
The Fox and the Hound

After 5 years of hiding, the infamous criminal, Desmond Crocker, had returned

It didn't take long for the police to get their hands full as crime rates skyrocket overnight

Murder, gang wars, shootouts, heists, you name it

The cities ran ablaze with crime as Desmond and his gang begin a crusade of destruction

It was just a few days after the Vasel Incident

The police was in chaos as they attempt to combat Desmond's crusade

Among these officers was a young 27 year old Darcsen

"Alright" the police chief said as all the other officers sit down in the meeting room "Now that we're all here, let's begin. Jones if you will"

"Yes sir" the middle-aged officer responded as he points to Desmond's picture on the board "Desmond Crocker. 30 years old. Convicted Bank Robber and murderer. Escape custody 5 years ago during the 1935 invasion. Just a few days ago, he and his gang attacked the University of Vasel, stealing thousands of Ducat in cash as well as the school's records"

"But why would they attack a school for money?" another officer asked

"Does it matter?" a female Darcsen officer said "Desmond targeted a school, end of story"

"Now. Now, Edna" the police chief responded "Let's not allow our emotions to get the better of us"

Edna Baak. Despite having a last name, this 27 year old police officer is a bona fide Darcsen. With the death of her birth parents 10 years before, the young Edna was forced to live in an orphanage in Riverwood until she was adopted by a small family living in the countryside a short time later.

The trauma of losing her parents inspired the young Darcsen girl to pursue a career in law enforcement.

An honor student all the way until her graduation, the fresh graduate was known for her special hatred of Desmond Crocker.

"Don't worry chief" the Darcsen officer replied "I'm not letting my emotions control me. What I'm trying to say is that we may need to look at another incident that happened that day too"

"You mean about the Duke?"

"Yes. As you all know, after escaping campus security, Desmond and his gang attacked the residential area, north of the great bridge. There, he ambushed Duke Anton Pazzi's convoy, killing several guards and the Duke himself"

"Yeah… Attacking a school then killing a nobleman. All in one day…"

"The Duke was shot several times in the chest and based on ballistics, the gangs used OG-43 submachineguns"

"OG-43s?" another officer responded "Aren't those the new standard guns for the military and militia? What's a criminal gang doing with newly made guns?"

"I know… But there's no mistaking it. Photos taken by local reporters, eye witness reports, and the ballistics test confirm that Desmond and his gang are using the latest models at least for submachineguns"

"But how did a criminal gang manage to acquire military grade weapons?"

"We're still investigating on that. But we suspect that there may be an underground network of arms dealers that gave Desmond his weapons. Also, an informant tipped me off on a possible murder plot on Duke Marvin Argoon"

"What?" the police chief said "Another nobleman? Are you sure?"

"Not entirely. The informant only sent me the tip via an anonymous letter"

"Do we take action based on an anonymous letter?" another officer asked "For all we know, it could be a trick to put us off track"

"Nevertheless" the police chief answered "We have to contact the Duke and investigate on this further"

The police wasted no time in contacting the duke.

As arrogant as the other nobles, Duke Marvin refused the police's help, relying on his own personal bodyguards.

But that didn't stop Edna…

Late August 1940 (Midnight):

Inside an undercover vehicle, Edna and her partner, Drifa Castder, observe the large fancy mansion of Duke Argoon, situated on the outskirts of the Capital.

"Nothing for the past 4 days…" Drifa uttered as Edna continues to scan the premises with her binoculars

"No…" her partner replied "Desmond's coming… I know it"

Drifa Castder. Edna's 25 year old partner and the department's 'combat medic'. Formerly a nursing student during the 1935 invasion, she has yet to earn her medical license as her school records were destroyed during the war.

With nowhere else to go, Drifa decided to join the Randgriz Police Academy, where she met and befriended Edna.

"You sure are obsessed with this guy…" Drifa remarked with a sigh "Next thing, I'll find out you're in love with him"

"W-What?!" the Darcsen officer said, dropping her binoculars "H-Hell no! A-As if I'd fall in love with a lowlife like him! Besides, you know why I'm doing this!"

"I know… But killing him won't reverse what happened years ago"

"I know it won't. Which is why the least I can do is bring him to justice"


Meanwhile, Desmond and his gang prepare to attack the mansion

Positioning themselves at the bottom of the hill, the men ready their equipment for the climb

A few minutes later, Desmond and about 7 assailants enter the back garden.

"You all know what to do" Desmond said as his men nod and proceed on their respective objectives

Desmond enters the mansion, through the backdoor, covertly killing the 3 guards inside using his knife to slit their throats.

As Desmond proceeds to the 2nd floor, Edna notices the activity as she observes several guards getting pulled either to the side or into the bushes.

"Something's wrong…" she said cocking her EW-II era mags submachinegun

"Hey!" Drifa said as Edna quickly gets out of the car "We can't just go charging in with loaded guns! Ah shit!"

Drifa quickly grabs her submachinegun and follows Edna.

