
183 Phone Case

"I am out of town. I took a leave of absence from work." Cedric looked at Yuki.

"I understand. May I speak to the girl if you do not mind?" The girl asked.

Yuki took the phone, "hello?

"Good evening, I am Eva. I just wanted to congratulate and thank you. You may not understand this but Cedric has struggled to find the right girl for centuries. I have been with him for almost two-hundred years. I never intended to marry him and I am married to another. I only kept helping Cedric because the sex was good but also because I did not want him to be lonely." Eva spoke gently to Yuki.

"I understand. Congratulations to you. It is nice that there was someone that cared about Cedric and was by his side when he needed it the most. I will not betray him. My name is Yuki." She looked at the phone.

"Yuki, I will leave him in your care. I would like to meet you when you are back from your holidays. I will see what I have available." Eva smiled and touched her belly.

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