

When I looked at the number of viewers, the viewer count which was at 63 shot up to 90!

"My God Zy, how did you think about using our ultimatums together like that? I was losing in mid lane until the kill and two assists I just got" Bart said while wondering and impressed.

" Haha, I learned this from a friend of mine who used to play another MOBA" I say laughing thinking as if I knew Faker .

After two minutes our ultimates had gone off cooldown and we went to the bot lane to do the same thing again. This time Bart got a triple kill on the enemy adc, support, and jungler.

With the advantage that we just got in the game, finishing the match was really easy, since everyone on the team has a diamond rank.

Throughout the game I was giving tips on what I remembered seeing the professional players did in my old world and talking to Bart and the viewers on my stream.

As today I was giving tips to those who play in the jungle and in the mid lane while freaking out a lot the live viewer count managed to beat 110 people. At the end of the live I received a total of 25$ from donations.

- ABronzeRichPlayer donated 10$. "Hey Zy, I enjoyed this strategy and I will try to use it to get out of bronze, if I get my rank up to high silver, I'll donate another 10$!".

"Thank you so much ABronzeRichPlayer, I hope you get out of your bronze rank!" I say laughing at this guy's nickname. "Everyone in the chat, send your blessings to the bronze rich player so he can get out of his elo!" I say as people start blessing and cursing the guy.

- HyperSupportCarrier donated 15$. "Zy, show us a strategy to help us support too. I'm tired of losing games because my adc does not know how to play."

"Thank you HyperSupportCarrier, I'll try to think of something and show you a strategy to support your garbage adc playing support! I too had a time that I just played support, so I guess I can teach you guys a thing or two hehe"I say enthusiastically.

"Thank you everyone for the support you have given me today. I'm going to post the second video on my Qitube channel so stay tuned and don't lose! " I say as I turn off Live.

Remembering how much Bart improved with the tips of my previous world, I see that this world is still well behind in terms of tactics. 'Should I create a professional team?' I think.

* Swwiishhhhhhh *

I hear my cell phone scandalous warning that an email arrived.

Subject: Partnership proposal.

Opening the email, I see that it's from Switch, the site that I live stream on" Hello Zhanye, after a few weeks of watching we have seen that your channel has great potential and that it is content that a lot of GoA players are interested in. That is why we have contacted through this email to offer the chance to become a Switch partner. By becoming a partner we will release your live stream on the homepage of the site when you are live, and you will have the right to be able to pass commercials during your broadcast. These commercials will yield an income according to how many people watch. From now on, we thank you for choosing Switch as your broadcast platform and we look forward to a pleasant partnership. "

After reading the email I was really surprised . I already hoped that I would partner with Switch, but I did not expect it to be that fast. I've heard reports from a lot of people saying how hard it was to partner with Switch, but here I am. Two weeks of transmission and I already have a partnership hahaha.

'I think it's time to tell my parents.' I think.

Leaving my room, I see my mother writing her book on the computer while the children watch some cartoon. My mother is a well-known Romance writer, with several of her books published and some even being Best-sellers .

My family is probably able to move from this house to a bigger house in a prime area of town. But I think because of the old Zhanye who did not leave the basement, they chose to stay here even with money left over. But from what I've known of them, they care more about me and the children than about any material good. 'I've definitely hit the jackpot to be reborn into such a family.' I think to myself as I sit down beside her on the couch.

"Hi son, are you hungry already?" She asks smiling.

"No mother, actually I came to give you some good news," I reply with another smile.

"Is it? Are you bringing a daughter-in-law for me?" She says laughing.

"Noo moom , I came to tell you that I started doing livestreams on Switch, I've already started two weeks ago. I start everyday in the morning until lunchtime." I told her.

"What a good son! A hobby is always good for us to keep our heads in place, just do not pull away from us again, "she says as she hugs me.

"Actually Mom, that's not the novelty. I've just been selected by the site to become one of their partners. While I was broadcasting I made 30$ worth of donations from the people who watch me because they enjoyed my content. But now that I've partnered with the site, I'm not just going to depend on donations and I'm going to be able to get paid by advertisements on my broadcast, like TV channels, I'm going to make more money because of it."

"How good of you my son! Your father will be very proud that his son is already worried about earning his own money at the age of 16." My mother uses even more strength to hold me closer, clearly proud of me.

"Let's wait for my dad to come home and I'll buy the pizzas today with my money I got to celebrate!" I say. 'Even though I decided to spend the money I first got on a webcam, I think spending it with my family is much more important.' I think.

When my father arrives and my mother tells him what happened he is happier than we imagined and insists on giving me a gift. "Son, I've already decided. You can buy anything for $200. I will not accept anything less than that!" He tells me after I say he did not want a no as a answer.

"Dad, $200 is a lot of money. I don't want to make you spend all that, especially now that I can make my own money" I say while facepalming myself.

"I do not accept no as an answer! You must choose what you are going to buy and send me the invoice in the end, and try to send me an invoice of at least $200" he says in a tone that he will not turn back.

"Okay dad ... I quit." I say with a warm heart to see how much he cares about me.

After lunch, my father returned to the hospital. My father works as chief surgeon at the hospital. With my father and my mother, there was never a lack of money at home.

When I look up at the table, I see that my father left a card with a note on it. "Here's $250 son, when I get back home I'm going to break that card. If you don't spend all that money today, Then it will go to the bank, so make sure to spend all it hahaha." I facepalmed when i read it.

Picking up the card, I decide to go to the electronics store near here. Looking at the price of things I get a professional microphone to improve my voice while i'm live and maybe record some songs, an electronic piano for me to practice these 51 proficiency points and finally a full HD webcam .

When I look at the invoice, I see that there are a few dollars left , since I could not go to the gym yesterday with Daniel, I'm going to compensate with an acai today on my account.

Arriving home I install all the equipment and the text to see if everything is working and I'm happy with the result.

When everything is ready I send Daniel a message and wear my gym clothes.

When we meet, he screams from afar. "Heey Zy ! You didn't come yesterday, what were you doing? What are you going to do to make it up to me?" He is as talkative as ever.

" Ohh , yesterday I was on a date, sorry. But don't worry, the acai is on me! "I say, seeing his face red when I said I was dating.

Today is arm-warming day, so while one throws the other helps lift and lower the weight depending on the exercise. While we're working out I see a lot of guys taking photos in the mirror to post on their instagram. Yes, like the car brands, the instagram was not changed. Seeing this I go to the front of the mirror and pose as if taking a picture too. 'Yeah, I think I'd better boost my charm before, it'll be weird if I get too handsome out of the pics. '

While I'm looking at myself in the mirror I hear a voice of mocking coming from behind me. "Hahahah, look at the chicken looking in the mirror thinking that it's pretty."

And a noise I'm getting used to, but I love to hear it every day.

[ Ding , new mission.]

We reach the 94th position!!!! 2 CHAP TODAY!!!! RELEASE THE FIREWORKS!! Please, vote with your power stones, if we get the 89th untill tomorrow will be more 2 chap release!!

And what you think about a mass release at saturday? *-*

Zhanyecreators' thoughts
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