
The forbidden room

Before she entered the room Yuerui picked up the files that fell on the ground. While putting them in the table she found a visiting card. It was a visiting card of a doctor. She didn't give any hid to it and left it in the table and went inside the room.

It took Yuerui a couple of minutes to understand her surrounding. When she entered the room the first thing that she noticed was the color of the wall. It was colored in sky blue. In comparison with the dull color of the office this color was really really bright.

The very first thing that catches the eye is the shelf filled with gaming CDs. The shelf was filled with every type of games. From action, horror to simulation etc.

Beside the shelf there was a computer set along with a play station beside it. Both the device was the upgraded ones. It was very natural for a guy to have these in his personal room. It would be like a haven for any guy.

Yuerui also has a liking towards gaming. So she found these really fascinating. She admired them.

She crossed the gaming station and moved forward. This was the thing she was not prepared for. She found another two shelf placed side by side.

One was filled with every single fashion and entertainment magazine. All of them had female model in the covers. She moved across that shelf and found another one filled with p*rn CDs.

It took Yuerui some time to figure out what was that. At first, she thought these might be movie CDs. But when she saw the cover she became so shocked that she ran outside the room hurriedly while saying religious verses.

"Oh my God..... What was that?" She was shocked.

'Is that what I am thinking it might be?' Yuerui thought.

'Let's take a look again.'

She again entered the room in tiptoe. She analysed the whole shelf and found out that it was filled with p*rn videos and were arranged alphabetically. 

After the shelf there was a BIG television setup with a couple of cozy sofa. These sofas can be modified into bed as well.

'That jerk must have been using this big TV for these.' Yuerui made a disgusted face while looking at the CDs.

After the television, there was a dead end. So she turned around to leave but found that there were some more space behind the open door. That space was hidden with a thick curtain. Curiously she went there and removed the curtain and she found another room.

It was more like a bedroom. The room was colored in dark and light blue. It had a cozy large bed. There is a small gym section at one corner of the room. At the opposite side of the gym there is a dressing table adorned with various types of skin care and grooming product for men. It had various hair styling appliances as well.

"Whoa..." Yuerui cannot but said.

The room also had a television and computer set.

At other side of the room it had a mini dressing room.

At the last corner of the room Yuerui found another shelf. She went near that shelf and found that the shelf was filled with pictures of the Kong family.

It was more like, every phase of Xianwang's life was projected there.

At the bottom of the shelf, it had the pictures of baby Xianwang. He was really cute that time and Yuerui must agree with it.

A cute little baby boy with cat like eyes are looking at you with so some admiration. More  like looks like a  baby tiger. You just wanna hold him and cuddle.

Then had the pictures of him when he was in highschool she guessed. Then some pictures with his little sister. At the top of the shelf actually most of the shelf was filled with Xianwang's present pictures.

'Arrogant' 'Dashing', 'Handsome', 'Cool' and of course pictures like a king. Which is actually in his name. "Wang!" [1]

But Yuerui noticed that there are some pictures hidden in these pile of pictures that she didn't recognize. It was a picture of a chubby, fat, and a nerd teenage boy.

In one picture the boy is wearing a check  T-shirt. He is also wearing a big round glasses and he is eating a big burger in one hand while holding another burger in another hand.

The same boy is found in another picture swimming and only wearing his pants. His belly fat were seen clearly.

Yuerui chuckled while seeing the pictures but also found them cute.

After the round of the room she came out and again her eyes fell on the shelf of that CDs.

"Pervert!" She murmured.

She leisurely left the room, placed the files at the door that were in the ground and left the door as it was then left the main building.


In the marketing department, Yuerui was thinking about the forbidden room. She was a little curious about that chubby boy. She had searched online and found that thei internet is filled with Xianwang's pictures but mostly are of his present time. There is not a single picture of him in his teen age.

'Oh crap! That means that chubby is none other than our B O boss!' Yuerui chuckled in her mind.

Also the thought of those CDs came in her mind.

'All men are same. Can't leave without p*rn!' Don't know why but she didn't like this thought.

'I mean, one or two of them can be neglected. But a whole shelf of them! OMG! That's really too much.' she thought.

"Wait a minute!" Yuerui suddenly stood up from her chair.

'All the CDs there were all of opposite gender. None of them was of the same gender.'

'But isn't he gay? Then shouldn't he watch those of the same gender. I mean he wouldn't feel anything seeing those on his shelf, right?' Yuerui thought deep in her mind.

Another thought crossed her mind.

'And yesterday and the other day, the way he behaves with me when I cover my face, he behaves just like a straight guy.' 

'But he also said to Si ying the other day that he is a 'gay'!'

'How can he be both straight and gay at the same time?'

Yuerui disheveled her hair being insane with her complex calculation. She loitered in the whole room for a while.

All of a sudden she stopped at the centre of the room.

"I got it." She said.

She thought about the visiting card of the doctor that she found at the table. She knew that he was a psychologist. So she came to her conclusion.

'Kong Xianwang has split personality disorder!'

[1]= King

I didn't want to write so detailed in this chapter. But somehow ended up writing this much.

I guess was having fun in writing this chapter.

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