
Gifts and Dates?

[ Alert! Host has received Scorch Release Bloodline ]

I sighed in relief 'Thank the gods that I didn't pull anything body modifying, I don't think I would have been able to handle that right now...'

'System integrate the Bloodline'

[ Affirmative host - You will be unconscious for the night ]

I blinked 'Thanks for the warning'

Then the world went black



I woke up at sunrise yet again

'At least I don't feel sore' I thought gladly

I lifted my hand up and focused on making a ball of scorch chakra

I did it after about 15 tries, and let me tell you...

It was hot

I just barely made the ball before most of the stuff around it burst into flames. I had to replace my favorite sheets from that...

At least the flames looked cool though. They were a bright orange color with a hint of purple on the outside of them and with a core of green throughout the ball - like tree roots spanning throughout the ground

I got up from the bed and went down to the kitchen, preparing myself for a morning of French Toast making

..But when I got down there I saw Konan and Kushina in the kitchenspace making some sort of soup or broth

I coughed "What are you two making?" they looked back at me

Konan smiled "We wanted to make breakfast for you since you had been training for the past two months-"

Kushina picked up the sentence "We thought you needed a break from making us breakfast everyday, so we decided to make you morning Ramen!" she finished off excitedly

So that's what the broth was... I smiled "Thank you, but you really didn't have to do that. I really don't mind making breakfast for you guys every morning"

The two girls just gave me a smile that could outshine the sun "We don't mind!" they each said in unison


I scratched the back of my head and grinned "Ah, Thank you I guess? What kind of Ramen did you guys make?" I asked them. Ramen isn't really a morning meal...

Both of them replied in unison again "Lemon and Seawead Ramen~"

..Please stop that

I drooled at the name and sat down at the table "Yes please~~" That sounded really good right now

They both grinned and gave me a bowl filled with the glorious yellow liquid

It was a basic Ramen, but the broth was perfectly clear with a yellow tinge to it. The noodles looked springy and tightly wound, while the seaweed wasn't too soggy and neither was it too dry. It smelled of a Lemony herbal tea

I lifted up my bowl and took a sip of the broth...

I'm pretty sure I moaned when it touched my tongue

The broth was really light, with just a hint of Lemon in it - Sort of like a Tea. The Seaweed really made the dish though, because it added the perfect amount of saltiness to the liquid.

The noodles were a whole different story though.

They were chewy and had just enough springiness, add on to the fact that these were cooked to perfection..

This had to be one of the best bowls of ramen in both of my lives

I started to devour the stuff while the two girls sat on either side of me at the table

Konan started it off grabbing my right arm "So me and Kushina were wondering-"

The redhead grabbed my left arm "-You know, you've been taxing yourself and training non-stop lately-"

"-So maybe, if you wanted-"

"-We could go somewhere-"

"With just the three of us?" they both finished off simultaneously

I blinked "Like a date?" I asked

They both blushed from head to toe in a 'Hinata' shade

"Well-" Konan started

"-If you wanted it to be that way-" Kushina continued

"-It could?" The bluenette finished off

I raised my eyebrow "Yeaahhhh" I said slowly "Why are you two speaking like that?" I was confused, they had never done that before

They both blinked at the question "Do you-" "Not like it?" they said in unison again

I sighed "No, I don't really mind, but you never used to do that before..."

They both pouted at me

I nervously scratched the back of my head "Fine, fine I wont question it" they grinned "But to answer your question - I would love to go out with the two of you" I smiled at them

Then they both smothered me in two bear hugs...

We were snapped out of our moment by Mito, and the two Senju brothers coming out of the stairway laughing their asses off

I glared at them "You know it's rude to eavesdrop on other peoples conversations right?"

They just started laughing harder...

I sighed in defeat "Fine do whatever you want..." I continued eating my heavenly ramen

It took a few moments for them to calm down from their laughter, and by that time the rest of the crew woke up and started walking down the stairs to eat

We were all sitting at the table devouring our ramen when-

'Hey system, show me the summoning scrolls in the shop please?' I asked

[ Hm? Oh, Sure Host

- Basilisk Contract - 20,000 MP

- Kraken Contract - 20,000 MP

- Hydra Contract - 20,000 MP

- Phoenix Contract - 17,500 MP

- Thunderbird Contract - 17,500 MP

- Chimera Contract - 15,000 MP

- Toad Contract - 10,000 MP

- Snake Contract - 10,000 MP

- Slug Contract...

~~ More ~~


'Buy the top seven contracts system' I told the thing in my head

[ Ah, Sure host ]

[ Buying Six Summoning Contracts~ Subtracting Cost from Balance~ MP Balance - 30,000 ]

I sighed 'Ahhh, that really put a hit on my MP but it was worth it'

"Everyone let me get your attention!!" Everyone stopped eating to look at me

"I have a few gifts to give out to some people here" I told them and they all gave me their undivided attention

I turned to Shinji - Who was still slurping away at his Ramen...

