
Chapter 4

"Time travel?" Madelyn scoffed, "That's crazy."

"Do you have a better theory?" Nathan asked, "Tell me, how would you explain how someone we dont know has a power we cant explain, and calls Paige mother and says he knows Carla's daughter."

"A crazy person who has powers like us," Madelyn answered with an irritated tone, "Just like everyone else we have problems with."

I sat silently and thought to myself. Every way we could possible tackle this problem was running through my head like a stampede of buffalo. I blocked out their arguing voices until I heard Madelyn calling my name.


"What do you think?" She asked, "Time traveler or psycho?"

"Really?" I snapped. I took a deep breath, looking at Hannah who I could tell was as sick of their bickering as I was. Taking another deep breath to contain my frustration, I continued talking, "We need to keep all the possibilities on the table until we can absolutely conclusively decide if they are wrong."

"But-" Madelyn tried to argue.

"No," I interrupted, "It doesn't matter if you think its absolutely impossible for time travel to work, we're keeping the option on the table. We need to be prepared for anything."

"Thirty-eight can't come any quicker," Hannah said with a smile. She quickly retracted her smile and looked away when she noticed me glaring at her for her comment.

"I'm going back to the cabin, I'll see you guys whenever you come up to sleep," I said as I stood up and walked out the door. I looked back to see everyone doing their own thing, it was obvious that I had throughly angered them. I was almost to the door of the cabin when Liam pulled the door open and caught me off guard.

"Where are you off to? It's getting dark," I acknowledged the setting sun.

"Madelyn and Nathan are arguing over the groupchat about time travel," Liam answered with a chuckle, "I wanted to go see this in person because they're just typing in all caps."


I nodded and smiled, "Okay."

I walked into the cabin and sat down on the empty couch. I pulled my hands out of my large hoodie and checked my watch, I hadn't got any messages. I didn't know there was a groupchat nor was I ever added into one.

My mind raced for a while. I thought about a lot of things, after throughly thinking about one topic I'd move to another. I spent a lot of time thinking about what was in the groupchat that they purposely kept me out of it for. I was their friend right? Or was I just a liability?

"Carla?" Axel asked with a concerned look.

I didn't realize I was crying.

Axel and I had become pretty good friends the past few months despite the shortness with me lately.

I quickly wiped the tears from my cheeks with my sleeves. I stood up but Axel grabbed my arm to disable me from walking upstairs.

"Are you okay?" He asked, he seemed generally concerned. His brows furrowed as I sniffled and wiped my eyes once more.

"I'm fine, it's nothing, I'm just overthinking," I explained. A fake smile grew on my face to try to convince him I was okay with the protective front I was so desperately trying putting up.

Axel released my arm and I instantly walked up the stairs and to my bedroom. I pushed my bedroom door open and shut it behind me. Leaning against the closed door, I slowly slid to the carpeted ground.

That was the first time in a while I had been caught crying. Truth was I cried a lot. I stressed about a lot. I had problems just like everyone else, I just never showed them. Every night it was the same drill: message everyone goodnight, think about the day, cry, and then finally sleep. Sometimes the last two coincided together.

I reached up and locked my door, ensuring that nobody would get in before I walked to my bed and laid out on it. My pillow was tight squeezed between my chest and arms. My sadness regularly turned to anger and then back to sadness. My anger, was just to cover up just how sad I was. I tried to hide myself when I was sad or angry because I wanted to stop myself from saying something I dont mean. Or something I do mean but it comes out wrong.

See, I have problems. I never tell anyone when they've hurt my feelings, and then when I finally do I explode because I've been hiding back those feelings for days, weeks, or even months.

I strangled my pillow when I hit the angry stages and I cried into it when I hit the sad stages. I can't stand how I cry when I'm frustrated, because people will see me as a weak person when I'm truly just trying not to explode.

When I exploded, I burned down a city, set a bay on fire, tried to kill someone who ordered a bullet through my head, and drilled my fist into Ryder's skull.

I would never let myself do that again.

I cried until I fell asleep. That day haunted my dream. Was it a dream? The events that happened while in my own head at night played off of what happened today. Then everything went dark.

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