
Ch5: Boss Raid

I had a singular advantage that even a raid boss crawling up from the bowels of a post-apocalyptic city couldn't match. Nightmare, my beautiful flesh-hungry mare, was faster than the wind and had access to my chakra. Who needed roads when she could naturally cling to the sides of buildings with her hooves? Nightmare galloped through the crowd of undead as I smashed undead with a war hammer while she focused on moving. When the tentacles became too much, she galloped up the side of a building, mastering the skill I taught her.

My necromancy had crossed the 10 threshold, granting me an extra point in charisma and ever-greater communication with the undead.

"I will drown my hunger in rotten flesh and bone. Once this city is silent as a grave, I will move on to the next until this world is barren once more." The raid boss said.

"Not if I kill you first," I said and tossed a kunai backed with chakra.

Moments later, my MP regenerated. As I filled the city with fog and sounds of Nightmare galloping all through it.

"It has no taste. The flesh must be freshly slicked with living blood. We must kill this uncivilized thing."

"You who have scraped my skin taste my breath and know the pleasure of rotting in your shell. Rippen, so I may devour you."

Observe told me I was fucked.

Raid Boss

Beatified Goat Spawn lvl25


MP 350k


Baashful: Physical attacks cause double blunt damage.

Bleating: Sonic attacks deal triple damage and have a chance to summon infection spawners.

Eldritch Son: All Stats are increased under the starry sky by 3x.

Hit Boxed: Attacks that should miss stretch further than the eye can perceive.

Riad Boss: HP and MP receive additional x10 multipliers.

Cosmic Hunger: Regain health and increase stats with every undead consumed.

Kaiju: HP and Regeneration x10

Description: A poor little goat lost in the forest of a world like Earth; it only wanted to satisfy its hunger. Behind the gnarled tentacles, hungry mouths, and endless rows of yellow eyes is a cuddly black goat that only wants love.

Some of the kills we caused brought my level up to 25, technically completing my quest. Only Agency hadn't begun getting me out.


Gamer's Mind: The mind is protected from E-ranked Mental Attacks.

Gamer's Body: The body is protected from E-ranked physical disfiguration.

401k: Spells can be charged before released and will last twice as long as the Mana put into them.

Night Rider: 20% increase to damage while riding +1% for every enemy slain until dismounted.


Silver Tongue: Once a day, double your charisma score for a save.


Teacher: Impart skills onto summons and learn skills from them.


Mana Prodigy: Double lvl multiplier for MP


Researcher: Skills can prestige after lvl100.


Superior Mana: double mana regeneration


Scholar: Skills within the same theme gain more xp.

Atom Hyuga lvl25

HP 3250

MP 32.5k

STR 31

DEX 28

CON 13

INT 65

WIS 67

CHA 91

LUK 21

Looking at my stats, there was no way I could lay low when I got back. Who was I kidding? In a place full of shinobi, where information warfare was literally the name of the game, I didn't have a prayer. Illusion couldn't hide my still-growing chakra. Since chakra was a combination of spiritual and physical matter, I was thoroughly overpowered in the spiritual aspect. MP had to count for something, and I had so much chakra I barely knew what to do with it.

That was an advantage and disadvantage in my case. It meant that once I got my hands on jutsu, I could grow even stronger much faster, especially if I managed to make a skill out of it. On the other hand, any sensor could tell my chakra levels have grown by leaps and bounds. On the bright side, my chakra control wasn't too bad since I didn't have a tailed beast messing with my control.

Back to the problem at hand, I was a little bit befuddled. While riding, my kunai could do maybe 17k damage against an enemy with millions of HP. That didn't just sound like a losing battle; it wasn't even close.

If I drained my Mana dry, I could make 64 kunai and hit the monster for 1 million HP. That's if I didn't use any other illusions. My MP regeneration could potentially keep, but a raid boss wouldn't sit still as I cut its HP down a little at a time. While it only took a few minutes to recover all my MP, the raid boss wouldn't sit idly.

Tossing buildings on top of it wasn't really an option.

The monster stood up and twisted its massive goat head back and forth. Horrible yellow eyes searched for me while I sent illusionary copies to different buildings.

I managed to get the illusion skill that greatly enhanced my range. Even 25% through the class, I basically got it down in a few days thanks to constant use. This was basically a brutal crash course. Learning that a class was literally a class to learn how to be an illusionist was a bit of an eye-opener. Spells were more guidelines so long as I had enough Mana. Numbers weren't really that important either until I ran into something like this kaiju.

An explosion rocketed through the city as one of the massive skyscrapers bent unnaturally before falling. I canceled out my fog. With heavy breaths, I started launching my barrage of kunai one after the other while my MP drained. Faster than a throw per second, I watched my MP bar as I threw more like a pitching machine than shinobi.

My body rocked as Nightmare jumped to the next building, as tentacles wrapped around the building and crushed it. At the same time, the pupils of the yellow-eyed goat moved in my direction. No amount of illusions deterred it while I flung kunai after kunai at it.

"You are not human, are you. I sense a fellow connoisseur within your eyes. Why fight me, fellow traveler? Many more worlds are teaming with food. This plane has nothing that you could want left." The raid boss said.

