
46 Second Memory

~Second Memory~

Cedric walked up to the manor and the door opened before he could knock on the door.

Luna looked at Cedric happily, "Thank goodness you are here. She is throwing a fit. I need her to get ready to go out. She has to attend this so that people do not think that she has an issue or something." She sighs dramatically.

Cedric chuckles, "I will do what I can but no guarantees. She is your daughter and I have only met her a few times. I do not know why you think I can control her but I will at least try." He walked in and went to Yuki's room. He knocked on the door.

"I'M NOT GOING NO MATTER WHAT YOU SAY!" Yuki yells at the door.

Cedric opened the door, "is that so? And here I thought that you would want my company. I have to go to that meeting as well but I guess if you won't go I will find someone else to come with me." He turned away from the door and made it seem like he was going to leave.

"No, wait… Please don't go, Cedric. I thought it was my mother or father trying to beg me to go. If I had known it was you I wouldn't have yelled. You are not a vampire so why are you going to the soiree?" Yuki walked towards Cedric.

"Because I was invited. I would like to attend with you but you seem unwilling. I will not force you but there are others that fawn over me and I am sure one of them would be more than happy to be my date." Cedric uses his words to manipulate Yuki to come to the party. 'She can be simple-minded but it makes it easier if I need her to do something.'

"I will go. Please don't take some other girl Cedric. I will change into my dress. Please give me a moment." Yuki steps into the bathroom and changes into a vintage dark green, off the shoulder, sweetheart appliqued lace beaded chest piece. The ball gown was strapless and was down to the floor. There was beadwork that was at the bottom of the dress to accent and to match from the waist down had the same beadwork. As she moved in the dress it seemed like she was gliding over the floor. She adored the dress with a beaded necklace that was intricate and matched the dress. "I seriously think that this dress it way too much."

"I think that you will be the belle of the ball." Cedric took her hand and twirled her so that she was in his embrace. He leaned his mouth by her ear and whispered, "I am jealous that all the other guys will fawn over you. I want to lock you up and not let others see you but we both have our responsibilities."

Yuki steps away from Cedric and covers her cheeks that feel like they are now on fire. "Cedric, why are you so intent on teasing me? You know how I feel about you even though we have not had that many interactions between each other. I know how I feel but do you know how you feel?"

Caught off guard Cedric pauses before walking up behind her. "Yuki, you do not know everything about me. Do not say that you love me yet. I am full of secrets and it is too early for you to make that assumption. Do not mix infatuation with love. I will still treat you the same. Come let's go to the soiree. Your parents are waiting for you so we can all leave together."

Yuki sighed and followed Cedric out of the room, "I will not change my mind but I still what you to know that I want you to be mine. I will get to know you more over the next little while and my parents are encouraging the two of us to get together I do not know why but I feel safe when I am with you." Yuki walked down the hallway and smiled when a servant brought her a note for her parents. She opened the envelope and showed the letter to Cedric who was behind her.

~Cedric and Yuki,

We went ahead. Please come to the soiree as soon as you are ready. Whether you come in a carriage or a car. I do not care just get here on time,

Luna and Ryan.~

"They never cease to amuse me. We will take my car. It will be faster than the carriage." Cedric walked past Yuki and held open the door for her. Once he made sure that she was outside he went and got into his car and pulled it out front. He got out and opened the front passenger's door.

Yuki looked at the car in wonder. "I have never been in a car before." She got in and looked around the car in wonder.

Cedric climbed in and leaned over and buckled her in. He kissed her cheek and smiled at her before hitting the gas pedal. "We will get there as fast as we can. I do not want to think about what would happen if we are late. You know everyone that you must greet?"

Yuki touches her cheek that Cedric kissed. 'Why does he say I am confusing the two but then he goes and kisses me? I will figure him out and I will make him mine!' Yuki sighed at his words and looked out the window. "I am supposed to appearing alone and you are supposed to come in alone aren't you?"

"Yes, and that is still the plan. You will go in before I do. You are after all the main focus of this soiree. The vampires are all there to congratulate you. They will be full of envy." Cedric pulled up to the entrance of the place.

"I do not want to appear alone. Please come in with me. We can say that we showed up at the same time and that I asked you to come in with me." Yuki looked over at him hopeful.

"No, you have to do this properly. You knew that when you got into my car that I would not let you get what you want. I will walk you to the door and you will go in on your own. I will join you right afterward." Cedric touched her cheek and undid the seat belt buckle. He got out and opened her door.

Yuki frowned and got out of the car. "I hate you right now." She still took his hand as he walked her up to the doors.

~Memory Ends~

Finally on a break from school and my worked hours picked up but here is a veryy late updaye from me. I hop ethat you enjoyed this update. Until next time *giggles*

Shirokitsunecreators' thoughts
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