

Molly is an 17 year old teenager. It is her last day of highschool. She is expecting to see her 18 year old boyfriend, Chase, in the gym at 9:00 am. She decided to get there early to set up the surprise she had for him. She walks into the gym with the German Shepherd that she got for him. She knew that German Shepherds were his favorite type of dog. She honestly thought that Chase was going to be late. It was now 8:45. She had everything set up. She went to the girls' bathroom to wash her hands. She walked in and saw her enemy, Alyssa. She then saw Chase walk out of a stall. Molly was very confused.

"What are you doing in here?," Molly said.

"Oh, nothing, why?," said Chase.

"Oh, I'm sorry you had to find out this way but, Chase is cheating on you, with me!" Alyssa said with a smirk.

Molly couldn't believe what she had just heard. She stood there in disbelief. She ran out of the bathroom crying. She grabbed the leash and ran home. Chase texted her and said I'm sorry. Molly was furious with him. She responded and said, how could you do this to me? He responded and said I'm really sorry, I didn't mean for you to find out like this. Molly said so when were you planning on telling me? Chase said I don't know. So I wasn't supposed to find out?, Molly said. Well.., Chase started to say. You know what, we're over. Go run back to Alyssa. She then blocked his number.

Molly cried and cried by the time she was done it was time for her to get ready for the graduation ceremony that she was going to for her brother and was supposed to be her boyfriend.

"Okay Molly pull yourself together, who needs him!" Molly exclaimed.She quickly got up and took a shower. After she got out she went to her closet and it was practically empty. She then saw the dress that she had been saving for a special moment and thought, Perfect.She threw on the dress then did her makeup she grabbed her bag and her best friend Kate picked her up. Kate was confused on why Molly looked upset and asked her about it Molly told her the whole story, Kate was shoked and she hugged Molly.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"Kate exclaimed.

"I didn't want you to worry about me I know how you are,"Molly said. Molly was nervous to see Alyssa and Chase. Her stomach turned when she thought about it.

It is terrible how he did that to her but hopefully she makes a comeback!!❤️

Caylan0830creators' thoughts
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