
Chapter 5


The sound of a tea pot being crashed into the floor echoed through the club room.

Issei and Kiba turned to Akeno, who stood there looking at him with a wide eyes and a shocked look on her face. Even the usual 'pervert hating' girl Koneko had turned her head and looked at the brown hair boy with her hazel eyes opened wide, the spoon she was holding had stopped in mid air because of the shock.

"Issei, what did you just say?" Rias asked her newest servant, if anyone in this room was having the expression worse than Akeno and Koneko, it was her. Her heart was beating really fast and couldn't control herself anymore.

"Um, last night, I met this foreign guy… he had blond hair and blue eyes!" Issei repeated what he just said to Kiba. He was asking the Knight of his master whatever he knew the blond from last night or not. But he didn't expect the reaction from everyone would be like this. However, Kiba also looked curious like him, maybe he didn't know about the blond like them "he said he just came to Japan yesterday and asked me for direction, the weird thing is my bicycle had broke into pieces when I crashed into him. He said his name was … um, I forgot about his name!" Issei tried to recall the blond's name, but fail, something wasn't right here, he just remembered the faint appearance of him "and he wore some kind of completely white cloth, and a big crimson bracelet around his wrist."

"Issei… that bracelet… does it looked like this?" Rias shuttered, she opened her bag and pulled out crimson bracelet which was being decorated by blue-green gem with golden trims. After what happened yesterday, Rias had refused to wear this bracelet again whenever she wasn't at home, afraid that the same warm will appeared and distract her with dirty thought just like last night. 'Please, please … brother, please let that bracelet looked just like mine!'

"I'm sorry Buchou, while it was the same color, it had different decorations and a little longer than yours!" Issei said certainly, if anything about the blond that he remembered clearly, it was the bracelet.

A defeat look appeared on Rias's face and she leaned her back to the sofa to support herself.

"I knew it, he will never return…!" Rias muttered to herself, but Akeno and Koneko could hear it clearly, both of them looked at Rias worriedly, around this time, Rias had been affected by Naruto more than ever, she looked just like the first few months after her first year at Kuoh Academy started. She acted like normal, yet at the same time held a great amount of sadness in her eyes and always being distracted whenever Rias saw something reminded her of him.

"Buchou, are you alright?" Issei asked worriedly for his master, this is not the Rias he knew, she support to be cheerful and happy person, not like this.

"Don't worry, Issei. It's just a past, that's all." She smiled, but Akeno and Koneko could see through her fake smile and sighed, Rias could be really stubborn sometime, she couldn't accept the fact that Naruto was doing a very dangerous mission for the sake of her, them and every devil at the Underworld.

"O-Okay." Issei nodded his head.

"And by the way, don't you have a mission?" Rias rose an eyebrow and looked at Issei, the brunette immediately ran out of the room to do his mission, the dream of becoming the Harem King was still lingering in his head.

Rias stood up and walked to the magic circle and ready to do her own mission with her costumer. The image of her and Naruto playing with each other was still in her mind.


The sound of something hit the water surface could be heard all over the lake, the reason was the two who was fishing was sitting on a boat at the middle of the lake.

One of them was none other than Naruto, he was lying on the deck with his feet holding the rod. Naruto yawned loudly, he really wanted to get out of here and returned to his friends, playing with Rias or petting Koneko's head would be the fun things to do now… maybe being teased by a sadistic Akeno wouldn't be sound so bad, or maybe he could go to Ravel or Serafall or even sparring with his sempais. Anywhere was better than this boring lake.

"C'mon Naruto, it's fun fishing like this!"

His companion said out cheerfully and smiled to the blond. He is a man appearing to be in his twenties with average build, black hair and golden bangs and a black goatee. His eyes color is various colors of purple, depending on the light and surroundings.

"Azazel-san, have anyone told you that you're too carefree sometime?"

"You know Naruto, being a leader of Fallen Angel mean a lot of hard work, so time like this make me feel better than looking at the paper work"

Yes, Naruto companion was none other than Azazel, Governor General of the Fallen Angels and Grigori.

Last night, after leaving Rias's apartment, Naruto had head straight to the abandoned church, where the magical signatures were located and saw that there were four Fallen Angels there, and a lot of stray exorcist. How four Fallen Angels could gathered so much energy without being acknowledge by their leaders, Naruto would never know.

