
You are fired!

Beyond the knowledge of mankind, higher beings similar to god resided over the unapproachable realm of celestial. In the eyes of a human, it was as the light blinked in many colors making undescribable beautiful spectacle using the knowledge of man, however, if people could transcribe what really happens, the holy image they dreaming about would be shredded into many many pieces.

" What's the meaning of this?" Anshar asked

" It's our decision Anshar. Your term as a CEG is terminated." One of the gods answered

"Really? My share in this planet was over 51 percent, according to universe law my term could not be terminated." Anshar smugged with a triumphed looking grin.

"No, your term is really terminate. Dear, your share is not 51 percent. It is our share that was 51 percent." A female god answered Anshar, she was Kishar, the mother earth, a wife of Anshar, the father sky.

"Now that I could not stand to tolerate with your wrongdoing, I too want you to step down and should repent for your unfairness and nepotism as a god." Kishar coldly told Anshar, for Anshar this was like Kishar adding insult to the injury.

"Why?" Anshar asked.

"Let me have a word in this. First, You are accused of supporting the human race in their genocide against the Yaksa race. Second, you are accused of saving the mortal life who on the verge of dying in a natural way without taking any repayment and without considering the deeds of a said mortal. Third, You are accused under the charged of stealing a soul from another world without consent from the executive gods of said planet." A beardy god said.

"Shut up Marduk, you are but a greenhorn here, there is no place for you to talk." Anshar tyranny ignored Marduk word, he then accused other gods of their wrongdoings too.

"Are all of you really dare to try and banish me from my seat? You hypocrite! Aren't all of you at one point in time favor some mortal and give them help." Anshar furiously asked.

"Please stop this Anshar, it's just a little break why don't you calm down and go to rest for maybe 2-3 century? Or you could go and rest for another millennium if you would like?" The older god Lahamu tried to pacify Anshar.

"Forget it, we will meet at the court. Mark my words, this will not end that easily." Anshar glared at every god in the meeting room and for a brief moment stared at Kishar then walked out of the room angrily.

After he left the room, Kishar mobile rang, she then opened it and found Anshar massage for her.

"I will sleep at, my friend, Zeus's place for a while.

Ps. Tell them to prepare themselves."


In the mortal realm, in Noseth continent. It was the sixth month since the coronation of David. David started on mega projects that were postponed before, starting with the universal library that would serve as the central library worthy of his empire.

Although the motives for building it were not sure whether to be the universal library dedicated to the great god Light bringer or the attempted to comfort Alexandra the book-loving queen who also David companion since the life of an adventurer.

The library of Xining would be the newest, largest and sure to be most significant libraries of the known world, the library which the emperor also carefully select one of his queens to oversee the building project himself. The reason why the library was granted very normal names was a rumor in the capital that either the queen opposed to the original names "the library of Alexandria" out of embarrassed or the revelation from the dream emperor received that the library would be burned to the ground was unknown.

In this newly opening Library, the garden outside was neatly decorated in the simple yet elegant, while the inside the rows of books could be seen after people walked past the central gate. The librarians of this library boasted that at this library between 70 to 80 percent of all works in existence contained here.

Whether the librarian word was true or just overexaggerate, everyone that had a chance to visit this place seems to believe that if some knowledge was worth in its existence this library would contain it. However, this was not an easy thing to accomplished, around ten thousand workers busily were those who made this miracle happen, even when the library was open in the back of the library there were a thousand of scribes to record and rewrite. This was not included those number of uncountable craftsmen to transform those words into the mold, blacksmith to make the movable printing block and the printing press, ink makers and etc..

David allocated many of literacy worker for this building, not only to collect and arranged the books but also in order for the new books to be made. One of the most important for those scribes were to record and write the story of David and his companions in details but that does not mean that the summarized version was not made it was just not in hurry. The summarize version was instructed to be short enough to read easily but plenty enough to cover what needs to know since the summarized version was predetermined to be used in compulsory education throughout the empire by using public schools.

Another building project at the capital was the bronze statue of David since the people started to change most of their tools from bronze to iron, David then ordered to confiscate the bronze weapon of his vassal mostly those of demihuman tribes.

The monument was proposed to be done in honor of his victory over the Lanka Yaksa tribes confederations, but there was a debate over the type of monument and then the form of said type. The argument was put on the shelf during the war with the northern alliance, but now that the country was at peace the project then was repropose by some of the noble.

At the granite base of the statue, there was a memorial word engraved using the new term of date counting in the glory of his reign.

" The statue of David Shihuangdi,

First Emperor of Sacred Ramale Empire,

Ruler of Noseth the middle continent,

Ruler of Lanka the south continent,

Ruler of Elves, Dwarves and all Demihuman,

Born 45 BCE - "

Since he was still alive the death date was not yet engraved, as for the term common era was used to distinguish the era that Noseth was unified under the leadership of one man. David still had other titles that some were not important like before or obsoleted as all the whole continent fell under his rule, for example; Grand duke of Commonwealth of the lake, chief of the western nomadic tribes, consul of Ramale republic and etc. Or those that he received after the great deeds, such as; Hero, Archwizard, Champion, Giantslayer. However, the list would be too long so only the important ones were engraved on the stele.

Well, surely for this long list of achievements, David destroyed a lot of enemies, therefore made a lot of grudges too.

Sorry for my spelling and grammar mistake.

Hope you don't mind.

patsahascreators' thoughts
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