
Getting plan down

Beth and Alex got up about five. She walked to the kitchen to make food for her group.

Sky shook his head. Every room in his place was sound proof but he knew what those two did. He was jealous but happy she found someone to be with.

"Tacos for tonight guys?"Beth asked.

Both men said at the same time, "Sure"

Alex walk over to Sky and sat down. "Is your name really Sky?"

Sky laughed, "No, Skyler. But most people call me the rat"

The rat he had heard stories from Freddie about him. He was good. Scary good. Alex was glad he was on their side.

"Any way I can check my email?"Alex asked.

Sky points to a laptops and said,"Use that one."

Alex logs in to his account and started an email




Subject:The package

Jack, Everything is all right. Left my phone in car so can't call. I have the package and I am keeping it safe. See you in a few days. Feed the dog.

Alexander J. Poe Jr.

CEO Poe Industries



He looked threw a few more emails and answered a few when Jack sent him back one




Subject:Re:The package

Thank God. keep safe. let me know if I can do any thing.


Alex put down the lap top just as Beth call them to eat.

"When do we talk about the plan or are you to just going to keep acting like rabbits." Sky asked.

Beth went two shades of red. "Tell us oh great knight what's the plan."

Alex just nodded but to tell the truth he would rather go back to bed.


Jack sat at his desk looking at his email. Left his phone, how could he do that. Why could I not trace were he was at. Beth and Rattatouilleknight must be some super geeks. At least he was safe he used the phrase feed the dog. He would just have to trust those three.

He missed Sarah, She left with the Poe's mansion and would be safe there. He spent part of his day looking up everything about her. She was just an average girl from a low income family. She worked hard and seem to keep to her self. She had no social media pages he could find. No online gaming either.

He still could not get this girl off his mind. Anyone else he would take bed the toss aside. So why was he always thinking about a future this the little mouse.

He picked up his phone and sent a text.

[Jack:Hey, how's it going?]

[Sarah: Good is Beth alright?]

[Jack:Yes, don't worry. Can I ask you something personable?]

[Sarah:Yes ask me anything?]

[Jack: Will you give me a chance?]

[Sarah: ??? I don't understand I thought our night in the garden ment I would give you a chance...did I get something wrong?]

[Jack:I have loved and pushed away more women the I can remember. You will find this out so I want to be honest with. You are special and I am afraid you won't give me a real chance.]

[Sarah:♡♡♡Jack Mr. Poe filled me in on what he called The Good, The Bad, and The ugly side of Jack Freeman. He also told me I would only hurt myself if I did not give you a chance ♡♡♡]

[Jack: Thank you beautiful I feel better now. I can wait to see you again then.]

[Sarah: Ok, see you soon]

Jack felt better now but wondered what father Poe say to her. He new he was a part of their family since Alex and himself were 4 and became best friends.

He just hoped that it would be over soon.


"The plan is simple, You fake being hurt and dying, Beth fakes being captured, and fake turn you "Sky ate a few tacos while he said this.

Beth just ate and shook her head like she understood it all.

Alex just stared at the two eating. "Are you two joking with me that's are plan?"

"Yah that's the plan." Beth looked at him like he had three heads.

"Please tell me there is more to plan then that." He asked.

"Beth spell it out for him. I have to get every thing ready I take you both in Wednesday morning." With that Sky left the table, tacos in hand and went to his office to work.

Alex sat there waiting.

"A few years ago this creep was taking girls off the street and shipping them overseas to the sex trade. I went undercover as a streetwalker and Sky help me get captured. I took out four guys and rescued 10 girls with that operation. We hope to take out Black and his main men using the same."

" Sky will have you in makeup that will give the illusion you are hurt. You will be tied up with trick cuffs with weapons hidden on you. Take out as many as you can."

"Black wants me unharmed so I will be using the weak little girl act with my own weapons."

"Sky is the one getting paid for bring us in but he will be around to help after his first part is done."Beth took her time explaining it all.

"You're killed before." He asked .

"I won't lye to you and let me know if this changes anything. I will understand...The count is 22 the first one was at age 14. Not one of them were innocent men, they were all low lives. The first three was to save Sky the first time we met. " She paused and waited to see if it was over or not.

"Wow, this is a lot to take in. You are not who I thought you were."He sat there in a daze.

Beth heart broke. She really hated telling him the truth because she knew this would happen. She got up. "I won't hold you to what you said earlier. Just know I will never forget this time we had together. " She left and went to Sky's room and cried.

Alex was still in shock. 22 men and plans on killing Black and his men. He had landed a goddess. Even though he wanted to protect her she was the one more capable to protecting him. He did not hear what she had said before she walked off but if it was possible to fall deeper into love with someone he just did.

He got up and went to look for her but she was not in her room. Next he look in Sky's office.

"Seen Beth anywhere she's not in her room?" He asked Sky.

"Nope, do you get the plan now?" he asked.

"Yes. I understand now."Alex said.

There was one more room he had not check and that's the closed door on the first room on the right. He opened it and Beth was cring on the bed.

"Baby, what's wrong?" he felt bad what had he done to make her cry.

He walked over and sat on the bed. He then pulled her into his lap.

"Baby, please don't cry." He hugged her tight. "Tell me what's wrong."

She was crying so hard that it was hard to talk. "I...I...I...don...don...don't want to...to...give...youuuuuu...up."

Give me up what was she saying. He told her they were getting married.

"Listen here, I told you; you were mine! And I will not let you off the hook about marrying me you here." He said in a stern voice.

"But the men I've kill that don't bother you?" She stared into his eye the hope of her heart waiting for an answer.

"Sweet little Prettybunnie, With your story I fell in Love with you even deeper. Not in my wildest dream could I find someone like you. To love for the rest of my life," he bent down and kissed her.

"Hey this is my room, you to love birds go gross out you own room. No one can come into this room ever again. " Sky came our of his office to get a drink when he noticed her room was opened. How dare they us his room for there snug fest.

Without saying a word Alex stands up and carries Beth back to their room. He would show her one more time, how much he really did love her.

This chapter was a little longer hope you enjoy.

IleneMaecreators' thoughts
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