So after finished at the church, Naruto had stomped right into Grigori's headquarter, the Fallen Angel's Territory after he had the permission of Sirzechs and asked for an answer. These Fallen Angels were in his childhood friend's territory and could be dangerous for their life, and the leader of Fallen Angels didn't know anything about it. To say the Fallen Angels were in shock is understatement, a devil ran straight into their territory and defeated every single Fallen Angels that dared to cross his path.

But there something else when he had felt when he was there

Baraqiel, one of the leaders of the Fallen Angels had the same magical signature than Akeno, this could only mean one were related by blood, and Akeno could be the daughter of Baraqiel, one of the leaders of the Fallen Angels.

But he had seen the way Akeno talk about the Fallen, she hated Fallen Angels to the point could cruelly killed them in cold blood. He wondered if something happened between the two of them that made Akeno the cruel person to Fallen Angels like today.

Well, but first, he needed to finish the fishing with Azazel, the general had invited him to a fishing party because of his courageous and power.

A fishing party… yeah, yeah, on a boat at the middle of the lake.

"Azazel-san, about those Fallen Angels, what do you want me to do with them?" Naruto sat up and looked at him.

"You could kill them if you want, Raynare had disobeyed my order and killed that boy" Azazel answer blankly "but with someone who spent two years with the Angels, I guessed you don't enjoyed killing that much."

"I could kill if I had to." Naruto nodded his head "But everyone, no matter who they are, what they do… they deserved a second chance."

"Yeah, if you said so." Azazel nodded at his logic " Kokabiel is probably behind all this, that guys had been acting strange lately, I will need to keep an closed eyes to him… I will let you decide the fate of those four."

"Okay!" Naruto nodded his head and saw his rod began to bent "Oh, yeah… !" he stood up and hold the rod tightly.

"What the hell, kid?" Azazel dropped his mouth "is this the first time you go fishing?"


Two days later.

"Well, I guess I have to interfere now!" Naruto muttered to himself when he looked at the battlefield underneath him.

One day ago, a nun name Asia Argento had appeared in this town underling of Raynare, which was reality was a plan by the later to steal her Sacred Gear, Twilight Healing, which allowed her to heal humans, Devils, Angels, and Fallen Angels alike, quite an useful ability, Naruto had used his clone to keep an close eyes on the girl, to protect her from the Fallen Angels if they had tried to harm her.

Naruto was really surprise when the girl have met Hyoudou Issei, Rias's newest servant and befriend with him. Naruto had thought that the blonde nun was finally saved, until Raynare appeared and took her away from Issei.

When he was ready to rescue her, Issei had screamed out he will come to her and took her back. So Naruto decided he would stay still and see how strong and determined Rias's only Pawns.

Issei, Koneko and Kiba, Rias's first Knight had attacked the abandoned church without Rias's permission as an act to save the brunette's friend, while this action was a little stupid, it had proved how important Asia was to Issei.

While the trio battle with the stray exorcist ,Rias and Akeno were battling with three Fallen Angels and the duo showed no mercy to them.

Rias and Akeno had become a lot stronger than before, Rias's power of destruction had become nearly perfect, just a little more training and she could turn everything into nothingness. Akeno's talent in magic, especially lightning-based magic had became her signature attack when she was young, but the power behind was more powerful now.

But if Akeno was the daughter of Braqiel, which meant that she could become even stronger if she accept the Fallen Angel blood inside her veins.

When the battle was over, the three fallen angels were on the ground whimpering under the power of the two devils. Rias's hand rose high and called for her power, a black orb with the crimson aura appeared in her hand.

When Rias shot the orb to the Fallen Angels, Naruto had thrown his three-prongs kunai down behind them, took three feather out of their wings and dropped it to the ground. When the orbs was going to contact to the three, Naruto had appeared behind them and teleport the three to Azazel's office and took the kunai, before disappeared in a flash of lightning himself.

All of that happened in only two second after Rias used her power to kill them.

Naruto reappeared at the rooftop of the church and grinned at his clones.

"Everything okay I hope?"

"Just let me disappeared bossed, you will know!" the clones nodded his head and disappeared, letting all the memories of the battle he had seen came to Naruto mind.

"Well, Hyoudou Issei-kun, you sure are something." Naruto smiled seeing the memories, Issei had proved himself that he was worthy to Rias by taking Raynare all by himself, and not only that, his gauntlet true form had appeared, and revealed to be one of the thirteen Longinus, Boosted Gear, which hold the soul of Ddraig, one of the two Heavenly Dragon.

When Naruto opened the window of the church and got inside, Rias and Akeno had finally arrived with a smile on their face.

