
Oh Why Do I Have to Hide

It was when Ace as two years and a half years old when Zoro returned to the crew with a massive fleet of ship at his back. The fleet look like it had gone through better days. For Ace that was a great day as he received a new Mama. Vivi blue hair was more beautiful in person. She loved carrying Ace very where around the base. Vivi was on a mission to make up the lost time she had spent away from the crew.

Zoro, on the other hand, spent all day either drinking or training his swordsmanship. He had little interest in anything else. He was a sword that Luffy could deploy. As for the matter of the crew, he took less interest since Luffy dream was achieved. Zoro own dream to be the strongest swordsmen in the world was still far from becoming complete. He had learned of the five old monsters of the world government. It was a shock to know that the strongest most dangerous men rule the world. The Yonko and Admirals were a joke. If not for Luffy holding some very dangerous cards those five old men would have destroyed them all. The fact that two of those monster were swordmen gave Zoro plenty of motivation to get even stronger.

The rest of the crew was also dead set on getting stronger after they learn of what happened in the void century. Ace could feel the tension in the air because of it. Nobody was willing to talk about it and he was left in the dark. This did not mean Ace did not figure out a few things on his own.

"If Im and the five elders are still around then, the world has not changed. Celestial Dragons are still running amuck in safe places. Dad dead set in bringing all his friends and their family into Uranus to keep them protected. He also started a training any able body person in Haki and is stockpiling devil fruits. This all point to that he going to start a massive war." Ace pondered out loud himself.

"Ace-kun, it's not that your dad wants to go to war with the world but the world will go to war with your dad if the Revolutionary Army fails." Said Robin in a sad tone. Ace could not help but notice that Robin held little faith that the Revolutionary Army would succeed. "Right now the battle have all been small scale. Neither side wants to use their trump cards since your father decided to play it neutral." She explained. Ace knew the world government had more trump cards then the Revolutionary Army. Even if his grandfather was very powerful at most he could take out a single elder, not all five. Then there was the all mighty Im. Ace was not sure if that dude was at the deity level of strength but he felt he had to be at lease at the demigod level and the strongest person on the planet and probably the oldest too. Shacking his head Ace felt helpless. "Ace-kun you don't have to worry about any of these things the world of Uranus is as large as the whole of the Blue Sea. We plan to explore this world once you get a little bit bigger and see all it has to offer." Robin added with a hint of excitement. To explore the unknown and find lost history was after all her dream.

Nodding his head he asked. "Can you teach me how to read the Poneglyph. I want to one day learn what they say. Dad said when I get bigger he was going to throw them out into the sea. He said I'd have to go get a crew of my own and find my own answers. He doesn't even let me see them." Ace complained. "Haha, that sounds like Luffy. Then I guess I have no choice my little student be ready for I will not go easy on you." She responded as her eyes seem to have turn into stars. They always did that when Ace asked her to teach him something. Just like Nami turned into Beri's at the idea of getting more money.

Time past as Robin taught Ace everything she knew on how to be an archaeologist. Ace was four years old when Chopper returned with Nojiko and a deck full of Tangerine trees. They must have uprooted and transplanted the whole field. Ace guess Nojiko would not be going back. Dr. Kureha said she would not leave Drum Island as it was her home but that Chopper should not worry that she make sure she stays safe. Chopper and Nojiko love Ace the minute the met him. Gain him another Mama and a walking stuff animal. Ace early won Chopper over by calling him a baby reindeer and running up to him and giving him a big hug. Of course Ace knew Chopper was a reindeer. It was the first time for Chopper that somebody got his race right. He instantly went into his silly mode as the kid poke and petted him say he was a nice reindeer. Chopper really liked how smart Ace was and even question if Luffy was his father. Causing the crew to laugh and Luffy to spit out his drink all over poor Chopper face. In anger at becoming wet Chopper turned into his monster form and nailed Luffy into the ground.

Chopper became a new teacher for Ace as he learned all he could about medical practics from the reindeer. Another year had past and Ace was now almost six years old. He decided to ask his uncle Zoro how to use swords. One thing he did learn besides how to throw insults from Zoro was how to properly train his body to make it stronger. As for swordsmanship Zoro suck as a teacher. Ace was lucky though since his birth mother was an excellent swordswoman and also a great teacher. He knew Zoro would put him through the wringer but he was not on earth anymore. Ace did not trust that Im would not try to mess with Uranus. He was too weak and little. He needed to learn what he could from the crew. Each of Luffys mates were all highly skilled people. Ace would take advantage of it as best as he could.

Ace never knew when Luffy might decide that he needed to go on a survival training exercise. Luffy, after all, had no idea how to handle a little kid and his only memories were of what his grandfather did to him. Ace had his own trump card for when Luffy brought up the topic. It worked 100% of the time against his father. It was his Mamas. An overprotective mother could be a bad thing for a father. Over half a dozen overprotective mothers equaled a nightmare. Ace truly loved all his Mama, Mama Boa long legs, Mama Rebecca's bosom, Mama Carrot Fuffly Tail, Mama Nojiko and Vivi blue hair, Mama Robin intelligence, and last but not least Mama Nami greed. Nami was the easiest of all the woman to convince. Ace just had to bribe her. She would go nuclear on Luffy if Ace showed any sign of being afraid of the man's idea.

Between training his body, swordsmanship, medical practice, and archaeology studies Ace had also started to learn form Nami about navigation and weather control. The amount of subject he studied was impressive for a six-year-old. Before Ace knew it another year had gone by. He was now seven and a half. Jumbi returned just before his eighth birthday. He came with a rebuild Noah dragged by six Supersize Seakings. The leader of the party was none other the Princess Shirahoshi. She was in her human form and look breathtaking. Ace could see a perverted glint in his father eyes and figure she would be another one to join Luffy private crew. Ace could only shack his head in frustration and be jealous. The Seakings took the new water of Uranus with no problems. The merfolk using their unique ability to talk to fish summoned hundreds of thousands of different types and had them also enter. Sea life from all over the Blue Sea flooded into Uranus. Now Uranus had a large supply of food. Before Jumbi return two fishing fleets would set sail every month to restock the food supplies. Uranus had plenty of edible plants but before Luffy open it back up it was deprived of animals and other life forms. The merfolk was also super excited to be able to live on the surface. Luffy had already planned for their arrival so a town had been built by a gulf next to his own. By the projected estimates both would merge into one large city in a decade or two.

Two months after Jumbi return Usopp came back with a baby boy and wife in tow. Marry had also joined them. Usopp convinced Kaya that Chopper was the best medical doctor she could find. That he could teach her things she would never learn in her current school. She agreed and shortly after they got married. His son Nasopp, had the same long nose like his father but was pasty white like his mother. His hair color was also bleach blonde but a fuzzy fro like Usopps. He was six and was two years younger than Ace. He was a typical six years old wanting to play all day and could not focus on any topic as Ace had. Luffy could not help but rub it in Usopp's face that his son was a lot smarter then Usopps. Usopp would just make up crazy stories about how the adventure back to the base had just scared the boy and that he need time to come out of his shell. Ace himself figures he has to treat the boy like a big brother. Even if Ace did not want to have any male in his future crew he could still be friends with Nasopp. Having a trusted rival did not sound bad to Ace. He would just have to make sure Nasopp got stuck with an all the other boys that were sure to be born. Ace would take all the sisters with him to explore the Blue Sea.

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