
The Great Regret.

"But we're a Crowned Dragon....." Ryūsei muttered.

"We're supposed to carry this great burden..." Ryūsei added.

"We're the only Elementalist who everyone relies on... We're the ones who're supposed to do everything to protect the Elemental World" Ryūsei added.

"That maybe true" Ryūshi happily said with a smile on his face.

"People do rely on us Crown Dragons, but we Crowned Dragons also have Elementalist who we can rely on" Ryūshi replied.

"Including you Ryūshi??" Ryūsei asked.

"Of course, Me, Your Grandfather Arashi, Faith Yin and even Akashino" Ryūshi happily said.

"We all had people who we rely on in the times of need" Ryūshi added.

"Wait even Akashino?!" Ryūsei asked as he was shocked of what he just heard.

"Surprised???" Ryūshi happily teased.

"Yes even Akashino relied on every Elementalist who participated in the war against Quintela a long time ago." Ryūshi added.

"Now Ryūsei let me ask you this..." Ryūshi muttered.

"Do you have someone who you can rely on??" Ryūshi happily asked.

"I-I-I don't know...." Ryūsei muttered as he hesitated to answer Ryūshi's questions.

"But I'll take your advice I'll stop doing everything all on my own." Ryūsei muttered.

"But I'm sorry I got last place in the first round..." Ryūsei muttered in a sad kind of tone.

"What are you so sad about??" Ryūshi asked.

"I'm proud of you Ryūsei, you did your best even knowing the odds you had were slim" Ryūshi happily said.

"Violet was so powerful the weird way she combine spells, the way she has more than 1 Elemental Art... Even using my ability was pointless" Ryūsei muttered.

"It wasn't at all pointless, Violet had already mastered the Synthesis Sage Art that your Grandfather Arashi taught her" Ryūshi replied.

"Synthesis Sage Art?? What is that?" Ryūsei asked.

"You clearly don't listen to your classes much do you??" Ryūshi happily teased.

"It's not my fault classes get boring..." Ryūsei replied.

"You and Akashino are really alike" Ryūshi teased.

"In the Elemental World we lived in there are about 6 Divisions that classifies each Elemental Art" Ryūshi replied.

"The first is the most basic one of all is the "Pure Elemental Art" which regular Elementalist use for example a Fire-based Elementalist using a pure fire spell" Ryūshi happily said.

"The second is the one we use Ryūsei, "Dragon Sage Art" which we Dragon Sages use where we combine our Elemental Art with Dragon Energy" Ryūshi added.

"The third one is "Synergy Sage Art" a rare type of Elemental Art" Ryūshi happily said.

"The only known Elementalist capable of doing this is the 1st Grand Elementalist, Akashino Shitetsu" Ryūshi added.

"What does Synergy Sage Art even do??" Ryūsei asked.

"Synergy Sage Art is a special type of Elemental Art in which an Elementalist combines 2 or more Elemental Arts to create a new Elemental Art" Ryūshi added.

"In short Synergy Sage Art is what you call energy combination" Ryūshi added.

"Synthesis Sage Art is a type of art in which an Elementalist combines 2 or more spells to create a fusion-based spell." Ryūshi happily said.

"Violet Ryūgū is an example of a Sythesis user" Ryūshi added.

"Next up is Demonic Art, A type of art in which the Demons who embody magic use..." Ryūshi muttered.

"What's the last one???" Ryūsei asked as he notices something bothering Ryūshi.

"The last one is a forbidden Sage Art in which must never be use in the Elemental World ever again" Ryūshi replied with a serious look on his face.

"Why?? Is it really that dangerous??" Ryūsei asked.

"The forbidden Sage Art is known as Chaos Sage Art, It's a forbidden type of Sage Art in which an Elementalist combines his/her own Elemental Art with Chaos Energy." Ryūshi replied with a serious look on his face.

"Is Chaos Sage Art really that dangerous???" Ryūsei asked.

"Yes, As this forbidden Sage Art is a gateway to death, It's the bridge between the Demonic Art and our pure Elemental Art." Ryūshi replied.

"This forbidden Sage Art was discovered and used by none other Stella Shitetsu, Akashino's wife." Ryūshi added.

"Chaos Sage Art is a type of art in which the user combines his/her own Elemental Art with Chaos Energy making the Elemental Art more chaotic and powerful." Ryūshi replied.

"Then why is it forbidden?? It's sounds so cool to use it-" Ryūsei asked but he was then interrupted by Ryūshi.

"Ryūsei... Chaos Sage Art is a double edge sword..." Ryūshi muttered.

"It's dangerous for both the user and the one who's fighting the user. If a person absorbs the Chaos Energy and there body can't handle it... They'll be petrified and their bodies will forever be turned to stone..." Ryūshi replied.

"You don't mean..." Ryūsei muttered as he couldn't believe on what he just heard.

"That's right, If an Elementalist manages to somehow expose themselves to Chaos energy.... They'll be petrified and their bodies will forever turn to stone" Ryūshi muttered.

"Even the user is at threat with Chaos Sage Art as well... if he/she is in a weak state and he/she manages to use this art.... He/She will petrify himself/herself." Ryūshi replied.

"Also the more you use this art the more your mind will be lost as this art also takes a great toll on our minds." Ryūshi added.

"As this art can lead as to insanity" Ryūshi replied.

