
Entering Bryarmont Town(2)

The guards continued to stare at the silhouette of their little miss which was going out of their sight, bit by bit, with wide open eyes.

Just as she was about to disappear from their vision entirely, they came back to their senses and were about to apprehend this man-Tera duo who were causing mayhem in the Town not even a few seconds after entering it.

As for the matter of them being vouched by the little miss and then being ignored…it could be settled later.

However, just before they did so, they heard an irritated voice which made them stand to attention due to the horrors of the memories that it reminded them of.

"All right, fine, I do know him! I'll handle it! Go back to your duties!"

With a firm nod, the two guards turned around, and if one looked closely, they would notice that their backs were quivering with fear.

Indeed, the little miss was known for finding out very…innovative methods of taking out her frustration on the town guards if any irked her.

Once, there had been a guard who used to be all high and mighty, with many expectations from himself and the world. At that time, all the guards had used to take up 'little miss duty', where they would be charged to 'handle' her and make sure that she wouldn't get hurt when the Town Mayor had reached his limit with her antics.

All of them did so diligently, without raising their voice, because even though the little miss was prone to tantrums, she was a really adorable kid who didn't mean anyone harm.

However…this guy went and took it upon himself to 'educate' her regarding the world with a high and mighty voice, as he saw it as his duty.

The result…was that he was given a very peculiar task.

The little miss had said that she had heard from her mentor that the song of a Spike-Furred Grizzly Bear was the most beautiful if it was captured by a gallant man. This didn't make sense, but that man had taken her word for it as the mentor was a 2-star Ascender who was held in very high esteem throughout the town.

He was asked to capture one so that she could hear it, and 'find out more about the world'.

The sad truth that the man hadn't known was that grizzly bears, even before the apocalypse, were some of the species with the most active 'drive'.

That was even more so with a Spike-Furred Grizzly Bear, which was known to take a liking to any man who tried to imprison it.

Thus, although powerful, very few would choose this Tera to be a companion.

So…in the end, the man had had to beg the Town Mayor for help as the Grizzly Bear would track him whenever he left the Town because of the time he had tried to catch it, and then failed before being chased for hours on end.

That was also a traumatic experience that he would never forget.

Hence, no one wanted to draw the ire of the little miss who could be very vicious if she wished.

Seeing them pretend as if they had seen nothing, Anissa nodded to herself and frowned deeply before walking back to the store where Aaron and Woof were just going to be finished with all the candy in the store.

Indeed, ALL of it.

Even she was shocked when she came on the scene. It was like a tornado had torn through it, gobbling away all the candy that would typically be enough to feed at least 20 people, if they were having a meal that consisted only of this one extremely sugary delicacy.

As for the husky and the human, they were lying on the ground with sugar covering their mouths, which they were licking idly while the latter smiled with a very, very satisfied expression on his face.

As for the husky, its eyes were closed and drool was pooling onto the pavement beside it as if it wanted even more.

She didn't even know what to say…as she was too busy wondering how this was even possible.

Just what kind of appetite was necessary to accomplish such a heavenly task?!

Of course, the shopkeeper wasn't as stunned as her. Instead, he was worried that he would have no money to buy the next stock.

Noting this, Anissa walked over and quickly gave him a small, square token that had a beautiful pattern of a golden snake coiled around a heap of gold coins carved on one side of it.

On the other, the number '100' could be seen.

The moment the shopkeeper saw it, his eyes lit up, but he hesitated, as it was much more than the cost of the candy and the shop, combined.

However, he accepted it gladly when he heard the little miss speak in a low tone.

"The rest is for you to keep this secret."

Thankfully, no other shops had opened yet for the day, so Anissa felt just a bit better when she saw the shopkeeper accept the money and walk away, smiling.

That was when she walked over to the duo, wondering how she was supposed to wake them up, as both of them had their eyes closed.

However, the moment she got within 5 steps of them, both of their eyes sprang open and eyed her warily, making her stop in her tracks.

The Tera's eyes were still normal. It was a known fact that combat oriented Teras had enhanced senses to help them live in the dangerous jungles on Earth.

However…how was it possible for this guy to also possess such sharp senses?

She was pretty amazed, but that was before she noticed the feral look in his eyes.

And from that, she understood right away who he was.

"You grew up in the jungle, didn't you?"

Aaron had been relishing in the aftertaste, and the memory of just how terrific gobbling up all those amazing things had been.

Yet, hearing this, he stood up, as he had never told this woman about his origins.

Woof remained on the floor, but it wasn't as relaxed as before.

Seeing him furrow his eyebrows, Anissa raised her hands and said, "Relax. One of my lessons was to identify those like you. In this age, it is actually more common than you might think. Many die, though, but those who do walk out of forests alive always go on to achieve great things. My mentor told me that even the strongest Ascenders take special note of such people. Also, you were lucky to have had to survive in the low-level forests around here. In other continents, there are higher leveled ones where almost no one is capable of continuing to live unless they are lucky enough to bond with a strong Tera. Now, come on. Do you want to see your friend, or not?"

Anissa decided to give a long explanation, as she could tell that anyone like this would definitely be wary.

However…she also found it odd as they typically did not trust anyone, yet this guy was in the company of that other one.

Of course, he had said that he was only an acquaintance, but it was still strange.

The more time she spent with this guy, the more he intrigued her.

Only…this feeling disappeared when she saw someone approaching from the street in front of them.

With no intention to be caught here and then teased by her friends, Anissa turned around and motioned at him quickly before walking away.

Aaron was a bit surprised on hearing this, but it did explain things as he had been puzzled before, a bit, when the Chief had been able to identify him so easily.

Seeing her walk away, he followed, and Woof also got up with eagerness as it could smell so many more incredible scents from further inside.

They walked on the central road, and Aaron was actually busy taking in all the peculiar sights.

Comfortably full and very satisfied, he studied them all while keeping an eye on Anissa, who was a few steps ahead.

Teras and humans could be seen in all directions, living and even working together naturally, which made for a very intriguing sight.

On the left, in the balcony of an apartment, a Blue-Tailed Macaque was shooting jets of water at garments that were being held up by a man in front of it in order to wash them thoroughly.

On the right, a man and a Spike-Hooved Horse beside him were carrying heavy loads somewhere.

In front of him, there was a gym with a muscular Four-Armed Gorilla in front of it that was gesturing at passerbys to walk in.

Aaron was so interested that he wished he could see more, but soon, they approached the massive mansion at the end of the Town.

Right before entering it, though, they cut to the right to a building named 'Town Medical Bay'.

Aaron and Woof followed Anissa inside and were soon in a closed room where there were two beds: one had Edmond on it, who was unconscious, while the other was occupied by a man whose face was completely bruised.

Still, Aaron could see a few similarities, so he could tell that this was probably his father.

Holograms like the ones he had seen in the World Government Hub were floating above their bodies, and the one on the latter was of a darker shade than that on his son.

Even though these were fascinating to see, his attention was diverted to a particular corner of the room where there seemed to be nothing except a shadow.

Only, a second later, a thin man materialized in that shadow, as if from nowhere, and walked forward with a smile before saying:

"Ooh, this a sharp one. Take note, Anissa. He was able to see through my Shadow Leopards skill in a heartbeat. You, on the other hand, were too occupied by the trivial things in the room. If I wished harm on you, you would have been dead by now."

Sorry about the mix-up...

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