
Words Symbols

Each culture has its own "word symbols", "words codes", "words of images". Not everyone can read in the world classics perivision, so people read them in translation into other languages. One way or another, in fiction or journalistic literature there are unique "images".

Consider the examples:

"Approaching the small table" means to be close to the Power of Olympus. It went from 1982 - Fazil Iskander "Rabbits and Boas" 1982.

"There is no reception against the scrap, except for another scrap" - the proverbial wisdom means that against one powerful person, he can act as an equal in strength.

"The chandelier has fallen" - means that the whole world has disappeared, it came from Vladimir Orlov's novel "Viola Danilov" in 1981.

"Full scribe" - scribe word substitute, meaning in general a disaster.

"They went to the forest" - that is, let them go conditionally ass, the word there in the original is tougher.

Air is money

"Cabbage, greens" - dollars

"Freebie" - for free

"It was all about the dressing gown" - from folk stories about Afandi Nasreddin, a folklore character of the East and some peoples of the Mediterranean and the Balkans, the hero of short humorous and satirical miniatures and anecdotes, and sometimes domestic fairy tales. It means that all the noise was due to the "robe", that is, what kind of property that they wanted to steal, take away.

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