
God of Good

They walked up to the house. His advisor was waiting at the table, when he noticed Hugo, he got up and bowed, "Good morning Capt'n," He said, "I received news from the siege ships."

"About that, have a general's meeting tonight, I have something important to do."

"Anything else, Capt'n?"

"No, what was the news?"

"They destroyed a Noxian fleet that tried to attack them."

"How many ships?"

"Ten enemy ships were sunk."

"Have a recovery team go there to search the wrecks."

"Very well, anything else?"

"No, Have a good day."

"You too, Capt'n," His advisor said as he left. Hugo entered the house.

"What is this important thing that you need to talk about?"

"Nothing," He sighed as he took a drink, "Nothing important, but I know why you asked, I wouldn't be back later, and we can have fun afterwards."

"Okay, can you pass me my book and a pencil?"

"Here you go," He said as he handed her the book, "What are you going to draw?"

"I don't know, I'll see," He sat down next to her on the bed, and kissed her.

"Who was at the beach?"

"We arrived before anyone."

"Who were you talking to?"

"No one, I am telling you," He violently pushed her down to the bed by her throat, "Hugo! You're hurting me!"

"Who was it?" He grit his teeth, "Tell me."

"Hugo, I can't, breathe," She said painfully pushing against his arm, "Stop, please," He reduced his grip on her neck, "What is wrong with you? What is your fucking problem? Did you not hear me?" She shoved him back, "You were choking me."

"I'm sorry, I just, I lost it, I don't know why," He kissed her, "I am sorry," She said nothing and lied down on her stomach and opened her book. She rubbed her throat and began to draw. He got up and took a drink. What did I do? Why did I attack her? He shook his head and sat down watching her as she was absorbed by her drawing. He lit a cigarette. He sat there watching her. I am sorry, I just lost control. He sighed and took a drink. I should probably find a way to ask for her forgiveness of the pain I inflicted to her. He leaned back against the wall. Maybe she will forgive me, maybe not, but at least I want to try. He took another drink. He got up and cracked his back. He walked towards the door and grabbed his coat. He unlocked the door.

"Where are you going?"

"I am going for a walk, I'll be back soon."


"Bye," He said as he closed the door behind him and locked it. He sighed and walked down the path. The sun was peeking in the sky, beating down on the city with a hellish heat. He walked down to the path and down the main street down to the market place. He sat down on a bench near the middle of the plaza. He took a drink and a man walked up to him.

"Hello Capt'n."

"Hello, how can I help you?"

"I wanted to congratulate you on your wedding, I thought it would be important."

"I appreciate it."

"Is it true that you are immortal? And were they really your parents?"

"Yes, I am immortal, my bloodline is the only immortal bloodline in Terruna," The man sat down next to him.

"How old are they?"

"My father is 378 and my mother is 956, I am just 42."

"You are kidding, there is no way they are that old, they would have been here before the war and even, before Terruna."

"Yes, my Father is not from Terruna, but my mother was born before it's destruction and found refuge in my Father's realm, Runatra."

"Really? Runatra? Never heard of it," The man said, "Does he tell you of Runatra?"

"No, actually I haven't heard anything about it," Hugo shrugged, "Are you married?"

"Yes, I married last year."

"Any children?"

"No, but my wife is pregnant, I came here to get groceries, she is resting right now."

"Daughter or son?"

"I don't know," The man shrugged as he got up, "I should get going now, have a good day Capt'n."

"Have a good day," He took a drink, That got me thinking what if-.

"Good day Capt'n."

"Hello, what can I do for you, my lady?"

"I had a question," She said as she sat down, "May I ask it?"

"Go ahead, what can I help you with?"

"Well, I was going to propose to a man, and I didn't know how to ask him," She said shyly, "How did you propose to Cassidy?"

"Frankly, I knelt in front of her and asked her to marry me," He said as he leaned back, "But how well do you know each other? Like for me it's been two or three years."

"We have been in a relationship for a little over a year."

"You clearly still love him, so honestly just ask him."

"Thank you Capt'n," She said as she got up, "I will ask him when he gets back."

"Good luck," He said as she left, then got up he took a drink and walked around the market a little more. He noticed Sona at one of the stands. He walked towards her and placed his hand on her shoulder, "Hello mother, how are you?" The merchant was suddenly speechless, "Everyone has a mother, I am no exception."

