
Grouchy Underling

Knackered, Mina was curled on the ground close to the fire with her head resting on two paws and her eyes shut. But when she heard approaching footsteps, she snapped out of her relaxed state and became more attuned to her surroundings.

When she detected a familiar scent and heard Barca's gentle voice, Mina immediately started to melt back to her sleepy stance until she heard what the man had to say.

"The cat doesn't feel comfortable on your horse. You should be more considerate."

'Barca! In my next cat life, I'll choose you as my human,' Mina thought while feigning sleep.

"Luca is not comfortable with the cat. You should also consider his feelings," the man continued. The general grunted in reply. Undeterred by the other man's silence, Barca continued in a voice tinged with frustration.

"Jad, sometimes, it's easier to get a reply out of a cat than getting you to talk about things."

Mina smiled secretly. The general would be the perfect example of a human icicle.

"Were you teasing Luca earlier?"

"No," the general answered firmly.

Mina's eyes were closed but she could imagine Barca's satisfied smile after finally getting the general to reply to his monologue.

"We need to keep the invaders out of our borders and we lack people. What we lack for resources, we could make up for strategy."

"This could backfire."

"The emperor wants to fortify Artha. Enemies would consider a more peaceful means if our reputation precedes us."

"The emperor should see the brilliance of this plan but his ministers are superstitious. They may ask the emperor to burn you at the stake."

Mina shifted her focus towards the two men and saw the general nodded slowly acknowledging the possibility.

"Perhaps you have too much faith in the emperor's decisiveness," Barca continued.

"I fought beside him in several battles, and I am still alive."

Barca patted the general's back and replied in a tone filled with regret. "I'm beginning to detest all this fighting. Each victory leaves me less proud than the one before it." Turning to face the general, he voiced his concerns in a firm tone.

"To create something from nothing, the illusion of a formidable army. It is a brilliant strategy but it is an unnecessary risk."

The two men continued the discussion as they retreated to another location. Mina was becoming more curious about the general and she was about to trail after the man when a small squeak caught her attention.

Mina detected Tarou close to the trees. She quickly made her way towards the mouse who lurked in the shadows almost blending in with the scenery.

"They know about us," the mouse voiced in a hushed squeaked. Mina could only stay at the mouse in confusion.

"The man who smells of lemongrass. He knows," the mouse continued in the same cryptic tone.


"Yes, that man and your human." Tarou looked around before whispering.

"They know about our relationship."

Mina lowered her head towards the mouse, trying to find Tarou's unique scent and just then, the voice issued another warning.

"You should be cautious around them!"

'Confirmed. This scent is Tarou. I thought it was some other mouse pretending to be him.'

"You're acting unusual Tarou. We still need those humans."

'What's wrong with this mouse? Tarou is acting grouchy all of a sudden!'

"Is the rabbit hopping in your gut? Is this where all the bitchiness is coming from?"


Cutting off Tarou, Mina reasoned.

"Humans are reliable food sources. You just need to win them over. Let them think they're in control and they will be in the palm of your hand."

"Huh! You are in the palm of his hand." Tarou sputtered in disdain. "You are behaving like a dog! If you wag your tail, anyone would think you're one."

"I like dogs," the cat stated as a matter of fact but she couldn't help but wonder. 'Was she really acting too eager to please her human?'

"You should have more pride. Humans need a firm hand," Tarou stated in the same tone a principal reprimanded a delinquent student. This started to make Mina's eye dilate and she couldn't hide the irritation in her tone when she retorted.

"I'm Boss. I know what I'm doing." She paused, looking intently on Tarou before asking, "What is wrong with you tonight?"

"Barca suspects I delivered the letter," Tarou snapped. Mina couldn't help but gush.

"Smart and sensitive. Just my type of guy." Mina's response provoked Tarou's ire again.

"That human is dangerous. We should be more careful around them or they will take advantage of us."

The mouse paused and looked her straight in the eye and continued in a determined voice. "You, in particular, should be more careful about your actions." Raising a paw and pointing at Mina, he continued. "You are giving us away."

Mina felt something was off with the conversation with Tarou. When she realized how the mouse kept on telling her how to act she suddenly realized what was happening.

'This underling is questioning my authority.'

Gritting her teeth, she snapped back, "You should know your place. I know how to deal with humans."

"But the general, that man reeks of bloodlust. You should.."

Mina cut off the mouse with a hiss.

"If you don't have anything useful to say, zip it."

"Z-z-zip what?"

Irritated, Mina raised a claw against the mouse and bared her fangs.

'This creature has the audacity to question my actions!'

She wanted to scare the mouse a little but Tarou went all stiff in front of her, looking the same way he did during their first meeting. The mouse stammered a few squeaks revealing something so crucial Mina stood still and looked out thoughtfully into the darkness.

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