
Surprise At The Party (1)

The music played by the orchestra aired loud enough to be enjoyed but quiet enough so that guests could still chat with each other. Their faces looked very happy, and from the conversation she heard, Finland knew that this party had been awaited by Alchemists for decades.

"Let's go forward to meet Aldebar," Caspar said later.

Caspar took Finland across the room toward a small stage prepared for the host, and the sea of people present moved aside to give them way. When people saw Caspar holding a girl's hand, the atmosphere quickly became silent.

These guests had been coming to parties held by the Schneider family several times and they had never seen Caspar nor Aldebar bring a partner. Tonight's event was enough to make a lot of people curious.

Guests began whispering among one another.. Finland glanced towards Katia, and found that Katia was looking at her with a very surprised and hateful look. If a gaze could kill, Finland might already be dead…

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