"I've come for you; why else would I be here," I said.

The goat's massive horned head cocked to the side. Matted fur shifted like tentacles before stopping to appear like the desiccated branches of a long-dead forest. The eyes of the beast glowed for a moment before the beast turned more of its eyes on me.

"No world tree feeds on the physical or spiritual distorting this timeline announcing your dominance. I sense none of your chakra is devoted to techniques to twist my own form. We have never met, nor have I wronged any of your kin. So, what do you want from me that you would assault my mind with your spirit." The goat said.

We landed on a building, galloping up as the tentacles followed, propelling the creature up toward me. From its mouth, purple miasma sprayed out in a ghastly cloud of undeath. My kunai continued to fire, digging into the mob's flesh as Nightmare barely stayed out of range. The monster that fed on rot and ruin was on our tail, and we were running out of building to ascend.

I stood up on Nightmare's back and paused in my throwing as she stepped onto the building's roof. We were trapped, and the black goat's young rose up and surrounded us with tentacles that quickly formed into a wall of sharp stakes dripping with miasma. A single prick could transform me into an undead, and the monster would quickly devour me afterward.

Fighting wasn't going to cut it. This monster was too large, powerful, and alien. It clearly didn't understand our motive for being here or how it was being used by the system as a test dummy.

I greatly disagree. Your test has yet to come; this is merely lesson 2 of 5 for this semester. Though I will admit so far, you've scored 80%. You could leave right now and pass with a B.

I activated Silver Tongue and felt that for this one action, my charisma was practically doubled.

A breath escaped me as I stared up at the mass of tentacles, flowing black fur, curled goat horns, and yellow eyes. Its neck bulged with a mass of wiggling flesh more like a crop than the stomach of a goat. It looked at me with fierce eyes as its massive hooves crashed through concrete to grip the metal frame of the skyscraper.

"You are the perfect creature, beautiful, powerful, and great. I came to this world because I wanted you to be mine. For too long, you have slumbered, bored, only existing to satisfy hunger but never truly living. Join me, and I will give you life." I said, unable to stop the words pouring out of my mouth no matter how they sounded. "I propose something more than a mere partnership. Will you become my nuclear option and destroy civilizations upon my call like the amazing mighty force I know you can be?" I said.

My skin practically glowed from both my embarrassment and the sheer amount of charisma bleeding off me. 182 points in CHA was far more than merely double 91; in reality, it was closer to 8 times my current charisma.

Wow, you seduced the raid boss. That means you don't get any drops from it. Still, you know eldritch horrors like this one don't have genders or concepts of genders. Not to mention, its breath literally smells like an entire city's undead population. Are you sure you want to kiss that? Not to mention, it's not really an animal, plant, or dead thing; it's a spawn of the black goat. This thing is young, and it will grow significantly more powerful than you can comprehend. This early stage in its life was the only time it could be killed outside of its mother or another higher entity.

The mass of undead bulged before creeping below the raid boss's collarbone, vanishing completely. It opened its mouth, revealing a mass of sucking tentacles and insanity. My Gamer's Mind threatened to crack at the sight.

"You came here for that. Of course, you showed me that you could damage me and led me up here where you would be the center of my attention." All the being's eyes were on me. Never before had I felt so small. "Flatterer, using terms from other dimensions to impress me will get you everywhere. I can sense that the Nightmare you ride is kept intimately close. Will you welcome me into the depths of your mind? I'm quite a bit girthier than a horse. I hope you can handle me; while you might not be a virgin, be careful; it's my first time." Tentacles caressed my skin, warm, wet, and covered in fluids. "I see you're wearing protection, but let me add one of my own."

New Perk

Eldritch Truth: Handle digitized eldritch abomination captured inside your mind. +1INT for every Eldritch Mob Captured.

That is why eldritch beings are dangerous, and let this be a lesson even my power isn't absolute. I'm running a scan to make sure nothing goes wrong with your new perk. Once you digitize the Raid Boss, you'll return to your body and wake up for your first day. Silver Tongue will also start its 24-hour cooldown.

"I know we'll do great together," I said and used my spell.

Slowly, the eldritch abomination transformed into data before flowing into me. Once it was gone, I returned Nightmare and sat down to look over the city. This was just the start of what promised to be a long and eventful adventure. An eldritch, even young, was going to be a lot of trouble.

Shinobi could store tailed beasts, but could they do the same with eldritch abominations. Without my gamer's mind, I would have gone insane, and without my gamer's body, the miasma would have turned me into an undead.

New Perk Awarded

Shota Transformation: x10 skill learning speed, 1/10[sup]th[/sup] stats, x10HP and MP regen. Toggled through the skill Phantasmal Form.

New Skill Awarded by system and learned from Beautified Goat Spawn.

Phantasmal Form lvl1: Alter the shape of your flesh. Transformations are default.

Suddenly, I felt immeasurably weaker, and even my chakra pool shrank to an unbearably low level. My already weak constitution was even weaker. If not for my level, I would be in trouble.

Don't forget to check out my other work on here Angels and Monster Girls. Check out my patreon too I have some good stuff there. I'm thinking about only putting my Agency Gamer Lemons on patreon first but they will be free.

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