"Now then!" Rias eyes began to turn sharp and ruthless ""I will have you disappear, Fallen Angel-san." Her voice was cold and filled with killing intent, Naruto flinched a little, maybe it wasn't just her appearance and power changed, maybe her personality also changed at well. Naruto hoped that when they meet again, she wouldn't looked at him with that cold eyes "Of course, I will retrieve that Sacred Gear back as well."

"Y-You can't be serious!? This healing power is for Azazel-sama and Shemhaza-sama—"

"To live your life for love is beautiful. But you are too tainted with dirt. You have no elegance. And I wont allow that." Rias aimed her hand towards Raynare, her magical energy beginning to raised with imaginable pace, there was something else that made Rias even angrier than hurting her servant.

Looks like she would kill Raynare in one blow.

"Me, here." Then, a shadow appears from behind the broken wall.

The Priest—, Freed Zelzan. He came back despite running away once before and was laughing like crazy while looking at Raynare.

"Wow! My superior is in serious danger! So what's going to happen now!?"

Raynare screamed at the appearance of the Priest:

"Save me! If you save me, I will give you a reward or anything you want!"

"Hmm, hmm. I received a wonderful order from an Angel-sama. Eh? So I can have sex with you? To me, having sex with an Angel-sama is like the best honour and it will become a good social status for me." Freed makes a sadistic smile.

"Ku… D-Don't fool around and save me!" The Fallen Angel's expression is filled with anger. Naruto couldn't blamed her at all, being near in a near dead situation and the only hope she got was asking something she didn't want to

"Ararararara, you know that I'm actually serious… I mean, something simple like that should be all right, isn't it, Angel-sama? So it's a no? Is that so? Then I will take my leave now. No matter how you look at it, I'm at a disadvantage, so I will just take off." Freed says it in a funny tone while curling his body.

"Y-You are a Priest, aren't you!? You are supposed to save me! I'm an all mighty Fallen Angel! I—"

"I don't need a superior who loses to trashy Devils. You are pretty, but you lack plans and you are hard headed. The only thing you are useful for is masturbation. So just die away already. Well, a Fallen Angel who is abandoned by God won't go to either Heaven or Hell, but goes back to nothing. Maybe the experience of turning into nothing will be helpful? Ah, that's impossible. Since there will be nothing left. It's impossible. So confusing. Wait, that's it Buddhism. Ah, I'm a former Christian! I'm such a naughty boy!"

Naruto gripped his kunai tightly, now he really wanted to beat that exorcist until he shut up or couldn't speak anymore. But doing that right now means he couldn't save the Fallen Angels girl and exposed himself to Rias and everyone, it would be a chaos and he would be the one who suffered their wrath.

After saying that, he moved his sight elsewhere, as if he has lost interest in Raynare. Raynare put on an expression of despair, her only hope to survive had gone now, she looks miserable.

Freed makes a big smile at Issei.

"Ise-kun, Ise-kun. You have such a wonderful ability. I'm getting more interested in you. You are so worthy to kill! You are definitely in my Top 5 for the "Devils I want to kill", so be prepared, okay? Next time we meet, let's have a romantic fight to the death, okay?" Freed directed his killing intent toward Issei, Naruto couldn't blamed him, while it was nothing to him and everyone, a new devil and inexperienced like Issei would be affect by it greatly "See ya then! Bye-bye! Remember to brush your teeth!" Freed disappears immediately from the scene after waving his hands at Rias and everyone.

Rias sighed and turned back to the Fallen Angel

"Now, Fallen Angel Raynare, who was abandoned by her own servant. Miserable." Rias said without a slightest sympathy in her tone, which make Raynare starts to shiver. Now he truly understood why her parents didn't want him to meet her right now

Raynare then looks at Issei with sorrowful eyes at him.

"Ise-kun! Please save me!" She begged, tears was flowing down to her cheeks "This Devil is trying to kill me! I love you! I love you so much! That's why, let's defeat this Devil together!"

Issei looked at her, then turned away

"Goodbye, my love. Buchou, I'm at my limit… Will you please…" he muttered quietly, the Fallen Angel's expression froze.

"…Don't try to flirt with my cute servant. Blow away." Rias said coldly and pointed her hand to the crying Fallen Angels.

'Now!' Naruto disappeared in a flash of yellow and reappeared behind Raynare, this time, he will have to use more than one of his power to save this girl.

When Naurto appeared, he instantly caught her in his hand and jumped out of the way, while hovering above the ground, he focused his magical energy into his eyes and looked at all the devil present in this room. His eyes beginning to change into back with a red six-pointed star in his eyes, at the middle of the star was a black three-prongs shuriken.

