

Dyzira watched them quietly. She had never been much of a talker. She kinda viewed herself as the female version of the silent mysterious Snake Eyes. She rolled her shoulders and tilted her head slightly, at the males antics. So eager to be the leader.

"Dyzira." She stated simply. The other two followed suit behind the one called Ember. She shrugged, rolled up to perch on the weapon, with a leap she would propel herself upward, using one of her feet to hook into the bow and send it into the air. She grabbed the edge of the wall, reaching out with her free hand to catch the bow by the tips of her fingers.

She sighed. She really should have thought this through. She placed the bow across her belt, before using her feet to work herself onto the top of the wall. When she finally stood she would wait, quietly, for the males, and fall in behind them, watching.

Her steps are carefully placed, faint and predatorlike. Walking across the bridge she didnt pause to think what the creature were or looked like. She raised her bow, and fired off the shots. Each, assisting in the take down of such creatures. As the continued on, Dyzira was hardly listening, as the male explained about the weaponry and the vehicle. Her eyes were focused on the dead researcher. She squatted, eyes fixed on the item hanging around the blood covered neck of the deceased. Well, what was left of it. Dynamic eyes flicked to the dead zombie like thing, before back to the researcher. Carefully she reached down and pulled a set of dog tags from the blood. Rising she looked at it quietly before tucking it in her pocket, and silently stepping over the body, to demon the group. Embers hand would shoot up, signaling them to stop. Instead she lifted her bow, cocking it. Carefully she would aim, and launch one of the kinetic arrows into the middle of the hall. A clean shot, momentarily lighting the hall.

What she saw made her snarl quietly, hands tightening on her weapon as she readied herself to fire again...

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