
Chapter 5: The Botched Plan

Commander Alfa suddenly rushed to the front with a bunch of knights, fighting the last of the first phalanx.

"Stop! You idiots! Stick to the damn plan!" I shouted to no avail. I cursed under my own breath, whistled and ran to Adam and jumped on to the saddle as quickly as my body could.

"Fools! Stick to the plan! We are going to push all the way to the mountains today and secure the garrison town again." I berated at the soldiers. The second, third and fourth phalanx had merged changed it's formation to a Testudo formation, as if preparing for the same defence strategy .

"Shit! Alfa! Gather the men and return to base immediately! Get a messenger out to Darling to flank then upon the black signal flare! I'm going to inform the Trebuchets to change the projectile and the counterweight!" I did not have time to inform Captain Klein the change in plan.

" Change the projectiles to the heavy boulders! we have incoming! Three shots at 400 meters and wait for the black flare. Then light the boulders and fire 600 meters. Torch the forest!" I instructed the trebuchet crew.

" All knights mount up! Get your spears and upon firing the black signal flare, we will charge towards the Garrison on the mountain. Unit 32 will ride the mountain pass to the top. Unit 72 take the back route to the village and be on defence. Unit 23 will take the front lead. Unit 77 on the right! Unit 8 will take center. Unit 6 to the left! And lastly 66 as rear guard. Fan out and if you see any enemies, just stab and move on. Do not dismount to engage until we reach the garrison! Darling and Klein will join center ranks! Unit 13 will be the advanced party to inform Darling and Klein!" I informed the men.

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