"Shinji!" he put his bowl down and looked at me, his mouth full still. I sighed at that

"The first gift is for you" His eyes widened and he looked me in my Rinnegan eyes

I pulled out the Basilisk Contract and he almost spilled all of the food he had in his mouth.

I set the scroll on the table

"This right here" Everyone examined the scroll "Is the contract for Basilisks. I thought you might like it, since your codename in Ame was 'Basilisk'" I chuckled a little

Something unexpected though, was Shinji suddenly enveloping me in a tight hug

"Thank you" He muttered into my neck

I just patted him on the back and he let go, grabbing the contract and looking over it

I smiled "Now then, the next one is for you Nanami" She grinned madly at that

I pulled out the Kraken contract and she went wide eyed before flying like a rocket into my chest

"THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!!!!!" I guess she was really wanting to study summoning contracts. I didn't even tell her what summon animal it was...

She let go and immediately started to look over the thing, running back to her lab downstairs

I just chuckled slightly at her antics

"Next one is for Kushina" I pulled out the Hydra contract "This is the contract for a special beast called the Hydra" Everyone but Mito, Hashirama, Tobirama, and Kushina went wide eyed at that "They are a type of reptilian creature - like my dragons - whom are multi headed. They breath a deadly type of poison and when one of their heads are chopped off - two more grow back" I explained to them

Kushina gaped at that and launched herself at me at an attempt for a hug - had I not dodged

"Sorry" I apologized "But I've had a bit too much of that for one day - I'm really sore right now too"

She huffed and took the contract from my hands before sitting down and looking over it like Shinji was doing

I looked to Konan "This next one is for you" She just gave me a nod and a smile

I took out the Thunderbird Contract "This is the contract for the Thunderbirds, a species of Birds who.. well uh... are kind of part electric" She giggled a little at that and took the contract from me before giving me a gentle hug

"Thank you for your gift, I appreciate it" she whispered into my neck

I hugged her back and she left to look over the contract like the rest

My next victim was Nagato...

"Nagato!" He was falling asleep in his bowl of Ramen. I sighed "I have a gift for you, ya dumbass"

He narrowed his eyes at me while I pulled out the Phoenix contract "This" I set the large scroll in front of him "Is the scroll for Phoenixes" His eyes widened ( A/N Give me some suggestions for how to say that better. I'm getting tired of 'His/Her eyes widened at this' and stuff) and he gently took the scroll from my hands - looking over the kanji to make sure it was real before saying a quick thanks and running upstairs

"Quick and sweet. That's why I love that kid" I muttered before turning to Minato

He looked up at me wide eyed "You're giving ME a contract???"

I just grinned and threw him the Toad scroll to which he caught greatfully

"That's a copy of the Legendary Toad contract, of which Jirayia has one of. Take care of it" I said to him

He nodded and ran off after Nagato. I turned to Yahiko

He seemed to have known it was going to happen because he was bouncing up and down in his seat like a kid in a video game and candy store right before christmas...

"What am I going to get? What am I going to get???" He asked me

I sighed a little irritably and pulled out the Chimera contract to which he squealed in happiness upon seeing

"This is the contract for the Chimera" He started to drool..."I thought you might like it, so I got it for you, here" I threw it at him

He almost didn't catch it - fumbling multiple times to catch the contract from the air for a few moments before he finally did catch it - clutching the thing closely to his small frame

"THANK YOU" He yelled running up the stairs after Nagato and Minato

The adults in the room laughed

"Where did you get all of those contracts anyway?" Tobirama questioned me

I looked over at the white haired man "The Dragon clan kept their contracts hidden from the outside world when the Juubi attacked - Didn't want to be bothered being summoned by the Sage to fight the thing, so they gave the contracts to the dragons for safe keeping. Decided a month ago or so that it was time for them to be taken up again and Kyou gave them to me" I explained and they all nodded

"Well, If you find anymore, be sure to keep them safe" Hashirama said winking at me "Don't want those points to go to waste now do we?"

I just chuckled while the others looked confused

"Yeah I guess so..."

( A/N [Writing this because the other note only has so much space] In case any of you are wondering because Hashirama has been summoned by the system - He has been debriefed by all of its functions and somewhat of Jack's past )

EDIT ; I cant believe I forgot about Minato...

I've never had Lemon and Seaweed ramen before

If you have, tell me what it really tastes like, because I have no idea whatsoever

Would you guys want to see the Team's stats? tell me!

I honestly love feedback because it tells me if I've made mistakes and where I need to improve. I started writing this for fun, but I actually want to try and Improve my writing for future series. This is the place where I can improve!

As always though, thank you for reading

Faveryycreators' thoughts
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