

"Have you ever heard about Stone Paradox of Time?" Xiao Jun started. He thought it was the right time to share this responsibility and secret to his brother.

"You mean the heirloom of one of the most distinctive clan that has vanished years ago?" Xiao Tianyao ever heard about this thing, but paid no mind.

Xiao Jun nodded. "That heirloom belongs to the mind controller."

"But, the last mind controller was killed 54 years ago." Xiao Tianyao wondered. "If The Stone of Paradox belongs to the mind controller, then it will be vanished along with them."

"I saw it once."

Xiao Tianyao slightly frowned when he walked closer to Xiao Jun, "You saw it?"

"I think I saw it, but since I never saw the real one I am not sure if the one that I saw was The Stone Paradox of Time." He and Ye Xiu had discussed about this thing over and over again, but couldn't find the way out of this.

"What the use of that stone?"

"I don't know what the use of that stone as well, but it power is famous in certain circles of people. Uncle Xiao Zi had been looking for the stone since our parent death, and it happened I have feeling that our parents also knew about this stone as well."

"You want to say that our parent were after this stone too?"

Xiao Jun shook his head. "I still gather the information about this from the people that was involved in the night that our parent was murdered. However, they were vanished. No one could confirm about it." Xiao jun halted for a while and then added. "Did you know that our grandfather was the one who had issued an order to hunting down all of the mind controllers and kill them without mercy?"

"Yes, I heard that story. Grandfather assumed that the mind controllers are threat to the Country."

"Hmm," Xiao Jun nodded. "With their power they are able to mess up life. The powerful one among them is able to mess up the whole Country. That was what I heard about them."

"I can understand that. I won't welcome someone who could mess with my mind either."

Xiao Jun didn't say anything about Xiao Tianyao opinion, he continued with the story. "The last mind controller sought refuge to Xinghe Kingdom. However, Xinghe Emperor at that time betrayed him and hand him over to our grandfather with the agreement that Azura won't attack them and will help Xinghe to defense themselves from the other 2 Kingdoms. Mountain Sui Sword Sect was the form of Xinghe Kingdom and Azura Kingdom alliance."

"Based on grandfather character, he would destroy Xinghe Kingdom along with the mind controller if Xinghe didn't hand him over." Xiao Tianyao remembered how fierce his grandfather was.

"I am agree, he would have done it in that way." Their grandfather had passed away long time ago, but the image of the man with character like their grandfather wasn't easily to forget. "The thing is, the last mind controller had a family with 3 sons. When Xinghe's Emperor handed their family over to Azura, grandfather was executed them right on the spot."

Xiao Tianyao didn't give much reaction about this fact, after all this thing had happened long time ago. He still wanted to find out what Xiao Jun actually wanted to say to him by telling all of these past stories.

"The last mind controller's wife, his 3 sons and himself were shot with arrowed until death near the Mountain Sui Sword Sect. But, when the guards collected their body, the last son's dead body was gone."

Xiao Tianyao raised his eyebrows. "Has he survived?"

"No one knew. They looked for the kid for days, but the kid just vanished without traces." Xiao Jun rubbed his chin.

"That kid will be very old by now."

"From the information that I had gather, The Stone Paradox of Time was lost in Xinghe Kingdom, right at that time of execution."

"Jun, I don't understand with all of this. What this is about? What is exactly that stone?"

"I heard something like; the power of The Stone Paradox of Time could give you sovereignty."

"Sovereignty? You wanted to say that Uncle Xiao Zi is behind our parent murdered?" Xiao Tianyao's face turned dark.

"That's only my speculation."

Xiao Tianyao didn't want to listen to his brother anymore, he didn't even care about the story that Xiao Jun had told him about the mind controller.

He never liked this little brother of his father, and now Xiao Jun talked about him in such a way, even if it only Xiao Jun speculation it's hard to control the raging flame inside him.

He knew what the meaning of speculation for Xiao Jun. That word mean, he must have done years of investigation and found something amiss with it.

Xiao Jun's speculation was most likely to be true. He just put it that way to hide the seriousness of the matter at hand.

Xiao Tianyao gritted his teeth as he turned around, was about to walk out from the balcony, but at the same time Xiao Jun held him by his arm.

"Where are you going?" He knew that this would be Xiao Tianyao reaction. He was a hot headed young man with bad temperament.

"Kill him." Xiao Tianyao answered him with a matter of fact tone.

"Tianyao, it can't be done like that."

"Why can't? You are the rightful person for the throne. We have Commander Dam with Black Sword Clan behind us. You know that our Master is in our side. Many higher up are still loyal to the late Emperor and show their support towards you. So, what are you waiting?" Xiao Tianyao barked at Xiao Jun. Commander Dam was both of their Masters from the first time they stepped in the military, "He killed our parent. Emperor or not, I will take my revenge."

"I would have done it many years ago! But, this matter is not as simple as you think!" Xiao Jun rebuked him and tighten the grip in Xiao Tianyao's arm. His little brother glared at him, probed him for further explanation.

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