
The Crow

They spend a few hours just lazing about, chatting, kissing, and cuddling to their heart's content. When the waterfall like a grant prism fractured the rays of the setting sun, they unwillingly packed up the pillows and blanket, and started their decent back to camp. Like a young couple that could never get close enough, their fingers remained intervened, and occasionally grins flashed over their faces when their eyes met. At other times, they would gaze fondly at the other talking, as if in a daze.

In the middle of a conversation about sight-seeing spots in Dragsa, Nathaniel suddenly tensed up, pulled Katherine behind him, and warily surveyed the surrounding trees. As his ears picked up the rustle of leaves, his sharp eyes focused on the bushes left of the path.

"Come on out", he ordered coldly, and his right wandered to the hilt of his sword. Katherine behind him reacted swiftly as well. She drew her dagger and turned to the bushes behind them. With narrowed eyes, she searched for any sign of an ambush.

But the person that finally stepped on the path was alone. He raised his hands in surrender, his broad mouth twitched up in an asymmetric smile. One side of his middle-aged face seemed a bit stiffer than the other, his eyelid sagging.

After inspecting him once, Nathaniel relaxed slightly. The hand though, remained on the sword. "You. What are you sneaking around here for? Didn't they tell you to wait for me in camp?"

The man, his dark brown hair streaked with few grey strands, lowered his hands. Despite his careless smile, his words were spiced with poison. "The demon son, still as irritable as always. The goods got ransacked along the way and I thought you might want to retrieve them as soon as possible. Your soldiers in 'camp' - as you call this miserable excuse of a lodging - are ready to set out immediately. Or as soon as their lazy commander can extricate himself from the joys of marriage that have obviously clouded his mind."

For a moment, a feeling really clouded Nathaniel's mind, but it wasn't joy. It was rage; something Katherine obviously felt as well, as she swirled around to attack the newcomer. Nathaniel could barely catch her arm. "Don't!"

His thunderous roar made her ears tingle and managed to bring her rationality back. Her dagger still raised, she glanced back at her husband. "But why?"

Taking a deep breath, Nathaniel glared at the man with deep-running animosity. "He's taunting you deliberately."

The man clicked his tongue. "No, no, not her. You. Taunting her is only a bonus. I heard how passionate you have become about your wife, so I couldn't help trying. And look at this: the ice cold demon commander, known throughout the Iceland for his cruel and ruthless logical planning – though not under his real name - nearly loses his composure with but a small remark about his marriage life. Oh, how deep you have fallen."

All this time, the mocking grin didn't leave the man's face, making Katherine want to smack him even more. "Can I kill him? Darling, it won't be like killing a person if it's him. Just let me do it, ok? Jack said I still need practice."

Regrettably, Nathaniel's grip only strengthened as he pulled her back. "Another time. I'll help you if it's another time, alright?"

Pouting, Katherine gave in and leaned back in his embrace. "Who is this ghost anyway? Someone important?"

Nathaniel snorted. "Just the nastiest and most loyal servant of my uncle before he made him into Aston's nanny because even he couldn't stand him anymore. Since then, Aston does his best to flee or send him far away. The name's Cordcow, but the nicest I've ever heard someone call him is 'bloody Cursed Crow'. Well, I guess you were even nicer just now."

"It is always a pleasure to work with sophisticated ladies", Cordcow said with a chuckle. "If I remember right though, you once told me those could only be meat shields to you. Of course, that is if they don't evaporate beforehand. It would not be the first time in your vicinity."

Just as Katherine was about to struggle free and strangle the man on behalf of her beloved, Nathaniel raised what she secretly called his 'Ruler's Voice'. It was cold, razor sharp, and unforgiving. "One more offence, and I will take it as you surrendering your life as a service for humanity."

She saw Cordcow swallow but there still seemed to be some resistance left.

"This is the first order of your new king", Nathaniel added.

Cordcows eyes narrowed, and finally the last mocking twitch fled his lips.

"I had no idea", he said tersely. His eyes met Nathaniel's for a few seconds, but under the pressing silence, he finally lowered his head. It was barely called a bow, but for the pride of this person, more might have broken his backbone.

As Nathaniel passed him by, he muttered: "King William wants to retire. Prepare yourself for meeting my expectations from now on or you may retire in a more unsightly way."

With a brooding air, his lips pursed asymmetrically, the older man followed behind the couple. When they'd almost reached camp, he mumbled: "The new colors don't suit your viciousness."

Katherine inwardly rolled her eyes at him. Since Nathaniel didn't want this bloody crow to die yet, she decided to ignore him instead. She understood that with the position they were in right now, they could not afford to be picky about helpers, but this man lashing out at the still festering wounds of her husband was just too despicable. She even wondered if Nathaniel's extreme aversion against the 'demon' title stemmed from this unnerving fellow.

Over her own rage, Katherine forgot to ask what 'goods' Cordcow had been talking about. In camp everyone was ready to set out and fight. Jack coordinated the groups as Cordcow lead the way in the opposite direction of the waterfall. Shortly after, they reached another forest.

They were only five minutes in when Katherine saw a corpse by the road. And another. And another one. The corpses of five men, their clothing indicating two different parties, were sprawled across the road and the bushes around. Pressing her hand to her mouth, Katherine barely scanned them for signs of life, before the sight made her jump from her horse and retch by the roadside.

"The rest of the soldiers should still be resting in the vicinity", she heard Cordcow explain over the splattering noises. "At least three heavily wounded, two probably fine, and two I don't know."

"Leave the horses over there", Nathaniel ordered just as quietly. "Dorian, Harrold, and Cordcow, stay back and protect my wife; everyone else will move on my command."

Tears collected in Katherine's eyes, caused by the burn in her throat and the frustration to be left behind. Trembling, she attempted to straighten her back, but was instantly faced with new nausea when she caught a glimpse of a corpse pinned against a tree with organs hanging out of its stomach.

Gentle hands held her hair and stabilized her from behind when she vomited once more. Before her closed eyes, she saw the bloody muzzles of wolfs, sharp teeth gnawing on her flesh. She was in a forest, eaten alive by vile creatures, her blood wetting the ground.

It took her a long while to hear the deep voice that whispered by her ear, and even longer to relax in the warmth that seeped into her icy skin through the body contact.

"It's alright", Nathaniel whispered, and gently lead her away from the corpses. "It's alright. You will be safe here."

"I want to help", Katherine murmured weakly. "I thought I could help you. I learned how to fight for this."

"I know", Nathaniel replied and rolled her into a blanket. Katherine herself was much like a puppet, following him willingly. "For now, it's enough to keep yourself safe. Warm up, and when the fight is over, you will be greatly needed. You are the only one who can treat our wounds, remember? So keeping you safe is the highest priority."

Feelings of guilt and relief fought in Katherine, but before she could decide for one, a kiss landed on her temple. "It will only take a moment, then I'll be back. Stay safe."

Before she could bury her face in his sturdy chest, Nathaniel had already left, his dark coat assimilating with the surrounding trees.

Looks like she's got a trauma...

hope all of you are fine out there :)

Freakzillacreators' thoughts
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