

After the incident with team CRDL and Jaune, Mesa and the rest went to the rendezvous point. A while later, team CRDL appeared there with bodies covered with bruises thanks to Mesa. When Glynda asked them what happened, they said nothing of importance. So Glynda dropped the matter.

Everyone kept waiting as more and more students returned. It didn't take long before everyone was there with the exception of Jaune. Glynda asked his team about him " Where is your team leader? Why is he late?"

" W-we don't know " Pyrrha said with sad and lowered head

" You don't? You are his teammate, how come you don't know? " Glynda asked while frowning

" He ditched them and went with team CRDL, we didn't see him since then" Mesa was the one to answer.

" With team CRDL?" She was confused at this, she looked at Cardin who in return said " Well, he was with us a while ago. But he then separated, and went alone. We don't know where he went "

" You left mr Ark go alone in the forest? This is irresponsible, he lacks the fighting skills to protect himself " Glynda said sternly " And why he went with you in the first place? "

" He wanted to join them to play a prank on me which I didn't appreciate. So I threw him along the four monkeys over here into the distance" Mesa said coldly

" I will ask for more details later mr Uchiha " Glynda said narrowing her eyes at him. He didn't care and simply said " I would suggest you to start searching for him. You should find him before the nightfall "

Glynda nodded and said " Students! We have to find Mr ark, every team move in a direction and search for him, you are not allowed to separate …. " She stopped talking seeing Mesa walking away. She called him " Mr Uchiha, where do you think yourself going? "

" To Beacon, I'm not going to join the search " With that Mesa disappeared into a spiral.

Glynda was enraged by his behaviour, everytime she get in contact with him, he would make her extremely angry. Yang from the side spoke " Professor Goodwitch, don't be angry with Mesa. He is just angry at Jaune's behaviour from earlier. Actually all of us, Jaune deserved more a lot more than just being sent flying "

Glynda looked at Yang who had her eyes red, she then looked at the rest of her team and Jaune's team. All of them showed anger and disappointment. she started to wonder what exactly happened and what did Jaune do exactly. She decided to find out later, now finding Jaune took priority.

As Glynda continued given instruction to the students before starting the search, Mesa appeared in the distance on the top of a cliff. He looked down searching the forest for Jaune.

With his eyes, it barely took him any time to locate Jaune who was deep in the forest, Jaune was fighting with a bewolf, he was barely able to hold his ground. Jaune was staring at the grimm before him, he didn't know what to do. Suddenly Grimm started flying away crushing into the trees. Jaune looked at the grimm, which died instantly, then looked behind him to see Mesa standing there.

" M-Mesa …. I want to apologies. I was an asshole and ….." Jaune was trying to apologies to Mesa When the world started spinning around him.

Jaune who was standing in the middle of the forest a moment ago, was now in a weird place. It was dark and filled with some kind of squared pillars all around the place with different heights.

" Welcome, you are the first living person to enter her beside myself of course" Mesa sound came from behind.

Jaune looked at Mesa confused and asked " Where are we? "

" We are in my world " Mesa said calmly

" W-world??!!" Mesa's answered didn't help but to increase Jaune confusion.

" You don't need to bother with the details, just know we are in a very far place from Beacon" Mesa said. Seeing Jaune confusion he continued " Ignoring the whole background setup, and before I tell you the reason I brought you here for. Let me show you something " Mesa smiled at Jaune, his eyes changed to a new pattern that Jaune hasn't seen before. Mesa mentally said [ tsukuyomi ]

The world around Jaune started changing again. Before Jaune could realise or understand what happened, he was now in Beacon halls. He was confused at what is going on.

He saw few students walking in his direction, when they came close to him, they didn't change their direction or noticed him. He tried to go out of their path, but before he could they passed him, as if he was a ghost. Jaune widened his eyes and opened his mouth unable to understanding what is going on.

From the back, he heard Pyrrha sound " You guys can go, I will wait for Jaune". Jaune saw Nora and Ren passing him just the students from before, they didn't see him. Pyrrha who standing in front of Oobleck Office, started moving when she saw A second Jaune coming out with Cardin behind him.

Cardin Pushed the second Jaune and laughed then walked away. Pyrrha said with anger " I will really break his legs "

The second Jaune simply brushed it off. Pyrrha then pulled him to the roof. With the original Jaune following them.

On top of the roof, Pyrrha offered help for the second Jaune and tried to raise his morales, but he was just only a jerk who refused to be helped. Pyrrha retreated with sadness. Then Cardin showed up and blackmailed the second Jaune.

