
Altair & Vega **

"Hmm..." Alaric looked satisfied seeing Aleksis' reaction, "You're not the only one who likes to watch the stars on a clear night."

"You too?" asked Aleksis. She could not believe that they apparently had the same interest. Alaric even bought a boat that allowed him to see the night sky like this.

Alaric nodded. "I always liked astronomy."

"I do too!" Aleksis exclaimed. "What is your favorite star?"

Alaric pointed up, "You see the Altair constellation up there?"

"Gosh...!" Aleksis turned to face Alaric and their faces became very close. The girl's face looked very surprised, "You also like Altair and Vega*???"

Alaric nodded.

The two stared at each other fixedly, in admiration, fascination, and happiness, finding one more thing in common. Apparently, they were both equally fond of the Altair and Vega constellations.

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