
56. She can't sit still

On the way back to the house Kendra became silent. She looked at Isaa and Cian playing with Fluffy and laughing at his antics. She looked at the smiling old lady and turned her head towards houses they passed.

Soon this place will grow rapidly. If they are smart even inner city prices will turn hilariously expensive. But even if she leaves, she plans to keep the house under her name. She doesn't want to sell it. If officer Luar finds someone trustworthy they can rent it while they are gone. She will tell the Lord to seal the entryway to the well.

Better being safe. She will take the greenhouse with her. She can stock so many things and plans to do so till the end of spring. As soon new summer beings she will be on her way to travel this place. She feels strong enough anyway.

And sometimes they will use carriages as she want to see lands as well if she is near water she can travel under the water with Isaa. She already had so many plans...

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