
Brother’s anger

... and of course, we didn't.


Haa... its only squirrels right, furthermore Miss Julia rather happy with the sales and even the Crown Prince is happy why would Brother be so upset?

I know I'm making money by the degrading nickname, but I'm only trying to re-mean it you know~?

"Brother, even the Crown Prince is not bothered by the plush squirrels why you are so upset?"

"Who would car about stupid squirrels?! No! That's not it. We will talk about Julia's issue later. What I want to know is how my sheltered sister, who was raised like a Princess, is now the Boss of the most terrifying dark organization in our country!"

When Brother stopped his ranting, he took deep breaths. Yes, breath or else you might explode, you are almost purple dear Brother.

"Wow there, are you okay, Brother? Do you want some tea to calm your nerves? You know you shouldn't stress yourself this much it is bad for your health"

"C E C I L E"

Gritting his teeth, Brother pronounced my name like King Yama calling my soul from hell. I never saw him so angry, not even when we argued because of Julia. His eyes were staring at me so intently that I could only avoid his intense gaze and concentrate on the circles that I was making with my foot while trying to think in ways to minimize his anger.

"Ah, hm, you see Brother, not long you left, IP was attacked by Marc. You know Marc, right? He was my predecessor, and he was actually-"


"Right you don't want to know about him, sorry. So he attacked me and after I brilliantly planned a trap for him we were able caught him and sentence him with the punishment imposed by the law. The thing is that he had too many people working for him. The King didn't know what to do with them, and I coincidentally needed subordinates that do the kind of job they were specialized. This was the best option don't you think?"

Brother only sighed and put his head in his hand in response.

"You shouldn't be so worried they are great people now after a pleasant training. Besides, you know that Father wouldn't let me face danger more than I need to. He assigned Theo to be 7/24 with me. Is kind of tiring but this was the only way that he stopped his nagging, so Brother-"

"I will visit your dark organization base"

"... okay. When do you wanna go?"


"Na-an. Can't do it. Today is your first day back if I drag you somewhere that terrifying woman will kill me"

"And can I know who the terrifying woman is Cecile-Chan?"

With a voice filled with dangerous warnings, Mother, who just came back after calling her husband and son to come and welcome her first born, was glowering daggers at me.

"No one that Mother knows of, since she is a very wonderful woman not a bit terrifying"

"*hmph* you cheeky brat. If I see you calling me terrifying once again, you better pray for your soul"

Although she spoke in a very friendly voice, the content of her speech made shivers go all over my body.


Mother only snorted at my response.

"Let's sit down. I guess your sister already updated you about all the happenings. Louis, you should go to the Crown Prince tomorrow. He must have something for you to do about their plan to stop Fournier's Plot"

"Fournier, as in Duke Fournier? What plot are you talking about?"

Father looked at me who could only pretend that I didn't see the accusatory glance he showed me. Is not my fault okay? Brother freaked out before I could even mention the plot.

"... *sigh* Fournier is trying to forge an accident to have the Crown Prince injured enough to not be able to reign. He wants the Second Prince to assume the throne instead of Prince Albert. We suppose he thinks Prince William is better to manipulate than Prince Albert. That old fool finally showed his tail"

"Oh, that's good to hear. It's been long since you wanted to get his hold Father. Who was the lucky spy who managed such a wonderful piece of information? "

Mother and Father's sight glued in me in response while Lucius was focused on the sweets in front of him and ignored the room situation completely.

"It was one of your subordinates, Cecile?"

"Yes! Was one of the people who were from the Underworld society that got the information. They are rather useful, aren't they?"

"I guess that they do have their value. And who is the one making contact with the Duke?"

Once again, Mother and Father didn't answer Brother and just looked at me. Father even seemed amused by my struggling act.

"... who is it Cecile?"

"Why don't you tell your brother little bunny? I imagine that like me he will be delighted"

"Fine! I'm the one in charge of the whole operation and the one that contacted Duke Fournier. He knows that I took Marc's seat too. I'm helping Prince Albert with everything in the plan"

Complete silence. Brother just stared at me while processing the words I just said. Until he grabbed the teacup that I handed to him earlier and threw it.


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