramatically.

"I came in here to borrow a monitor for a few minutes and this wolf attacked me," I explained.

"Your wolf," Nathan explained, "That's your wolf. We made a robot wolf for you after Eclipse died. You never used it so we turned it into the guard for Headquarters."

Eclipse looked up at me longingly. I felt the same pain he did from that statement.

I looked back up at Nathan who seemed angry and had his arms crossed, "Your daughter wants to speak to you."

"The one that disappeared?" I asked.

"No, the seventeen year old," Nathan explained, "After you're done talking I want you to leave. I wish you luck on your journey back home but we're not helping because we won't be responsible for messing up the timeline."

I nodded, "Understandable."

He took a step to the right and the blonde haired girl who was sitting beside Sage earlier walked in. She was my daughter and I didn't even know. She instantly ran to me and hugged me, tears were running down her face.

"Please don't leave again," she mumbled into my hair as she squeezed me tighter, "I missed you."

"I have to go," I managed to say. She took a step away from me and looked at me. She was about my height, blonde hair that went down to her bellybutton, chaos filled ocean eyes that were blue but almost green. Her body screamed warrior.

"Trust me honey," I assured her, "I'm going to find myself in this timeline and bring her back, I promise."

She nodded, "I know you don't know me yet, but I'm Renesmay. You adopted me shortly after Charlotte turned three. Henry isn't all that smart but he's stronger than he looks mama. I believe in you."

"Thank you Renesmay, I'll promise I'll bring your sister and mother back," I assured her once more.

"I believe you," she answered with a nod. She hugged me once more and then walked away. She stopped at the doorway and looked back at me. "Bye."

I waved goodbye as she walked out the door. I could feel the power emitting off that teenager, she was definitely a strong one. I smiled at the thought of how fortunate future us are going to be with her on our team.

Nathan showed mr out even though I already knew the way he walked me and Eclipse to the treeline.

"Stay away from here. I say that in the most loving way Carla. You don't need to mess up the timeline anymore than it already is," Nathan explained.

I nodded, "I know Nathan, I'll bring Charlotte and Carla back. But I have one question before I leave."

"What's your question?"

"What happened to Carla?"

"It's highly suspected that Carter killed her and then ran off so we wouldn't find out. They were arguing and they both disappeared three years ago," Nathan explained.

"One other question," I said.


"Was Cleo shot on the island?" I asked.

"What kind of question is that?" Nathan confusedly asked.

"Answer it please."

"Oh course Cleo wasn't shot on the island, you saw her at the table didn't you?" Nathan exclaimed.

"Who's Valerie?" I asked.

"She controls San Diego. She's pretty peaceful," Nathan explained.

"And the Commander? How did you get off the island?" I asked.

"She let us go."

"Did I burn down a city?" I asked.


"Can I shapeshift into a lion?"


"Are you and Hannah married?"


"Nathan what superpower do you have?" I asked.

He took his arm off and showed me, "Detachable limbs."

"What power do I have?" I asked.

"Super strength."

I sighed and then smiled, "Thank you Nathan, if you see Henry tell him I'd like to speak with him. Its important."

"What's with the weird questions?" Nathan asked.

"Oh nothing, just Henry changed the entire past since I was made in the government lab so now I need to speak with my future adopted son."

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