

After the War of Pameres Kingdom, 120 men of the two local Platoons taking part in battle, were slaughtered. Which caused a lot of disorder since a lot of the best Guards lost their lives that terrible day. With 60 more men from the third Platoon ordered to stat here, Pameres Kingdom is left with 140 Guards.

The Kingdom became tremendously weak defense wise due to this war, yes the Calidum Lutum dug them out of trouble last time, but who would help them if a battle is to break in the near future. Even Isabel isn't fast enough to reach back in time with more Guards and the town of Lan Zhe can't really afford it either.

The Army of what they thought off as 600 men at first, caused a great Soldier/Guard shortage in three domains. With just one attack?! King Zar realized at that point that he can't solely rely on the number of Soldiers but better technology instead.

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