

"Why do you look so dull?" Mei Han probed. "You had gone out to have fun yesterday but you look like someone that had a terrible nightmare." Mei Han frowned. "Did you see Fangxi in your dream?"

Xueyan smiled a bit. "What are you even saying?"

Mei Han had been trying to get her to speak and finally she did. Xueyan wasn't her normal usual cheerful self. And it worried her.

"I received an email," Mei Han made a face of thinking. "It's from your school..."

Xueyan was astonished. Her school had seized to exist after that incident. She knew that whomever did that was powerful and to cover his tracks they shot everything down.

The teachers disappeared into thin air. She had also heard the proprietress moved abroad with her lover...

Xueyan didn't know much, but Yuxi had tried tracking everyone from the school.

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