
Practice Time

I always go to the Konoha library to study everything that i didn't get it then i see Sai, he is reading books about human emotions, how to interact with them, etc. Naruto is depressed and daydreams at Konoha Park, i and he argue about why Sai come together with me, i advise him to study more, etc.

Sai suddenly says he wanted to get along with us, he wants to call us by nicknames or pet names, Naruto tells him let it come natural. Just like story he will call us with weird nicknames, when he calls especially about me. I am little angry and amused by him.

In the room of hospital Kakashi greets Sai, Naruto describes the situation of last mission. He knew it from Yamato, so he make a plan to make us stronger. "although I am stronger than anyone because i concealed it", i thought. Kakashi says this plan is only suited for Naruto, he also says Naruto will surpass him. He will make Naruto create new powerful ninjutsu.

"It's not like some character in a novel, you can't get stronger in just a few days. it won't be like pre-existing jutsu like Rasengan that we can break down and work on in simpler stages." Kakashi said. Asuma team comes to visit, Ino whispers to me that Sai is cute and cool like Sasuke. I respond to her that he is but a emotional numb. "Lady Tsunade told me what happened with Sasuke. Next time something comes up, i help too... especially now that bothersome chunin test is over" Shikamaru said, Naruto responds with thanks weakly.

Asuma and Kakashi talk about something, we all go to barbeque shop to eat together. Shikamaru don't come with us cause there is urgent need. Ino wants Choji to self introduce, Sai almost make Choji angry but luckily Naruto prevents it.

Next morning Kakashi will train Naruto to create a new powerful jutsu, he tells about chakra nature and chakra form. He explains his Chidori and Rasengan, Naruto is very excited for chakra nature concept. Naruto listens carefully Kakashi teachings, the point of training is the advantage of S ranked ninjutsu upgraded from Shadow doppelganger : Multiple Shadow Doppelgangers. He say it can shorten the amount of training time you'll need.

"The art of Shadow Doppelganger create actual copies of oneself not just ilusions like original one. When you release the jutsu and you're back to just you, whatever all your clones have experienced is deposited in your own memory banks" he said.

Naruto is confused by his words, Kakashi tells Naruto doing the same move and finally he understands. Kakashi asks Yamato comes to help surpass nine tail, he also explains about 5 elements of ninjutsu and take chakra test paper to check Naruto chakra. It's wind chakra and Naruto training is begins now.

I Haruno Sakura also begin to strengthen my unique arts, from each aspects of eight trigrams to attack, defense, evade and sealing. I don't forget about body skills, medical jutsu, power burst and sword. If i don't forget around this time Asuma will be killed by the duo undead Akatsuki, I already make spiritual mark on Asuma to teleport fast and to rescue him with searching by spiritual sense. Why i do this because i have in debt to Kurenai for teaching me genjutsus.

I have created so many derivative jutsus from all basic C ranked and D ranked ninjutsu. I quitely happy about my training progress. I also remember about Jiraiya will be killed, i will save him to not make Master sad just like in the story. I am sometimes helping in the hospital for deepen my knowledge foundations and also pass the time. In home i talk with parents, go to shopping with Hinata, Ten-Ten or Ino when they're not in the tasks.

I sense the movement of Master is get the information from the monk of fire temple about Akatsuki, she assemble the teams to strike the duo undead. I will prepare to intercept anytime in this moment, my simple plan is using shadow doppelgangers, teleport them and kill undead duo as fast as possible.

Naruto training progress is cutting the waterfalls completed. He, Kakashi and Yamato go to eat in ramen shop, i still do hospital works and sometimes sense about Asuma's position. Naruto's next step is to combine chakra nature and chakra form, adding chakra nature into Rasengan.

I already can do these chakra nature and form such as chakra sword, chakra bullet and element attacks, etc. Naruto continues to trying combine but because he is too anxious, nine tail chakra appears, Yamato immediately supresses that chakra.

Naruto is still in process of combine chakra nature and chakra form. Like in the story Kakashi gives the clues again so Naruto can finished it. Naruto is using other 2 doppelgangers to create a new powerful ninjutsu, one is for inject chakra nature and the other is maintain chakra form. this idea is brilliant for the unique of Naruto's thinking. The prototype ninjutsu must been trained all the time to be completed perfectly.

Hope enjoy this chapter

steelgraycreators' thoughts
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