From there everything went exactly like what it happened with the original Jaune until the night before the trip. The original stood watching his second self listening to his teammates in shame. Suddenly the second Jaune was startled by Ruby, The second told Ruby a little about his suffering, Ruby encouraged him,raised his morales and helped him to believe more in himself more.

The scene changed again. This time, it was the second Jaune standing with Cardin and his team in foreverfall. Cardin ordered the second Jaune to throw the Jar at Pyrrha. The second Jaune in rare moment of courage refused and fought Cardin. It followed with the appearance of an Ursa and the second protecting CRDL team and beating the Ursa. The second Jaune stood there strong with pride like a hero.

The original Jaune stood there staring at everything confused. He didn't know what is going on. It didn't take long before the scene change again. He was training with Pyrrha, he was a lot stronger, faster and more skilled. Yet again the scene changed to see Pyrrha confession of love toward the second Jaune and their kiss.

The scenes kept changing, he watched this second jaune becoming a great hunter, marrying Pyrrha, Weiss and even Ruby. He was a hero acknowledged by all, respected by all.

He was the idol of all the young huntsmen and huntresses. He became then known as the strongest huntsman in history. He even became the headmaster of Beacon after Ozpin. The scenes kept changing and the time passing. The original Jaune watched years of life. Years of glory and all of that was a second Jaune. At the end, The second Jaune died with happy face surrounded by his children, grandchildren and friends.

Everything returned to the dark place from earlier, he saw Mesa standing in front of him smiling. Mesa asked him " What do you think of what you saw?"

" W-what was … that? What d-d-did you …. show me?" Jaune asked stuttering with voice filled with confusion, sadness and many other feelings.

" That was your future, if i didn't exist in this world. My existence destroyed your future" Mesa said while laughing. Jaune lowered his head in daze. It didn't take long before the rage and hatred filled him. He screamed " WHY! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!! "

" I don't like you that's why. You are nothing but a trash " Mesa cold with cold smile


" Oh, I see, you are angry at me. It's too late, your bonds, life and future are beyond saving " Mesa said and laughed maniacally

Jaunce went crazy in his rage and charged at Mesa who simply flicked his arm causing Jaune to fly backward. Jaune stood again with hatred filling his eyes. He wanted nothing more than kill that bastard in front of him.

Mesa laughed wilder at Jaune side and said " You know, I always believed I'm not a sadist, but now looking at you, I think I was mistaken. Do you know the funny thing about all of this? You hate me to the bones and want to kill me because what i showed you, the truth is what i showed you is nothing but a lie. Well for the most part though "

Jaune froze, what he saw was a lie? His mind was barely functioning. Mesa laughed at jaune further and said " Allow me to show your real future. This time I swear that what i'm showing you is nothing but the truth"

The world changed again, Jaune watched the second Jaune life again. He saw many things going like the first time. But he then saw the future, where Beacon will fall. He saw Pyrrha death and Yang losing her arms. And many more things. Jaune was horrified.

The world changed again, Mesa was in front of him, staring with serious cold face. He said " This is the true future. This what is going to happen. And I guarantee you, what comes after this is not pretty at all"

Jaune started crying, he didn't know what was right or wrong anymore. He was barely keeping his sanity. Jaune asked with madness " WHAT DO YOU WANT? WHY ARE YOU SHOWING ME ALL OF THIS?"

"As I said, you are a trash. From my point of view. The air you breath is wasted on you. I'm just taking out the trash. Just wanted you to understand your situation. Nothing personal " Mesa said

" YOU ARE CRAZY !! AND WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO? SAVE BEACON??!!!" Jaune screamed in madness

Mesa shook his head " I'm not crazy! I'm just bored. As for saving Beacon, who knows i might save it or might not." Mesa smiled evilly and looked at Jaune " I always believed helping the weak is foolishness, unless they worked to change their lives. Why should I try to help those who gave up on themselves. That is nothing but a waste of time and effort. So I came with my own answer. It is better to give them mercy by killing them. You are a special case, you are a weakling who is suffering, but you didn't try to change, yet you were forced to change by the help of others. So here I am, allowed you to see the truth before ending you once and for all "

Jaune tried to speak, but couldn't he was feeling pain in his chest and was unable to speak. He looked down to see his own sword stabbing his chest with his hands on the hilt of the sword. Jaune widened his eyes, he stared at Mesa in terror and confusion as if he wanted to ask when

Mesa understood Jaune's stares and said " I can create unbreakable illusions, you could never escape. Days within the illusions equal to a second here. So you say it, when do you think I did it"

Jaune gave mesa a look of hate, despair and anger And with that his eyes lost their light as he started falling down. Before his body could touch the ground, Mesa teleported him out of his dimension, sending him back deep into the forest.

Mesa smiled and left to the dorms, waiting the good news

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