
The purple Eyes Demon.

One of the bandits saw a bright light flashing between two broken down carriages. He was just casually strolling through the dead bodies and carriages looking for something valuable among the aftermath of their well planned ambush. He walked near one of the carriages to find a dead female who was well adorned with clothing and jewelry. It seemed that one of his crew mates did not have time to loot this women after seeing the stab wound in her chest. He assumed that his mates were rushed as he may have had to tangle with one of the noble knights soon after he had killed her. The bandit praised the women for having a nice well toned body and voluptuous breasts that seem to want to burst right out of her red dress. She had a nice well balanced face and long brown hair with hazel eyes. She would be nice to play with if she was still alive. However the job they took to ambush these noble knights entailed to leave none alive. He gave a long sigh, but shoved the notion to the side as he could always use the money from the sold loot to go to the red light district and pay for some personal services. Immediately greed entered his eyes as he quickly approached the deceased female. He wanted to quickly loot this female and find other loots because all his other comrades were doing the same. At the rate of the mast looting after a job, it was common for all the valuables to be dried up from our victims, as it was every man for himself after their boss got first pick of the treasures. It would not be long until there was none left so he hurriedly looted the women. The bandit found a golden broach adorned with fine stones and diamonds. He praised himself in his mind for his good luck. He stared at the broach in admiration and fascination. Suddenly a bright flashing glow blinded him. His eyes dilated, as it was still rainy and dark, the sudden bright light startled him immensely. Quickly he pull out his rusted blood stained sword from his waist.

"Who goes there?!" He said with high alert. It seemed that one of his mates missed a survivor. He was wondering why there was a bright glow then the thought hit him. What if there was a magician among the noble convoy that the client failed to mention. He was on major alert as he was taught through many years of doing dirty work, that magicians were mysterious and dangerous. They had a limited supply of magical power but if they were given enough time to recuperate they could easily regain their mana from the magical elements in the air and surrounding environment. However that was not what made them scary it was the unknown factor of figuring out what elemental magical power they would use to kill their opponents. To a grunt sword man like him, it was hard to combat a magician as warriors find it hard to read magicians during combat. They did not give any body language or expression that would give the warrior a hint or any indication of their next action, the magician would just casually wave their magical staff and say some incantation then you hope that the attack the magician released would be quick and painless as warriors were sitting ducks. It would be suicide for a lone warrior to face off against a magician alone. The bandit was once on a job where he saw a lone magician face off against twelve of his mates, and with a casual wave of his staff and fast speaking incantation he obliterated them not even leaving the ashes of his enemies behind. After constant battle with the mage, the group managed to kill him with overwhelming numbers and barrages of arrows but it came at a high price. That job left him with a deep impression with mages, fear.

The bandit glanced at two of his mates and could tell they were thinking the same thing. He signaled one to go and get back up as the three of them would not be enough to face off against a magician unless the god of light could pardon their sins and work some miracles. He signaled the second bandit to back him up, in hopes of stalling the mage so they could bring near by reinforcements to subdue the mage. As he and his mate slowly approached the gap between the two broken carriages he saw something that made his heart freeze in fear. A person clad in silver armor walked out from behind the carriage not making a sound from his armor as if it was floating on the ground like a ghost. He was struck with fear not with the sound movement of the person but the crazed blood thirsty masked that smiled at him with murderous glee. His helmet had two metal horns giving off an overwhelming feeling of supremacy and might. He saw purple smoke fog coming out of the mouth opening like a dragon breathing hot stream out of it's mouth, but what was even more frightening were those soulless bloodthirsty glowing purple eyes that seemed to look through his soul seeing all of him as if wanting to devour his soul. Those were not the eyes of a common man but the eyes of a demon of slaughter.

"Surrender yourself!!" The bandit said with a shaky tone, his rusted bloody sword shook in his hand. The bandit did many jobs, came across many strong opponents but in the end he knew that with his group of bandits they could overwhelm them with their numbers and turn the bright sky dark with arrows if need be and hopefully kill them in the end. However, when being looked upon by those soulless glowing purple eyes of the silver clad warrior, he knew deep inside his gut that from those eyes that he would not make it out of there alive. Tose eyes told him that this being had witnessed and claim lives of hundreds of thousands or more. Merciless and murderous overwhelming aura flooded him like fast tidal wave, drowning him in fright making it hard for him to breath as if a mountain was crushing down on him and causing him to be un-able to coherently speak properly.

The silver clad armored demon just stared at him as if he was ants in his eyes, easily feeling that if the silver demon wish could kill him easily as turning his hand. The clad warrior had a long curved single sided blade sword. The sword had a decorated golden blade guard and red lacing woven into a criss cross patter make diamond shape size spacing for the fingers, for easy grip. The bandit had never seen such a beautiful sword before, but he knew that this blade was giving off a murderous vibe as if luring it's prey with it's beauty, then quickly killing any fool who dare approach, wanting to appease it sharp blade it gave off a blood thirsty aura wanting the blood of its soon to be victims.

Tap, tap, tap, tap,

Tap, tap, tap, tap

As if awakening from his stupor, the bandit saw many of his companions rushing over. Strapped with heavy armors and swords. Like a new wave of relief as he regained his former bravery and looked at the purple eyed demon with a sneer.

