
Princess Inna

Two months after the birth of the prince and princess of Mandir, Jandi got married to Tae-oh, despite the gossip and fact of their age differences.

The irony of the whole thing is, this gossip didn't came from the well known gossiper in Quiq island, It comes from the mouth of the people.

Jandi almost called off the engagement when she started listening to the gossip of the town people, but Tae-oh convinced her that all she needs to listen to ..is her heart and truly she does love him with all her heart.

After she discarded the six years age difference, she became the wife of the one and only Jung Tae-oh.

Nana wasn't present because she was still recovering from the trail of  childbirth, but she made her husband go. ..let's just say that Jandi wedding was a wedding to remember, while adding the most talked about.

Jandi gave birth to a healthy baby boy two months after her wedding and named him, Jung Sang-bum.

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