"How are you today?"

"I am fine, where is father?"

"At the room, sleeping, he doesn't sleep at regular intervals, I don't know why, he sleeps every couple days."

"Okay, well tell him I said hi," He said as he left, "I will see you around."

"Bye dear," She waved.

"Is he your son? But isn't he like 40 years old? You look like you are 25."

"Thank you, but if I told you my age, you wouldn't believe me."

"May I ask?"

"Yes, and my answer in 956," She answered and this made the merchant open his eye wide, "Have a good day."

"Y-you too."

"Hey Cass, I am back," He said as he opened the door, "How are you?"

"I am fine, my neck still hurts," She said as she blew smoke towards him. Hugo twisted the smoke and wrote a message in the air, "I, am, sorry, I, love, you," Cassidy read out loud then said, "I know you are, and I know you do, I am not doubting that, I am just saying that you need to control yourself, that is all. You have enough strength to kill me."

"What the fuck?" He said as he walked towards her and touched her head, "Fox ears? When did you get this?" He pulled on them.

"OW! Stop, what do you mean I have fox ears?" She felt the side of her head, "I don't have ears."

"You have a tail, what the fuck did you do?"

"So this is what he was talking about."

"Who is this he?"

"Um, how do I explain it to you, well, the guy that was there before us at the beach this morning wa-."

"So there was someone there."

"Let me finish, it was the God of Good with your form, he froze time or something like that and spoke to me," She said feeling her ears, "He offered me immortality, because of some shit like that he couldn't have a mortal in the immortal bloodline."

"So he gave you immortality? But what about the animal features?"

"He said something about your fantasy."

"Wha-?" Hugo looked at her stunned, "What? what does that fucking mean? Unlike you I don't have weird fantasies, and when would have I had time to think of this, you with fox ears and a tail?"

"I don't know, but he said that I couldn't keep my human form to become immortal for some reason so I have this."

"Well, he is the God of Good," Hugo laughed, "You technically are a new being, not the old human Cassidy, but new, um, fox, um, lady Cassidy."

"Don't make fun of me," She looked down at the floor and her ears drooped, "It's not funny."

"You know that now your ears are showing me that you are annoyed," He said, "But enough of that, remove your shirt."

"Don't you want to wait 'till tonight?"

"No, just your shirt, because if he said true, you should have this," He said revealing a very faint marking over his heart, "Do you see it?"

"No, but do I have it?" She said removing her shirt, He leaned forwards, "So?"

"Well, he doesn't lie."

"But he said something about bloodline and not having a mortal in the bloodline, what does he mean?"

"Don't worry about that," He said as he pushed her down to the bed, placing his hands on hers and holding her down. He started kissing up her neck. She moaned. I wonder what this will do. He rolled her onto him and caressed her tail. She moaned again.

"Sto-, Stop, it-, it is too much," She could barely move. Well at least I know what this does. He stopped and she laid there, in sweat, "Why does that happen?"

"I don't know," He said as he got up and headed for the door, "Maybe it is something I can play with. Well, I have a meeting to get to," He started to walk down the path and he heard someone call his name, he turned and saw himself leaning against the side of the path.

"Good evening Hugo," He said, "You might not know who I am, but you have been caught in the crossfire of a rivalry of gods, not the creator's but his disciples, Good and Evil. Before you go to your meeting, I must warn you, if you do remove your warring policy, you will be invaded and the empire will be destroyed, but if you don't, Jarvan the Third will make Cassidy suffer."

"And what can you do?"

"The question wouldn't hold, I already solved the problem," He explained, "Since you two are married, Jarvan was going to remove Cassidy's possibility to feel lust or pleasure, and clearly that would be a problem for you two," He smiled as Hugo rolled his eyes, "So as you noticed she is both immortal and has some new, let's say, attributes, they will allow you and her to maintain your 'regular' relationship, no need to thank me and if you hypothetically lose your powers, I can curse you myself so that you retain those god sent powers, just don't remove the warring policy, I will own you one."

"But why the fox tail and ears?"

"I like foxes," He shrugged his shoulders as he faded, "You will thank me later."

I guess I can't do anything now, He paused and took a drink, What am I going to say during the meeting? I have the path to think about it, maybe reforms, I don't know.

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