

Both Jack and Ahsoka came to the room that was their designated location for lightsaber instructions and they could already see the others group together and standing around waiting for something. So they just joined the group.

Standing there and waiting got Jack to once again think about this place as some kind of school or academy. Even though calling it an academy is the wrong way since it was dark side inclined and how Sith called their training place.

Somehow that's rather stupid but temple it is.

It still just reminded him too much of his school days when he first started his routine that went on day in and day out.

Each day was fully scheduled out until late into the night before they went to sleep. Surprisingly there were also days off at weekends like he used to know but the Master Jedi still recommended working on meditation in their free time.

Well, he did do that and various other things to be exact. There were at least a few hours each day that went away with breaks.

Soon the doors opened again and two figures came in. It was Master Drallig and Grandmaster Yoda.

As it was now a habit, Jack bowed slightly and greeted both masters with that gesture.

"Good Day, Younglings.", nodded Drallig back.

Yoda on the other hand was looking at all of them and standing there leaning on his wooden cane.

"Most of you probably already heard some rumors spreading. And I can feel some of your excitement..." Drallig glanced towards Ahsoka especially. "But please remain calm. Master Yoda will explain everything to you now so you can be certain about what is the truth and what is false."

"Good day it is, younglings. Special for many of you, it will be. Training postponing and travel, we will. Illum, the place, we go. Hmmm, test you there to receive your crystal, we will.", said Yoda with his icon way of basic.

The younglings all became smiles. They all knew this would come up at some point and they thought they would receive a confirmed date for their travel to Ilum but everyone was surprised to get told that they would travel there today.

Even Jack was surprised that this would be done so soon.

"Well, what are you all waiting for? Go and prepare yourself. At 12 we will depart from the Temple. We will meet half an hour before that at the hangar. Whoever is late will not come along. Now, go.", added Cin Drillig now after seeing them still idle around and waiting for something else.

"Come, Jack! Let's prepare our stuff!" Ahsoka was pulling his arm and Jack had to sigh being dragged around again.

"You know you don't need to drag me.", responded Jack.

"But I want to sit together with you. The best way to do that is making you hurry up as well.", rebuked Ahsoka and gave her reasoning.

Jack just blinked a few times and nodded. "Alright." Jack had to think about her being rather clingy now. But that also put a smile on his face since it showed she had a rather high opinion of him. And who would not want friendship with a cute girl like her? Even though she was behaving more like a tomboy than anything.

Well, maybe it was exactly because of that behavior that he was getting along with her so well. He felt rather natural around her. It came somewhat close to his friends...

Right, that also brought him back thinking about them and Yoda could feel his mood swing that became a pained emotion.

"Still struggling with the loss, young Shea is.", mentioned Yoda while looking the group walking away.

"He sometimes does appear dispirited but he recovers rather quickly, Master Yoda. At his age, it is quite the feat to stay strong. Most others would break and take a much longer time to recover from this. And some may even fall to the darker emotions...."

"Spirit, he has. Truth, I must admit. Questioned my decision, when finding out about his midi-chlorian count, I had. But now I see the future, that young Shea walks. Not a threat to us, he is.", nodded Yoda and started to walk.

Cin Drallig just bowed lightly to the departing grandmaster and also thought a little bit about this student of his. 'Should I consider his request now that he asked me last time?', he thought at that moment after hearing the grandmaster talking as if he already knew Jack was no threat.

Later the clan was grouped together and walked to the hangar at the side of the temple where they would take a ship to fly off from the planet. Since being on this topic, Jack also found a place to rent for the past years and had his ship located there. For renting that long it was rather cheap so he did not need to think about it.

When they were about to leave and most of the clan was already boarded in the ship two people approached Master Yoda and Jack looked back when he heard him getting greeted.

"Oh, Master Yoda. Are you leaving Coruscant?", asked a male voice. It came from a man with long back hair. He wore a brown robe and beige Jedi attire underneath that.

Yoda turned and looked at the man. "Hmm, Sirrus. Back from the mission, you are? How is your padawan?"

"Aubrie? She is doing fine. A good lad having the making of a Jedi. She even went ahead to the library just now.", replied the man called Sirrus with a smile.

"Hmm. Good, that is. Now go, I must. The younglings for their travel to Illum, they wait.", nodded Yoda to confirm everything was fine.

"Oh, so that is where you are headed? Well, then I don't want to keep you for myself for so long. I can already see one of the younglings ominously starring at me." He chuckled and glanced for a short moment at Jack.

Yoda also looked back to him and Jack just thought it was enough eavesdropping and also entered the ship.

Inside Ahsoka was immediately the one that was glaring at him.

That was because the seat beside her was already taken by another member of the clan. The only free space was way up ahead at the front beside the dark-skinned boy Arin. Another human from his clan.

So Jack just took that free spot and smiled wryly as an apology to Ahsoka that was now ignoring him with looking away right after she noticed his look.

"Sorry, dude. But that pilot there is from that race...They kinda smell...", said Arin from the side and tried to tell him why he didn't want that spot that was very close to the pilot seat.

"And you give me the place? You should know I am one with probably the sharpest nose in the clan...", replied Jack.

"Well, sucks to be you then. You were just taking too long. Even the beating from Ahsoka that we will get for gambling away your spot is worth not being close to that smell." Arin shrugged his shoulders.

"..." Jack just stayed silent and concentrated to create a small membrane around his head with the Force that would negate any smell. "It's alright...But your luck kinda sucks to end up right beside me. Not that far away in my opinion.", smiled Jack when he added his last words.

Never thought that writing Yoda would be such a pain xD My brain hurts already just rethinking stuff in his way.

Soulcrystalcreators' thoughts
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