
Attack on Signal Part 1


In a seemingly peacefully patch of the forest, the sound of metal clashing together rang out. Occasionally, two silhouettes could be seen attacking each other both instantly vanishing.

One of these two silhouettes belongs to Magna. Two weeks have passed since he and his adopted sisters were accepted into signal.

Currently, he was training with his teacher, Amber Noct. Magna's objective was to either dodge or parry her incoming attacks. That's right, he could only either dodge or parry. He's tried to send a counter attack before but let's just say that it did not end well for him.

Her training is borderline sadistic, to say the least. Over the last two weeks, Magna's had to dodge hundreds, if not thousands, of lethal attacks just on his way to and from school.

When he finally arrived, he was to head to the attack class and work on his body as well as increasing his endurance. How was he to do this? He was forced to get hit!

He would spar with the students of the attack class while only being allowed to dodge. In his teachers own words, this was to train his battle awareness.

Unsurprisingly, Yang was the only student who fought Magna as everyone else that tried ended up being beaten to a pulp by Yang herself.

After a long and grueling first and second period, Magna would then have to drag his tired body to the principals office, where she would then teach him about history.

Back to the forest, Magna blocked a long, single-edged blade from lopping his head off with a pair of training daggers. Using the momentum from the attack, Magna rolled backwards before launching himself off the ground, flying to the top of the trees before turning invisible and shifting location.

The shadows on the ground seemed to ripple as a beautiful figure slowly emerged. Amber had a soft smile on her face as she yelled, "That's enough!"

Magna's silhouette quickly approach before he collapsed to the ground, detransforming in the process as he tiredly said, "Finally…"

Amber gently ruffled his hair and grinned, "What's wrong little disciple? You all tuckered out from playing with big sister?"

His lips twitched slightly as he groaned, "Teacher…"

Over the two weeks that Magna has been training, he and Amber have surprisingly bonded. Sure, she was strict as hell, even monitoring his diet just so his body would develop properly, but she was also a kind and gentle person that gave Magna the same feeling as his family.

The same could be said about Amber. At first, she was only going to teach him because the scout class lacked a teacher. But when she saw how hard Magna tried to learn and how fast he comprehended her teachings, she became attached to him.

She softly patted the dust off of her as she said, "You can just go straight home, Magna. There'll be no surprise attack today."

Before he could ask why, she fell into the shadows and disappeared.

Magna slowly hobbled to his legs and was about to start trekking home when…


From his mouth came a wisp of teal mist. Stunned, Magna forced another transformation before hiding amongst the trees.

Ghost sense. One time while he was out training with Amber, a teal mist came out from his mouth, surprising them both. Almost at the exact same moment, a small group of beowolves jumped out from the bushes and attacked.

Both Amber and Magna were intrigued by what seemed to be an early warning system for grimm. They ran all sorts of experiments and concluded that Magna's ghost sense did indeed react to grimm, instead of ghosts like what Magna expected.

As he carefully watched the forest floor for grimm, Magna frowned as his ghost sense was going crazy. Every breath he took was a teal mist, freaking him out.

Knowing that this patch of forest was hiding a large number of grim, Magna took off to the school to warn his teacher.

However, the closer he got to the school, the more intense his ghost sense became. It was late in the afternoon so no one but the teachers should be at school yet the moment he reached the grounds, there were students still walking around.

Something seemed off about the students though. Focusing his aura into his eyes, they glowed a dim green as he could finally see what was happening.

All the students had lifeless eyes and drooled as they all piled together. His face paled as he saw Emerald among the students.

It took all his will to stop himself from flying over and taking her but he knew that if he did, one of the people he saw that were patrolling would notice her disappearance. Who knows what they would do to the other students if they saw her suddenly disappear.

Suddenly, Magna froze as he heard the sound of someone talking. He flew towards the source while invisible and became stunned.

'White Fang!?! But wait… their masks are a little different to the ones I saw last time…'

The people speaking had masks covering there faces that looked identical to the white fangs. One would've never noticed the difference if they've never seen the real thing before. However, Magna has and he easily noticed the difference.

"How's the loading going?"

"We'll be finished in about an hour. Those bastards will never realise what happened. I just don't understand why the Queen needs so many kids."

Suddenly, a third man appeared as he spoke with a rough voice, "She wants more people fighting for her cause. The ones who are useful get taken in to be used as pawns while those that aren't are used to feed the grimm."

Magna quietly swallowed his rage. Sacrifices? Those who are usefully become pawns? He wanted nothing more than to rip every single person behind this to pieces.

As he continued to silently listen, a huge explosion happened near the principals office. He ignored the trio of idiots as he flew towards the explosion.

Once he arrived, he slowly landed in the center and scanned his surroundings. Turning towards the left, Magna's eyes widened as he screamed, "Teacher!!!"

He cautiously tore the debris away from the familiar silhouette with tears in his eyes. Magna became pale as he saw the burns that covered her body.

"Teacher!!! Don't worry! I'll heal you!"

Magna grabbed her hand as he desperately transferred his aura into her. This seemed to be enough to wake her as she gasped for air before coughing up a small amount of blood.


"I-I'm here teacher. What exactly happened?"

Coughing up more blood, Amber painfully said, "D-Devout followers of the Queen. They knocked out all the teachers and rounded up the students. When I returned from our training session, I saw what was happening. So I followed who I thought to be the leader inside to the main office. However, before I could get any information, he blew up the building."

Magna could see that her breathing had calmed down but the burn marks didn't seemed to heal at all. By now, his transformation was forcefully ended as he continued to pump more aura into her body.

Suddenly, the only hand that wasn't burned by the explosions softly gripped Magna's hand as she smiled, "Stop Magna. My condition has already stabilised. Save your aura or you'll fall unconscious."

Magna hesitated for a second before he stopped healing Amber. The moment he let go, Amber showed him a gentle smile before falling unconscious.

After making sure she was still breathing, he slowly stood up and glared towards the direction where the students were gathering, his eyes glowing furiously.

Ghost Sense: When grimm are nearby, a wisp of teal mist will appeared when he exhales. The longer he continues to exhale teal mist, the more grimm that exist in his surroundings.

Nexusprime117creators' thoughts
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