
The Major Marathons 7

"Now that we've talked about basketball let's talk a little bit about marathons too, which is something Jake also stands out a lot about, you said you prepared well for marathons since before running in Chicago, how was that?"

"The first sport I enjoyed when I was a kid was athletics, I liked running more than basketball, but I still loved basketball almost the same way."

"But in the neighborhood where I lived in Miami I couldn't play basketball with my friends even if I wanted to because they didn't have courts, so I always liked to run in the city squares."

"I didn't know that it's nice to know you were interested in sports since you were a kid, and why did you decide to play basketball and not keep running?"

"As you may well know, basketball is one of the most beloved sports in our country, and I was very fond of basketball myself, and my family was in a complicated situation with just my mom working and she seemed to have health problems at the time."

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