
Chapter 7

Still crying, I frustratedly slammed myself onto my knees. I wanted to scream, I wanted to roll into a ball and cry. I wanted to run off. I wanted to turn back time.

Turn back time.

I looked wide eyed at Eclipse who tilted his head at my expression.

"Thats it," I whispered.

I trudged back to the house, opened the door, and slammed it shut behind me. The sound had attracted everyones heads to turn towards me.

"Listen up," I pronounced myself. Everyone looked at me like I had four heads. My voice shook slightly but not enough for anyone else to realize. I wasn't used to carrying myself like this.

"Carla I-" Carter started.

"No," I interrupted, "I did not slam the door and say Carter I wanna hear your apology, I said Listen up. I don't want anything other than that okay."

Everyone nodded. My voice shook slightly worse now. I definitely didn't like being like this.

"I'm calling a meeting, now," I declared. My voice shook my bones, I knew it did the same to them.

I tried to walk through the crowd of my friends that had gathered but Carter grabbed my arm.

"Did I-"

"I don't care Carla," Carter interrupted, "I'm sorry I snapped at you. I was frustrated and acted in my flesh instead of thinking before I spoke."

I took a deep breath, I couldn't stay upset with him for very long. "It's okay Carter," I answered with a nod and a smile.

He smiled back.

I walked past everyone and down to the council house.

I opened the doors and left them open behind me. Eclipse walked closely beside me, he was still on lookout. Everyone else followed behind me.

I got to the council room and got in my seat. I rested my forearms on the table edge and leaned in. I was focused for the first time in days.

"What's up with the midnight meeting?" Nathan groaned as he walked through the door. He was rubbing his eyes.

"Please sit, I'll explain everything," I responded quickly.

My sharp and demanding voice had caught everyones attention and they quickly took their seats.

"Seriously Carla this is stupid, couldn't this have waited until morning?" Madelyn complained.

"Would I have called a midnight meeting if it wasn't serious," I sternly asked rhetorically.

"I swear if this is about those stupid nightmares then I'm going back to bed," Ryder groaned.

"Would you shut your mouth and let her explain why she called us out here in the middle of the night," Liam snapped.

"Yeah seriously guys," Kathy added.

"Thank you," I said as I gestured to Liam and Kathy.

"I think the guy who's been giving me nightmares-" I started.

"Ugh," Ryder groaned as he stood up and started walking away from the table.

"Excuse me," I sternly growled as I stood up and cut him off, "Sit back down this is serious."

"Carla I'm not going to waste my time to sleep theorizing why you're not sleeping," Ryder complained, "Deal with your problems yourself, don't drag everyone else into it."

He tried to push past but I grabbed his shoulder and forced him back in the room, "Sit. Back. Down." My voice came out mean and menacing, not a voice I've used in at least six months.

"Come on Carla, are we gonna go around like this again?" Ryder sighed.

Carter stood up from his seat. I gestured for him to sit down but he didn't listen. I could handle Ryder's attitude.

"I'd rather not," I said while not breaking eye contact with Ryder.

"Then move."

"Ryder I'd rather not for your sake, not mine," I threatened.

Carter was starting to slowly move away from the table.

"With the powers you've given me, I think I'd stand more of a chance," Ryder smirked.

I wholeheartedly smiled back. Completely grinning ear to ear at his pathetic threat. "I think you've forgotten exactly who you're dealing with."

"Ryder just sit back down," Paige called out from the table.

"Carla chill out, we don't need a repeat of last time," Liam pleated.

"You had your powers then too," I added.

"I'm stronger now," Ryder growled.

"Wanna bet?" I responded with a smirk. He was getting on my nerves with all these one upping matches and I was itching to take him up on one.

"Outside now, both of you," Nathan ordered.

"I challenge," Ryder started.

Here we go.

"Carla to a fight for 38," Ryder finished.

This just got serious.

"If I win, then 38 is about me and will go into effect immediately, without being voted on," Ryder continued.

"No," Carter growled from behind Ryder.

"What are the terms?" I said with a smirk.

"No! Carla are you insane?" Liam protested.

"No powers, and to the yield," Ryder responded.

"Carla don't you dare agree to that it's stupid," Kathy yelled.

"If I win, you're off the council," I added.

"Fine," Ryder responded.

Nathan started yelling. "Carla no-"

"Okay, I accept. Where and when?"

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