
You Owe Me

Zhao Moyao's eyes flickered with surprise. He finally saw her as a grown woman. In his eyes, she had always been that stubby child reaching her arms up for his hugs. Even when she became an adult, he still viewed her as a kid. He thought he would forever see her like that, but today, she proved him wrong.

She was not that weak little girl anymore, crying herself to sleep, letting the words of her peers affect her. She was finally strong now, strong enough for her to fight her own battles.

Zhao Lifei spoke up, "Old Master Yang has a fondness towards Su Meixiu because he believes her family's lineage will help train the men of the Underworld, but our lineage can keep them out of trouble shall they ever have a run-in with the government or police. He likes her because she's not a weak woman, she can defend herself."

Zhao Moyao was shocked to see she had thought about the situation to this extent.

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