
Training Session

Seeing the three of them accepting her as their Master, Calista nodded and said, "Let's start the training right now, since the more fast you evolve the better."

"Eva, we will start with you since it's the most easily to understand but difficult to master... What is 'language' to you?" Calista said to Eva smiling.

"... Language is language, it's the thing the humans do with their mouth or write to communicate... what are you asking me?" Eva said confused.

"... You just need understand that almost everything can be considered 'Language'. As training, i want you to learn how to speak with some animal here. You just need to keep thinking 'What is he trying to say? This is a complete different language...' until you convince yourself... You can even try to learn 'Body Language' from the animals too, you just need to think the body as a instrument of communication and it is communicating through the muscles... in this case, you need to predict his movements, alright?" Calista said winking to Eva.


Seeing Eva walking away searching for some animal, Calista turned to Cara and said, "The previous night, i was testing your ability and i discovered that the effects of the snakes you produce can change from A to B if you think differently. Like if your perception of 'Death' is 'The heart of the target will stop' then the 'Death' Snake will cause the heart of the target to stop... but if the target doesn't need the heart or doesn't have it? It doesn't kill it anymore. Meaning that your snake will do nothing to the target. Do you understand until now?" Calista asked to Cara.

Seeing Cara nod, Calista continued, "So your training here is to create a new type of snake from your perception of 'Heal'."


Seeing Cara sitting and thinking, Calista turned to Nightingale and said with a smile, "Your ability is the most difficult to understand but i know you can do it."

"Before we start, you need to understand what 'Space' is..." Calista said Nightingale while winking.

"You're are the type of person that can only learn with examples, so let me do it." Calista continued while tapping a tree.

"How tall is this tree, Nightingale?" Calista asked.

"Hmm... more or less tall 1 wall of the town, i think?" Nightingale said uncertainly.

Twisting her eyes, Calista thought, 'I forgot that here they don't have metric units... what a pain...'.

"I-Indeed... then you just need to think that his tree is occupying 1 wall of 'space' in height... 'Space' is the dimensions of height, depth, and width within which all things exist and move. So your ability makes you ignore the 'space', do you understand until now?" Calista said tired.

Seeing Nightingale nod after some time thinking, Calista nodded to herself and continued, "... You just need to think of your 'Fog' as your room... you have the key to let people enter it and to leave it, are you with me?"

Seeing her nod again, Calista continued, "Inside your fog, there is some 'Slashes' that you step to move forward, right?... In this training, i want you to move them. You just need to think them as your hands, they are part of you, just like the fog... You want to leave the fog? You leave. You want to move the 'Slashes'? You move them. Do you understand?... But don't overdo it, after all, they are extremely deadly, so take it easy."

Nightingale nodded and entered her fog to start training.

'... Let's train them until i can leave them alone... so i can make some 'visits' to some people outside the town...' Calista thought to herself seeing everyone busy.

Hello there, thanks for reading.

StrangeGodcreators' thoughts
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