This was the Mangekyou Sharingan, a power that Naruto discovered one year ago. He didn't know why, but when he activated it the first time, he knew the name of this eyes and also the power of it, just didn't know how to use those power. It took him nearly three months to master all the techniques with the help of Gabriel.

When Naruto looked at Rias, he could see that she had seen him and said his name out loud, but Naruto just shook his head and deleted her memories with his eyes, also created a fake memories inside of everyone mind, the memory was about Raynare had been turned into nothing by Rias's power.

"WHO ARE YOU?" Raynare screamed out but Naruto pulled his hand forward and punched through her chest, Raynare's eyes widen, but not from the pain, it was because his arm had past through her chest and holding the green orb in his palm, the sacred gear Twilight Healing. Naruto let it fell to the ground and use his teleport magic. Raynare saw the surrounding around her changed so fast that she couldn't understand what happened anymore. But then, in a blink of eyes, she saw herself appeared inside Azazel, her leader's office and saw that her comrade was being tied by some kind of golden rope and looking at her with wide eyes.

Naruto putted the girl to the ground and looked at a smirking Azazel with his feet on the table.

"Don't ask!" he said quickly and sat down to a chair near him

"Naruto, you definitely should get laid sometime, to release the stress you know." Azazel shook his head at the blond boy and patted him on the shoulder "I could introduce you to some of my attractive Fallen Angels, the power you displayed three days ago had made them all horny and lust for you, you know!" and then grabbed the blond collar and looked at him deep in the eyes, their face was really close to each other with Naruto held a confused look and Azazel had a horror like face "they said you're more attractive and more handsome than me … what the hell Naruto, you enjoyed your time with those air-head Angels and could flirt with mine Angels with just looked alone?"

"What are you talking about anyway?" Naruto asked and pushed the general of the Fallen Angels back to his chair "you should check on them, and please don't be so harsh, they already have a hard night, you know?"

With that, Naruto disappeared in a flashed of yellow.

Azazel shook his head again, he really need to change that boy, spending to much time with the Angels and had already become an air-head like them, especially Gabriel if he was being too close to her, she could be described at the most clueless person in the world after all.

He stood up and turned to the four Fallen Angels, he had promised Naruto that he won't kill them, but a little punishment wouldn't hurt at all.

"Now, you four have anything to explain?" He cracked his knuckle and grinned evilly, making the four paled immediately

Four day later.

The tension at the headquarter of the Occult Research Club was really high.

When Issei, Kiba and Asia, Rias's newest Bishop stepped inside the club room, Rias was standing in front of them with a defeated look on her face. Standing beside her was the head maid of Sirzechs, Grayfia. Rias was ready to tell them something, but a magic circle with the crest of the Phenex family appeared in the middle of the room and Raise Phenex, Rias's fiancés stepped out with a sick grim on his face.

"Raiser!" Rias said loud and clear to him "I said it before as well, I won't marry you!"

"But, isn't your household surprisingly pressing about these circumstances!" Raiser said in a bored tone.

"It's none of your business!" Rias screamed out, she was really surprise, her family had promised they would dissolve the engagement between the two family for her, so why Raiser was here.

"Your parents and Sirzechs-sama as well, fear that your household will go extinct!" Raiser picked up the cup of tea Akeno had put on the table for him

"In the previous war a lot of purebloods devil gave of their live for it. And the number of household went extinct because of it. Isn't it natural for the pureblooded devils to protect the blood and the household by joining together? An offspring successor from two high ranking pureblooded devils is extremely valuable, even you know that. We old households of purebloods may have no standing left. New blood is essential as well, but we can't be having pureblooded devils cut off as a result, right? Your brother, Sirzechs-sama, has left the household. Now the only one can succeed the Gremory household is you alone. Those devils called the seventy-two pillars are collapsing one after another. The future of the devils is hanging on this marriage proposal."

"I won't destroy my household!" Rias shook her head "I plan on getting a son-in-law for my house"

"Then you'll mar—"

"But I won't marry you," Rias cut him off "I will marry someone who I think is good. Even the devils of old household have at least that much of a right!" Rias said "and beside, I have someone else in my mind already"

"Ku…" Raiser gritted his teeth, he couldn't let this chance got away like this, there were no way he could let someone have such delicious body escape him like that. But then, he remembered the event three years ago and smirked "It's about Naruto Uzumaki isn't it, you love that lowly devil didn't you?"

