
Introduce yourself

The class laughed and laughed along with the class teacher. Then the teacher said ok people calm down that's enough" the class slowly stoped laughing and Zero looked pissed off you could see the veins on the side of his for head.

Introduce you self The whole class was intrigued about the girl that beat up one of the strongest guys in school some one in the back round said

"Do I have to really it's not like I'm anyone special so....." I started to trail off

"Yes now would be good".

"Fine my name is May I was born here moved to the Uk moved back here a couple of days ago and I use to go to this school a couple of years ago I don't take no shit from no one if you mess with me you will end up like my best friend Zero Ok is that good enough can I go sit down now" I replied as I rolled my eyes.

"Would you look at that there is an open seat right next to Zero if there's any issues I have no problem with you keeping him in line ".

"Perfect" I said with a smirk on my face .

English was easy enough but I couldn't wait to get out of this class

It was lunch time and your not allowed to go off campus except from me that is I went to McDonald's and ordered food and waited for a bit and I took a walk before heading back to school. On my bike before I knew it I was in maths the last subject of the day and I was thrilled couldn't wait to get out of this hell hole and get home after introducing myself for the 100000000 time to day I got in class and who do

I see Jayden Mia and her doppelgängers still looking so fucking ugly but I couldn't help but laugh at there poor attempt of flirting

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