
First day

Aza wandered the halls, looking for his class. The halls were numbered so he didnt have too much trouble finding it. Walking inside, he found a desk and took a seat. After a couple minutes a few more students filed in and the Teacher took his place at the front of the class.


"Alright class, I hope you all enjoyed your summer. My name is Mr. Fuller, I'll be your Home Room Teacher this year. lets take attendance."

Aza gazed out of the window next to him as the teacher took roll call, wondering if his mother was doing okay. She was new today as well.

"Aza Silver?" Mr. Fuller asked, seeking an answer.

"Here" said Aza.

Everyone seemed to glance at him from over their shoulders. Aza could feel his cheeks turning red from the sudden attention. However, soonafter Mr. Fuller called another name and their attention turned to that student.

Aza relaxed, realizing they were just trying to put names with a face.

" I thought everyone knew everyone in small towns like this?" He pondered out loud.

"Well, this school is brand new." Aza heard a bright voice beside him.

Looking to see who had spoken, he was greeted with the view of a beautiful young lady. She wore a pair of Levi's, a floral blouse, and a stylish pair of flats. Aza was speechless.

"My name is Lillie" she giggled, seeing his reaction.

" Erm, My name is Aza. I just moved here from Houston." He said blushing She was very cute, and how she looked at him seemed effortless. She was definitely popular around here.

"Haha, well Mr Big City. What brings you to this little town?" asked Lillie.

"I honestly have no clue. My mom and I hove around every so often." he answered.

lillie seemed to have this aura about her. Aza felt very comfortable talking about the recent move.


Everyone looked to the front of the class.

"Alright everyone lets get started. Today were just going to focus on getting to know each others names. everyone stand up and come to the front." Mr. fuller said.

Over the next hour, the class got to know eachother by exercising introduction games.


"Alright class everyone have a great first day at school!" exclaimed Mr. Fuller as he dismissed the class.

Aza headed towards the hall to get to his next class but was halted my that same bright voice. "Aza wait for me!"

He came to an abrupt stop turning to see who had called his name.

"Whats up Lillie?" asked the puzzled Aza. he wondered what such a beautiful young lady would want with him.

"Whats your schedule look like?" lillie asked him with a smile.

Pulling out his schedule Aza read aloud, " History, then Chemistry, followed by Economics, Calculus, English and Soccer."

"Quite the busy guy I see?" she giggled. pulling out her schedule. "It looks like we have some classes together!" her eyes lit up.

"Oh thats pretty cool," he shrugged. He was nervous with such a pretty girl talking to him like this. Almost like it was natural. Trying to not appear too weird, he decided to head to his next class. " I'll see you then," he waved as he walked down the hall.

Throughout the rest of the day Aza repeated what had happened in his Home Room. The teacher would take roll call then they would do the exercise to learn everyones name. As it turned out Aza had four classes with Lillie, excluding Chemistry, English, and Soccer.

Arriving at his Seventh and final class for the day, Aza felt excited. Soccer was his favorite sport by Far! As he walked into the changing room the Coach was wrapping up roll call.

"Everyone get changed! Well have a light tryout today and assign lockers tomorrow. When you finish getting ready, head down the field!"

"Well this sounds fun" Aza thought to himself.

After they finished changing into their shorts and cleats, all of the young boys filed out neatly on the way to the field where the coach waited.


"Alright Boys! Listen up. stand in a line and I'll pass out Penny's."

Holding a bag of practice jerseys called "Penny's

the coach handed out one to every other person.

"Alright everyone on the field. lets see what youve got!"

Since there were enough for two teams with a few extra people, the coach had them sitting on the bench next to him.

Making sure that the laces on his cleats were tight and secure, Aza lined up on the field in the Strikers position.

" Alright Boys! Lets see who will be Men!"


The opposite teams strikers kicked the ball into play, starting the game.

"Well, here we go," thought Aza.

"You can do it Aza!" he heard from the stands.

looking up he saw the beautiful Lillie in the stands leaning against the hand rail smiling that stunning smile.

"No Pressure, Right?"

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