"Warrior, you have some nice armor and sword I'm pretty sure it will sell for a nice price. Hand it over and I swear to you your death with be quick and painless." The bandit said as his greedy eyed opponent looked at him, forgetting his earlier fear. He was one man, he alone would not be able to survive a massive group of heavenly armed bandits. If he was smart he would see that any resistance was futile and meaningless. Looking at him with glee he and his new arrived heavy armored companions surrounded and laughed at the lone warriors misfortune and praised themselves to find yet another expensive looking loot that they have never seen before, they knew it would sell for a high price.

(Johnson POV)

A wave of energy was rushing throughout his body, he felt as if he couldn run around the world and never get tired, it felt as if his body was weightless despite wearing titanium slated samurai armor. He looked at the bandit wearing leather mix-match armor as the bandit smile. He could tell he had some new found confidence as he felt reassured with his heavily armored buddies. What ARROGANCE!! He dares looked at me with such provocative sneer. He looks like a tooth pick that I can easily snap with my two fingers, I can even breath and this fucker will fly like a rag doll through the air like a feather. He thinks he has assurance because his gay fuck buddies are here?! I walked the battlefield across several continents back on earth in my past life and every one of my foes feared my name, the Soulless Purple Eye Demon. I left mountains of bodies in my wake, fuck, even the Somali Patriate gave me name who they tell their children about to scare them at night 'jinni iyo guduud' 'purple demon.' I will slice this fool inhalf- no, for his arrogance I shall cut him into eight pieces. He has his friend thinking he can jump me? I am not alone!

As if hearing their master's thoughts, a black clad armored warrior and a golden clad warrior walked out. Oda unsheathe his katana , shining through the dark rainy day reflecting ready for his master's order, if he willed it, he would gladly make these fool's blood rain everywhere. Tomoe casually swagged and twirled her naginata, it moved so fast even the rain that was falling from the sky had to give way and go around to the turbulent air that the spear left in it's wake. Johnson released his blood lust directed at the conceded bandit, the bandit felt chills down his spine and sweat started to flow down his forehead. Feeling the impending doom.

"Kill the others, leave this ass-wipe to me," Johnson said to his two subordinates, leaving the last part of the sentence for the arrogance bandit to hear with a blood chilling tone.

"As you command," Oda said to Johnson with a deep bow and soon charged forward to the heavily armored men.

"With pleasure, my master," Tomoe said as she gracefully moved toward the armored men but her movement was as graceful as a Nightingale. Her foot work was careful and fluid. With elegance like a crane, however from her enemies perspective it would seem as if she was gliding gracefully on the ground, almost floating on it. Even the ground was not worthy of her toes, she arrived in front of one of the armored men with a quick flash of her naginata, her movement was so fast no one saw it. Only the end of her attack could be seen, when Tomoe flicked the blood stain off her naginata gracefully walking away to her next opponent. When she was a good distance away.

"Blaaah," as the armored night cough a mouthful of blood that it sprayed through the opening of his visor and blood gushed out like garden sprinklers from the gaps of his neck where the armor did not protect. The armored bandit fell to his knees with a loins thump. As he fell to his side, in the gaps of his visor, his eyes filled with disbelief, as he did not know how he had died. A quick flash of light flashed from The Golden Cladded Warrior. The warrior's arm holding the spear did not even move! Only at the end, did he find the warrior's arm flash to the side to flick off the blood. The warrior was too fast!! The bandit died, leaving the other warriors stunned for a brief moment trying to register what happened to their companion and how it happened. Turning stunned astonishment to rage the armored bandit roared getting into their fighting stance as they charged with their short swords.

"Kill them!!"

"Burn them alive!!"

"Teach them a lesson to not to mess with the black wolves bandit!!"

Oda rushed into the pack of madden wolves who were angered by the loss of one of their pack members. Oda gracefully moved like a dancer, his movement was precise none of his moves were exaggerated, he met one of the armored men with his Katana. Locking both the bandits' short sword and Oda's katana they were fighting to push each other to the ground with their overbearing strength. Oda's eyes gleamed with a smile, he let the bandit push him back with the weight of his sword on his katana, with glee the knight pressed on wanting to put more pressure on Oda. At the burst of pressure of the bandits' sword Oda let his sword slip and side stepped the bandit. The bandit at a moment of glee wanting to squash this small bug made a deep frown of puzzlement as he lost his balance and plung forward to the ground. Oda quickly but gracefully used his right hand to grab the opponent's wrist and slip his right leg behind the armored man, with a slight tug of the armored man's wrist Oda, Judo flipped the big man, landing hard on his back knocking the air out of him. Oda swiftly turned his sword upside down, with both hands driving the sharp blade down into the gap between the armor into the opponent's throat. With a quick ruthless slash he made still to put a hole in the man throat as he opened the wound wider causing the armored man to bleed out faster. Quickly, Oda goes to his next target not even sparing another glance at the dying man.

The man in the leather armor who was first filled with encouragement and greed with the idea of robbing and killing these warriors was now filled with dread. His was pale as he watched the black clad and golden clad warrior make quick work of his fully armored companions. He lowly tried to slip behind his buddies as they did not notice as they were too busy trying to suppress these demon looking opponents who were slaughtering them at a fast pace. As he almost got back to his armored crew members he felt the murderous killing intent sent directly at his back like wanting to cut pieces through him from behind like a knife.

"Where do you think your going asswipe??!?"" {NE}

I literally wrote this at work, the chapter before “in the next life,” I wrote at home the day before. Right now I am at work and broke until Friday and I am sooooo hungry and do not feel like writing another third chapters until my tummy is full. I am sitting in the break room sulking.. sniff sniff grrrrawwwwwlll (stomach noise). ?

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