
T- Trap?!

He then jumped to the twilight forest's portal, like Su Ling. But as it was the first time that he used these kinds of portal, he almost puked because of the dizziness.

He was wondering why would someone create a bizarre teleportation array. And was very astonished by Su Ling. She didn't show any sign of dizziness, she used the portal and looked fine. "Wh- Don't tell me it's a trap!" He realized something is wrong with the teleportation array. "I have to hide this ring behind this tree!" He hides his hand that had a dimensional ring behind the blocky tree. It was a strategy he and his master created, so.. they hide the ring with real items, so the people that they spied while using the invisibility potion will not see the ring.

The only person that was dizzy was him, while Su Ling looked to be fine and it seems that she was exhaliriated by it. Not only that, the place that they went to is in the middle of forest.. It was a strange looking one! All of it has a strange shape.. it was similar to blocks..

He gulped "Am I already discovered by him?! What should I do?! I don't have any clothes on!! It was very exciting if a fairy maiden saw me naked, but it's not if it's a guy!!" He said inwardly with a darkened face.

Su Ling then looked at the place that guy was standing. It made his heart racing. "Oh my god! Am I really going to be discovered by him?! Not only I'm failed at spying the owner, but I also will get seen naked by this guy?!"

"Where the hell is master's house?! Crap! I forgot to ask him that! He said that he wanted to create a house or mansion in here.. but where is it?!" Su Ling thought. She then stared at a tree in the front of her. "Mmn.. this world is very similar to the netherworld of blocks! This world is really blocky too!"

She then had an idea. "Why not shout, so master and Feifei could hear it?" So, she started to shout.

"Hey!" Su Ling shouted.

The young man nearly jumped from his spot because of the shock. "Oh god! I'm discovered by this guy!! Wh- what should I do?! Fight her?"

But Su Ling continued to shout. "Hey, master! Feifei! Where are you?!"

The man suddenly relieved when he heard that. "Sigh! This guy! Why didn't he shout that in the first place?! It made me scared for a few seconds!!"

And then she saw a huge building coming from the same direction of the tree that she just stared at. It was the same palace that George saw with little ginseng. The palace of the twilight lich, one of the bosses from this dimension. "Ah! Maybe he is there!" She thought and went there, not knowing that there's a guy in the front of her with a darkened face.

"N- No! Maybe he already knows that I'm here and was toying with me!" He was sure that he was discovered already and was trying to kill him with a swoop. "If he suddenly used a sword, it'll be the end! I hate this stupid potion of invisibility! I can't attack her silently!! If I suddenly grabbed my sword from my ring, he will be alerted by me!" He frowned.

But as Su Ling came closer to him, she continued to the direction of the building. He sighed once again. "Is he really knows that I'm here or not?! Stop toying with me! Because of him, my heart almost popped out from my body a few times!" He complained inside of his mind.

He followed Su Ling again to the strange looking tower. "Woah! What a strange looking palace! It was really big. Finally! After I see the method behind brewing those miraculous elixirs, I'll never come back to this place!"

He continued to follow Su Ling who went inside of the lich tower. "Master? Feifei?! Where are you guys?! Is it in here tho? Why is this building is really dark?" She thought that maybe she was wrong.

But then, all kind of mobs suddenly appeared from the rooms. Spiders, Zombies, and Skeletons came out of the room and surrounded the two of them.

"Oh no! It's definitely not my master's residence!" Su Ling unconsciously blurted.

"Damn! This guy is definitely toying with me! Wait! What are those things?! Disgusting giant blocky spiders?!" He ran away, as those spiders also chased him, not only Su Ling that was chased by all kinds of mobs.. He also was chased. "Wh- what? Why does this happen to me? Does the potion effect is already completely absorbed by my body?!"

In the Minecraft game, if you are invisible.. no mobs will attack you. It was only possible if you didn't wear any armor. But.. in this case.. why does that happen?

The answer was because he wore a dimensional ring to store more potion of invisibility and also his clothes. And that ring is also considered as armor, so mobs will automatically chase him too.

Su Ling realized that the mob army split into two sections. One section was chasing her, while the other one chased nothing. She became alerted when she saw what's happening.

"Not good! If people knew about this secret realm, it would be a very hard thing to repair the consequences! To think that I was followed by someone who used the potion of invisibility! I'm glad that I didn't go to master's residence! Or else.. if something happened to her.." Her eyes glanced at the invisible being with icy eyes. "I must kill him before he knew about her! Even if he wasn't from that family, I should kill him!"


George who was in relaxation saw a glimpse of a pink dot from his minimap. He knew who that was and thought that something must have happened in the store. He decided to go to the place where Su Ling was.

But when he walked to there, he frowned when he saw a pale blue dot running around from a lot of mobs inside of the twilight lich's grand tower. "Someone dared to use my own potion to attack my disciple?! Hmph! It's probably my grandson's disciple from before! Let's see how this potion effect remover work, shall we?"

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