
Safe breath

I can hear panic noise and each minute that passes, it becomes louder and nearer but like the pass hours that am being held here, hearing this type of noise isn't a new thing.

The sound of a braided rope being whip on a person's body ..so terrifying but I had no option, I heard them all and being held captive near their cell isn't helping.

I wrap my hands around mother in panic when I began to hear the thwack of knives and the shouting of terrified voices.

"What's happening? I asked mother when the two guards that are supposed to be keeping an eye on us leave the room in a haste.

"Oh god!" Mother scream in panic, her body shaking real bad ..I begin to panic too, still holding mother tightly _I peep to know what she saw that has her shaking so badly and I saw the dead body of one of the guards on the ground.

Thud!.  Now followed by the second one.

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