At the same time, Desmond reaches Marvin's 2nd floor bedroom and knocks at the door.

As one of the guards opens the door, Desmond quickly plungers his knife onto the guard's throat and fires his 45 caliber pistol, hitting the other guard in the head.

After killing the remaining 2 guards, Desmond walks closer to his target.

"Marvin Argoon" the criminal said as he gives a menacing smile "It's nice to see you again…"

Having heard the gunshots, Edna convinces the skeptical guards by the gate to investigate

But as the guards begin to mobilize, Desmond's men open fire, forcing the guards to take cover by the gate as the criminals reinforce the mansion proper.

Back in the mansion, Marvin cowers in fear as Desmond continues his conversation

"You know who I am, right?"


"So you know why I'm here?"

"N-No… I-I don't know…"

"Playing dumb eh…" the criminal said as he throws a document and several photos to the noble "Maybe this'll jog your memory"

"No!" the Duke said recognizing the files "I-It wasn't me! I swear! Please!"

"That's what they all say"

"Please! I-I'll talk! I'll talk! Please! Don't kill me!"

"Alright. You've caught me interest. Start talking, the info may be worth your life"

Shifting to Edna, the situation seemed to be dire as the guards are unable to advance

"Goddamn it!" she shouted as she grabs one of the guards by the shirt "What kind of fucking training did you assholes have?!"

"We can't do anything!" the guard responded "It's an open space between the gate and the front door!"

"Son of a bitch…!" Edna said releasing the guard, who continues shooting

"Edna" Drifa said "If we can reach the sides, we can use the bushes as cover to get into the mansion"

"Alright. You!" Edna said calling the same guard "On my go, you guys go full auto and unload on the tangos by the door! Me and my partner will move into the house!"


The plan was executed flawlessly as Edna and Drifa used the bushes to enter the mansion via the backdoor.

Quickly, running to the 2nd floor, Edna could only hear part of Desmond's conversation.

"I-I'm only a henchman!" the Duke pleaded "Please! I told you everything I know!"

"Ok… So who's the mastermind then?"

"I-I don't know… The person only sent proxies! B-But I heard Duchess Juno Radame is close to the mastermind"

"Another noble eh…"

"I-I told you everything so please spare me!"

"Are you sure that's everything?"

"Y-Yes! Please believe me! I'm telling the truth!"

"Oh I believe your information, alright" the Criminal said as he shows another photo "But you being a henchman…"

Recognizing the photo, the Duke was overcome with fear and despair as he says "Wait!" before being shot in the head several times by Desmond.

Finishing his sentence, Desmond added "… is utter bullshit"

"Desmond!" Edna shouted as she and Drifa break through the door "You're under arrest for the assault on the University of Vasel as well as several counts of murder!"

"Annoying…" the Criminal uttered

"Hands in the air, you sick bastard!" Edna shouted as she aims her gun at the criminal

"Hmm…" the Criminal said as he quickly closes the distance between him and Edna "You still got a lot to learn… Little Girl"

Desmond then knees her stomach and pistol whips the officer several times, knocking her out.

Drifa drops her gun and lunges at Desmond with her tonfa but the Criminal quickly parries her strike with his right arm.

"Long time, no see, 'Drifa'" the Criminal taunted "You still go by that name, right?"

"Desmond…" Drifa muttered as she attempts to kick her adversary between the legs but Desmond proved to be faster by blocking her attack.

"I see you've rusted a bit…" the Criminal remarked "Did your time with the cops soften you up?"

"Would you like to find out?" Drifa replied

"After you, 'my lady'…"

Compared to Edna, Drifa lasted longer and better against Desmond as both fighters fail to land a proper hit on one another

"Hmm…" Desmond uttered as he parries another strike from Drifa "Not bad… You could still use some work…"

"I'll take that as a compliment. Now come quietly, Desmond"

"Sorry, darling" Desmond said as he brings out a tube with a grenade pin "But I got some cleaning to do…"

"Desmond…!" Drifa said as the criminal pulls the pin and looks away, covering his ears.

Drifa was then blinded by a flash of light and the loud bang of the 'grenade', caused her to be momentarily deaf.

With Drifa stunned, Desmond quickly gathered the files & photos he dropped and regrouped with his subordinates as they escape the manor by jumping down the hill.

As the sun rises over the mansion, Edna couldn't help but stare at the horizon as she contemplates on the events of that early morning…

"You ok?" Drifa asked

"No… Of course not. I had him, Drifa…"

"Don't beat yourself up over it… We'll get him next time"

"Yeah… For now, we gotta report back to HQ. Desmond's next target is Duchess Juno Radame… I'll go inside the mansion and see if Desmond left any clues…"


As Edna walks back into the mansion, Drifa couldn't help but continue staring at the horizon.

"Desmond…" she muttered "… What are you planning this time…?"

She then turns around and stares at Edna for a short while before going back to the horizon as she continued muttering

"Edna… You don't know just how similar you are to Desmond…"

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