
interfere me

I walked behind him and poked him and said " Kim Yoel " he turned and said " what" I went close to him and I went tiled up on my toes and I closed my eyes and kissed his lips without wasting and second and said " I like you " I smiled 😊😊😊 and waiting for his reaction as I was looking at him, he looked completely zone out as he was in shock 😳😳😳 and for a second I feel like did I said something wrong maybe I shouldn't have said it the I said " Kim Yoel " and I waved my hand to him and said " are you in your all senses.... hello " and finally he said " huh ??? hmm " and he turned back and started walking towards cloths and I was like is he is insane means I just confessed him and what kind of reaction is it huh ??? hmm , what was that he suddenly turned and said " aahhhhhhh Jessica " I was disappointed and he came happily and hugged me and said ". 나도 너를 좋아해 😘😘😘 ( nado neoleul joh-ahea 😘😘😘😘) ( I like you too 😘😘😘😘 ) " I said " huh what did you say " he said " just stay like this for a moment " he put his chin on my shoulder and from been there I can that hear his heart bounding very fast at the moment I hugged him 😊😊😊😊 I felt so warm and safe in between his arms that never want get out of that. Then he took his chin up from my shoulders and looked into my eyes and said happily 😍😍😍 " Jessica you don't know how long I was just waiting for this " and I was looking at him with a huge bright smile and he holds my neck and he closed his eyes and kissed my forehead and said " I'll promise you to keep a good care of you and I'll always protect you " you know what this is a kind of sense of feeling protectiveness I haven't felt in my life time and I just kept smiling as I was speechless 🤐🤐 he stop smiling and said " why aren't you are saying something " I said " I was enjoying your smiling face 😊😊😊 " he said " actually you know what my lips are missing your lips 😟😟😟 " I said " ohhh really 😏😏😏😏 " and he holds me my waist with his both hands and we closed our eyes and we were going to kiss buuuuuutttttttt some one knocked the door and we both back off and some one said " oppa unni can open the door " he rushed towards the washroom and I went to open the door I saw ji ah and ae-Cha was there with their blankets I asked " what happen " and they smiled and ji ah said " unni sorry to disturb you can we stay here " I was why do you want to then ae-cha said " unni there is a leakage in our room so can we share the same " I said with a bright smile 😑😑😑 " yah yah come in " and when they entered in the room ji ah said " unni why are you wet and why his room is like this " I looked back at the room the room was like the blanket was fallen near washroom gate the floor was been watery watery then ji ah asked " where is oppa " I said " he is using washroom " then ae-cha looked towards ji ah said " ohhh they both are hmmm 😏😏😏😏 " then said " what happen " they said " nothing unni " then Kim Yoel came out and gave a surprise reaction 😱😱😱 when he saw ji ah and ae-Cha then he asked " what happen " they said " our room started leaking " he was looking cute in the outfit which were given by the house owner I knew that I'm not gonna wear that dress , 😑😑😑😑 and they said " is it is Okh for you if we sleep here " he looked towards me as he was asking me about it and looked towards ji ah and ae-Cha and he said " no we don't any " then I sat on the bed and I said " I'm going for shower " I went to take and when I came out I found ha Rin in our room sitting next to Kim Yoel and talking and she waved at me I was like 😡😡 and she said " of you don't mind then can sleep her for tonight as my room started leaking so can we share this room " I was like what the fuck is happening with me and I said 😡😡😡 " hmm Okh " then ji ah said " unni why did you wear your 👗 dress I said " that was wet " she said " no no why didn't you wear the dress given by the owner " I said " just I didn't wanted to wear"then ha Rin said " aren't you all are hungry " I was like ohh I forget about eating and suddenly my stomach started growling and ji ah and ae-Cha said " unni's oppa let's call the owner and ask her for food then I said " I'll go to ask her " and Kim Yoel said " let me come with you she maybe can't understand what are you saying " then ha Rin said " oppa let me come with you you have a bad taste in food " then is said " if you both are going then go I'll stay here " they both agreed so easily 😵😵😵😵 I thought that at least Kim Yoel will say me to come but he just said Okh what's on this world happening with me 😵😵😵 then I sat on the bed and took out my phone hand started checking that if any notification or any msg I started looking for it and ji ah said " unni why did you came here " then I said " either I also don't know why m I here " then ae-cha said " unni you are of which company's heir " I said " what " then they said " no means isn't it's expensive to live here " I said " no it's not " then they again asked me " from which company you belongs to " I was about to say and ha Rin and Kim Yoel came I looked towards Kim Yoel and he was smiling looking towards me I was like what the fuck 😐😐😐😐is he is thinking 😲😲😲😲 is he taking me for granted I think it's too early then I asked to Kim Yoel " what did you say to the owner " and ha Rin started saying " we just said her to cook and she said she will take care of all the things " and we started waiting for the food and ji ah said " let me call that 3 also " she went to call them and I started looking at phone and ae-Cha snatched my phone like anything and said " unni stop looking at your phone " from inside I was like did she really wanted to die and from outside I was like Jessy control your self 👿👿👿👿👿 if she was not ji ah friend then I must have killed her up til now but I didn't loss the grip and I said " ae-cha give it back to me I have something important to do " she said " unni what is more important than oppa for you " I was about to say ji ah and they 3 came in the room I can't understand this when ever I was going to say something someone just jumped at that point of time to interfere me ..😔😔😔😔 then the room started becoming from a silent romantic to a fish market 😶😶😶😶😶😶 then ji ah spread the blanket on the floor and said us to sit down and they all sat down except me and ji ah dragged me down and said " sit unni it's gonna be fun " then ha doon suggested " let's play truth and dare " then I said " no let's play something else " and ae-Cha said " ji ah let's do a compatibility test of oppa and unni...

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