

Aisha ducked as soon as the bombs exploded. Some of the men died during the explosion, some are injured but some are safe. They were just grazed. The house was totally ruined but Aisha was having a hard time to stand up. The bombs definitely shook the ground. The earpiece that she was wearing fell off, it was damaged and is beyond usable.

Now Caleb nor Hunter can't hear her. Due to the fire and thick smoke, Caleb was having a hard time to spot Aisha. Caleb had been calling her name on the earphone but he can't hear any response.

Damn! He climbed down the big tree then relocated to another tree which is a little close to the Villa. He can still see moving men so he started shooting them one at a time. Now, the men were confused as they look around to see who was targeting them but they can't see anyone.

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