Rias's eyes widen in shock, her peerage, especially Akeno and Koneko was looking at Raiser with a murderous look on their eyes while Issei, Kiba and Asia gasped in shock. Even Grayfia's eyes have locked to Raiser now. Raiser smirked, now he knew how to rub her weak point and she will be his soon.

"I had seen the way you looked at him at the party three years ago Rias, I know that was the look of love," he laugh before continue "for a lowly devil like him to attend such a high-class party like that, what an incredible fact. Trash will be forever trash, just looked at the way he attend the party and I can guess where he came from, probably you have found him in some garbage bin, haven't you?"

Raiser smirked when Rias began to raise her magical energy, he could saw the angry look on her face now.

"Take those words back," Rias gritted her teeth and said with an anger fill voice "I said take those word back. Naruto-kun was worth ten times than you"

"Oh, so let's me ask you this!" Raiser smirked "where is he now huh?" Raiser laughed like a maniac when he saw the looked on Rias's face, it was truly pathetic for him "I haven't seen him in a while after the party, so I guessed he probably running somewhere with his fellow lowly class devils and doing some pathetic jobs trying to be accepted in the promotion, well, I guessed if he become a high-class devils I would probably know then, and maybe I would give him a chance enjoyed your body after we're married"

Rias looked at Raiser with her eyes filled with tears and anger. Never in Rias's life that she felt so much anger. The old school building began to shake violently at Rias release her magical energy. Akeno and Koneko were trying their best not to attack Raiser right there, they couldn't stand the words Raiser's had used to described Naruto anymore.

"Ojou-sama, Raiser-sama…" Grayfia broke the tension between them "if you do something rash then I won't sit by idly" she then looked directly at them, but Rias's peerage could be seen that her eyes were directly at Raiser as she spoke "I definitely won't hold back, for Sirzechs-sama's honor!" Grayfia finished in a dangerous toned. Raiser could do whatever he want, but bad mouth a member of her master's peerage mean bad mouth the Crimson Maou, and she won't allow that.

Raiser paled immediately at the cold eyes and cold voice of Grayfia.

"So, Ojou-sama!" Grayfia called for Rias "how about you settle this in a Rating Game?"

"That's right," Rias wiped her tears away and looked to Riaser with hatred in her eyes "Raiser, I challenged you in a Rating Game, if you lose, then you will have to take those words back and our engagement will be void"

"But if you lose… You will become my wife, remember that Rias" Rasier then laugh like he was crazy "HAHAHA, this game will be a joke. Except for your queen, the rest won't even be qualified opponents for my cute servants!"

"We will see about that, Phenex!"


Ten day later

"Man, I'm tired!" Naruto fell to his bed, after a week full of request from the human and working none stop. The first time in his life, Naruto Uzumaki finally felt what exhaustion means now.

It had been ten day already and he haven't returned to the Lucifer's castle and took more request from his master. With the help of his clone, Naruto could do multi jobs at the same time, and in ten day, he had finished nearly five thousand requested all over Japan, and now… he would need a nice twenty four hours naps, and get back to work again.

Before Naruto could sleep, a magic seal appeared at the middle of the room, making Naruto's raised his head in wonder and gasped when Grayfia appeared.

"Hello Naruto, I hope you're doing well."

"Ah, Grayfia-nee chan." He slammed his head back to the pillow "sorry Nee-chan, but right now I'm too tired to make for you a cup of tea, sorry"

"Don't worry about it, I'm here to deliver something from Sirzechs-sama to you." She took out a disc and a letter and handed it to Naruto "make sure you watch it carefully"

"What's it nee-chan?" he asked sleepily.

"Ojou-sama's first Rating Game, against Raiser Phenex-sama!"

Naruto's eyes snapped open and he immediately sat up, he opened the letter and read it and smiled. Naruto dropped the letter down to the ground and picked the disk.

"Well, I will watch it, thank you Nee-chan!"

"Not at all Naruto!" she turned around and prepared a magic circle, but before she disappeared, Grayfia turned her head back to Naruto "and by the way, there is something you would want to know."

"What is it nee-chan?"

"It's time for the Underworld to know who is the last member of Sirzechs Lucifer's peerage!" she finished with a mysterious smiled and disappeared.

Naruto grinned and turns on the DvD player and put the disk inside, he jumped to the bed and began to watch the video, the words in the letter still lingering in his mind:

At the night, two days from the time you read this letter, the wedding you always wanted to crash will start, what are you going to do now?

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