
Friends With a Highness

It was a dark night, few stars were shown but it didn't bother Lilith. Lord Yasin came to Lilith to invite her to dinner and a roof over her head, although she hasn't had a good sleep, she refused. The old Lord sighed and handed Lilith some money for her to get a warm belly for the night. She has taken a small break but she was quickly back into her training, she didn't know why she was training but she just needed to.

"Still training," said a young female voice, Lilith looked over her shoulder and saw the old Lord's daughter. She was dressed in a silver nightgown with a piece of small jewelry at the neck of the gown. Lilith lowered the steel sword that she had grabbed a few hours ago. Nina walked over to Lilith until they were face to face.

"Is there something you need my Highness?" Lilith asked she wondered why the old Lord's daughter would be up at this hour but she assumed it was a bad night sleep.

"Thank you."

"E-Excuse me?" Lilith was surprised to hear a thank you from the Lord's daughter. What did she do that the Lord's daughter had to say thank you?

"You saved my life," spoke the girl. "Back in the Lyssia Woods, you took two arrows. Both were meant to hit Bergan and me."

Lilith didn't know what to make up with her act and she didn't know what to say. She has always been shy around people and her interactions were little. "What was her name again? Nina?" Lilith questioned if Nina was the young lady's name if it was then she could change the subject quickly.

"Pardon my manners but your name," Lilith apology. "Nina was it?"

The Lord's daughter turned red a bit then glowed a bit, "Yeah, that's my name."

"It's a sweet name that your father gave you," Lilith complicated. Nina turned redder and she looked away from Lilith. "I think I made her blush," thought Lilith. "Do you think so?" Alpha said very sarcastically. Lilith ignites Alpha's comment, she rubbed her eyes and she could feel the sleepiness slowly commuting her.

"So Lilith, why are you still out here?" Nina asked. "And how long have you been out here?"

Lilith rubbed her eyes again the replied, "Too tired to remember, urgh, I think I'm also losing it."

Lilith walked back to the armory and put back the steel sword, bow, and arrows and the knives. She thought she might try archer again and she was surprised that her aim was on point, she was even able to pierce an arrow. She walked out of the armory and awaited Nina, leaning against the wall of the training grounds. Lilith walked passed Nina, she heard footsteps following her and she assumed it was Nina. She pulled out the bag of money that the old Lord has given her, she didn't know how much but she wanted to keep as much as possible if she ever needs it in a later time. She enters a fairly decent tavern, she went up to the bartender and sat in one of the high chairs. Nina sat next to her. "So she did follow me, why?" Lilith questioned the Lord's daughter but she didn't have the energy to really ask.

"What may you two wonderful ladies like tonight?" the bartender asked.

"Cheapest meal you have and," Lilith looked at Nina, she shook her head. "One room please."

The bartender looked surprised as Nina didn't order anything but he carried away into the kitchen.

"I'm surprised this place is still open," spoke Nina. Lilith made a tiny grunt before she rubbed her eyes again. "Must be tired huh?"

"Yeah, I'm used to it though," replied Lilith, her eyes kept trying to close and it kept consuming energy so she stopped trying to fight her sleepiness. She laid her head on the bar table and closed her eyes.

"Aren't you gonna miss your food?" Nina asked.

"If I'm not awake after three minutes, you can have it," yawned Lilith. Just as she said her words, her food came. It was surprisingly smelled good and looked tasty. Lilith's tiredness seemed to disappear and her hungry kicked in, Nina giggled. Lilith still questioned why she was still with her but she didn't bother her. She got a steaming small piece of steak, a few vegetables and a small glass of a greenish blue drink.

"What is this?" Lilith asked Nina. "Is this a special drink?"

Nina giggled, "It's Brackenholme's special drink, The Werebear drink, it's has a small bit of liquor in it so try not to get drunk."

Lilith shrugged and took a small sip of the drink, it wasn't as bad as she thought it would be. A nice coating of sourness but then a blast of sweetness and liquor. Lilith wished she would have stayed longer but she knew it would have only been a memory, and memories don't last forever.

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