

"It's from the diversionary team. Quick, take out your communication balls. Tell me what you see."

"Councilor, they're being attacked."

"Check the look-out team."

"On it."

"They're still safe. Head Councilor Dranx may be thinking when to butt in."

"Okay, we should stay here and reinforce safety. Samarra," Denaire called out. "Is this the only way in?"

Samarra had a fearful look in her face but still managed to answer her sister friend. "No. There is one at the back, near our supply room."

"Okay. Who keeps guard in here?"

"The remaining knights and elite force."

"Okay that's good." Denaire looked at her team. "Stay here and defend the area. I'll take three to accompany me inside and help them guard the other entrance. Do not disengage the communication ball. Monitor their progress. When you think they're winning, help them cover the evidences and proceed immediately here."

"Yes ma'am."

"Okay Samarra, lead the way."

They walked through a dark, damp hallway. The only light was made by the Light magician Denaire was with. They walked for what feels like an eternity to Denaire. Then they went down for three steps until they reached a large cavern.

There Denaire saw the people of Oniro camped in, sleeping on their sleeping bags or anything that could withstand the cold floor. They were all looking at the newcomers with fear and trepidation.

"Samarra," Denaire whispered out. "Call the knights."

"I have to call in Papa first Denaire. Protocol. "

Denaire inhaled deeply but followed the lady.

"Denaire, wait here. I'll just call them; they're inside that room." She pointed at a narrow door covered with a blank blue curtain. She nodded and gestured to her team to be at ease.

A couple of minutes passed by and the King went out from the room. Denaire and her team knelt down. "Your Majesty."

"Denaire," the Queen exclaimed, her voice echoing in the large cavern. "It's so good to see you."

Denaire and her team stood up. The Queen rushed to her and hugged her. "Your Majesty, have you been alright?"

"Never better my dear."

"Where is the Crown Prince?" Denaire voiced out her fears immediately.

But the Queen only shook her head. Denaire looked at the King, who was now looking downcast as well. She looked at her one last living hope, Samarra. But she was covering her mouth with tears falling down her face.

She couldn't contain it anymore, her tears also broke out. "What… what … tell me what happened? What happened?! Where is he?"

"Denaire," Samarra approached her with trembling hands. "I'm sorry…"

"What are you sorry for?"

"He.. We don't know where he is. He was with the Attack Squad when it happened."

"You mean to say he hasn't been here since that day? But why are you all crying? It means he's still alive!" Denaire exclaimed.

"All we found is this," the King interjected. He raised his hands and there was Raiyukii.

Denaire backed away, shaking his head as if trying to erase what she's seeing. "No no no. That can't be right. No, no noooo!" Denaire cried out. "It can't be. This isn't true."

Samarra hugged her. "It is Denaire. Without weapons, we don't know if brother could survive out there."

"So you think he's dead then? He's stronger than you think!" Denaire yelled. "No, I believe he is still alive. I will find him no matter what."

"Councilor Denaire."

She whirled around and yelled, "What!"

The poor boy shuddered in fear. Denaire softened her voice, sensing that her emotions are going haywire. "I'm sorry. What is it?"

"The rest of the team is coming this way. They have defeated the Exoshans."

Denaire wiped her tears steeling herself. She promised she won't be carried away anymore. "Good, I'll meet them then." Then facing the royal family, "Your Majesty, when we get back, you have to call in the knights and elite force. We have to plan out a way to extract you all from this place. Good day."

Samarra tried to reach out to Denaire, but Denaire pushed away her hand and said, "Work first." And she continued trudging onwards.

Denaire felt bad on treating Samarra that way, but she couldn't get away with the fact that Amon's family didn't trust him to survive alone without a weapon. But she knew better. She knew that Amon would find a way to survive. Maybe he's out there, needing her help. Or maybe he just lost his way.

Whatever it is, Denaire knew that Amon is alive. Her heart sings it; her heart craves for it. She has to trust that Amon would come back to her.

And for the meantime, Denaire has to pave his way for his comeback. She has to make sure that there is still a place for Amon to come back to.

"Head Councilor Dranx," Denaire said as she met him. "I requested the King to gather all for a meeting. Are we ready to take them away from here?"

The Head Councilor smiled. "We are always ready. Let's go."

Thank you all for reading!

Lovelots ❤❤

Aedioncreators' thoughts
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