"Is there anyone alive who uses this forbidden Sage Art??" Ryūsei asked.

"Why are you asking??" Ryūshi asked.

"I mean if Chaos Sage Art is that dangerous then the users of this Sage Art is a great threat to the Elemental World" Ryūsei replied.

"You don't have to worry..." Ryūshi muttered.

"The last user of Chaos Sage Art was sealed centuries ago..." Ryūshi added but it didn't took long for Ryūsei to analyze who was Ryūshi referring.

"You don't mean that... Ryūshi...." Ryūsei muttered.

"Quintela Shiori is the last remaining user of Chaos Sage Art..." Ryūshi replied.

"Ryūshi are you okay???" Ryūsei asked.

"Ryūsei, It's about time you know what threat you'll be dealing with someday" Ryūshi replied as he then suddenly a warp gate opened besides Ryūsei.

"Get in" Ryūshi said with a serious tone on his voice and both Ryūsei and Ryūshi then entered inside the warp gate.

"Where are we???" Ryūsei asked as they were inside a canyon with no presence of any life and the area around them was nothing but darkness.

"We're at the Dragon's Valley..." Ryūshi muttered.

"Wait isn't Dragon's Valley a forbidden place for Elementalist" Ryūsei replied.

"It is.... Do you know why??" Ryūshi asked.

"No, I just heard it from my father once that I should never go to this place" Ryūsei replied.

"Ryūsei, I want you to take a look around" Ryūshi replied as he then releases a bit of energy creating a light source for them.

Ryūsei then looks around and sees hundreds of Elementalist, Plants and Demons petrified.

"Ryūshi.... what happened here??..." Ryūsei asked as he couldn't believe what he just saw.

"This is the impact of what Chaos Sage Art can do to the Elemental World" Ryūshi replied with a serious tone.

"You mean Quintela did this??" Ryūsei asked.

"Yes, Hundreds of years ago... During the war, We had Quintela cornered with her Demons here on Dragon's Valley....." Ryūshi replied.

"But.... that's what we thought as that's the first and last time she used Chaos Sage Art....." Ryūshi muttered.

"She released an explosion of Chaos Energy and the ones who were caught within the explosion were petrified instantly" Ryūshi replied.

"This is the great burden I'm carrying.....

The lives I couldn't save.... I watch them helpless as there bodies turned to stone" Ryūshi muttered.

"This tragedy right here is a reminder to what Chaos Art can do to the Elemental World...." Ryūshi added.

"Ryūsei.....don't make the same mistake as we did hundreds of years ago....." Ryūshi muttered.

"Is there any way we can reverse the effect of Chaos Sage Art???" Ryūsei asked.

"Sadly no.... We even tried Jikan's time reversal spell and sadly it didn't do anything....." Ryūshi muttered.

"As there is still no way to purify even Chaos itself." Ryūshi added

"There is something that still bothers me...." Ryūsei stated.

"What is it??" Ryūshi asked.

"You said Stella Shitetsu was the one who discovered it..... Does that mean she also destroyed the Elemental World....?" Ryūsei asked.

"Stella Shitetsu used Chaos Sage Art to protect the Kingdom. It was Quintela who used the art to destroy the world." Ryūshi replied.

"Ryūsei, I want you to keep this tragedy a secret from everyone" Ryūshi added.

"Okay, But does anyone else know about this??" Ryūsei asked.

"Only the Crowned Dragons and a few Elementalist from the Sage Council know about this including your father" Ryūshi replied.

"I understand but why do we have to keep this hidden??" Ryūsei asked.

"Here in the current Elemental World there is only 5 division for the Elemental Art known to the public" Ryūshi muttered.

"As Chaos Sage Art was erased from the Elemental World but the scars it left behind had a huge impact in the Elemental World" Ryūshi added.

"If word got out about Chaos Sage Art, Then Elementalist would find ways to revive the forbidden Sage rt and the Kingdom and Elementalist that live there would be in danger once more." Ryūshi added.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone.... It's probably the best to keep this a secret from everyone" Ryūsei replied.

"We should probably head back, It's getting a little late" Ryūshi stated.

"Yeah, They might get too worried if we aren't home by sundown" Ryūsei replied.

"Can you wait here a second?" Ryūshi asked and he then approaches the people who were petrified during the war.

"Hey Guys... It's me..." Ryūshi muttered.

"Don't worry about the Elemental World...I promise till my final breath to protect the world you traded your lives for... I won't put all your sacrifices in vain" Ryūshi muttered.

"The person with me right now... He's the 4th Grand Elementalist... And I believe he'll be the one to end this war" Ryūshi happily.

"After all that's what Akashino, Me and the Crowned Dragons believed" Ryūshi happily said and he then approaches Ryūsei.

"Sorry to keep you waiting" Ryūshi happily said and he then opens a warp gate and both Ryūsei and Ryūshi entered the gate and soon as they entered they arrived at the castle.

They then went inside and they saw Yuki, Shizen, Shadow, Kayosha, Catherine, Kasai, Sora, Jikan, King Yogan and Violet eating at the table.

"D-D-Dad you're here and you to miss Violet" Ryūsei asked as he was shocked seeing the both of them.

"That's aunt Violet to you Ryūsei" Violet pouted.

"I'll forgive you this time since you don't know yet" Violet added.

"W-W-Wait!!! You're my aunt!!!" Ryūsei asked in shock.

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